April 11, 2004

Passion back at #1 is Fine, Disney taking a bath is even better.

Well, granted, I did call it, but it didn't really come as too much of a shock that Passion took the box office tickets over the weekend this week. It has been 3 weeks since it was the No. 1 movie and was #5 last week, to reclaim the spot this week. Paul Dergarabedian, head honcho of Exhibitor Relations (those are the people that track box office numbers) said "That’s unprecedented. I’ve never seen that before. ’The Passion’ is just rewriting box-office history”. Good for that.

However, in even funner news this weekend, we got to watch a movie that Disney poured 100 million dollars into, rake in less than 10 million in its opener. "The Alamo" was originally supposed to be directed by Ron Howard and cost about 135 million, but they went with the man from the helm of Disney's "The Rookie" to save money. -- Who knows if that was a good move or not, although, having Ron Howard certainly would've kept it from being this much of a bath. I'm not a financial advisor or anything, but with Home on the Range not pulling in huge, the internal fiascos, the closing of the 2-D departments, and general over-all laggy public opinion (as far as I know) - Disney can't afford to lose millions and millions of dollars.

It sounds rather funny, but it's actually true -- at least until Disney gets its act together -- if they want to save a SICK amount of money, maybe Disney should stop making movies. -- .. No really. - Think about it.

Posted by John Campea at April 11, 2004 06:58 PM


Unfortunately Disney looks like they will still make a few bucks on June's "Around the world in 80 days" so its likely that they will still make movies.

Some people never learn. Disney shows them how to do that.

Never Ending Story 2 is on TV right now. I think I am in the mood for a good laugh.

Posted by: Rodney at April 11, 2004 07:02 PM

Early word on the asian film message boards is that 80 Days is horrible ... everybody's pretty much praying that Jackie just goes back to Hong Kong and stops making Hollywood films ... everything he's made here other than the Rush Hour and Shanghai films have been pretty awful ...

I read somewhere that Cineplex alone had 400 screens booked by church groups for easter screenings of the Passion ... that's pretty much enough to push it back into first in Canada all alone ... I imagine the situation was pretty much the same in the US.

Posted by: Bubba at April 11, 2004 07:08 PM

Wow ... Home on the Range is taking a bath, too. $27 mil with the take dropping off dramatically aint so good on a labor intensive cel animated film ... Disney's gonna have a baaaaad quarter.

Posted by: Bubba at April 11, 2004 07:15 PM

Nah, there's no reason for them to stop making movies. The profit on their straight-to-video crap alone (Atlantis: Milo's Return??) guarantees that they shall continue to make movies until the end of time.

Posted by: drew at April 11, 2004 08:16 PM

But did anyone really expect "Around The World" to be any good to begin with?!?

Posted by: opus at April 11, 2004 10:46 PM

Bubba, yeah. I saw such a church group at The Grande Friday morning. Perhaps they went to see it instead of having a service? I can only assume.
However, I did see Walking Tall. Not bad. Not as good as The Rundown but I think Dwayne Johnson's getting a good thing going here. Let's get him some better scripts and we're golden.
80 Days?!!? That's too easy. Shanghai Knights really wasn't that good either. Donnie Yen deserves better than the hand that has been dealt to him with western movies [SK2 & Blade 2]. I watched Once Upon a Time in China 2 yesterday and watched some real kung fu btn Jet and Donnie. Which was incidently brought over by Columbia/TriStar, the same group reported buying up the rights for the follow-up to Hero before Miram-AXE could get their grubby hands on it.
Miram-AXE and Disney deserve their fates!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at April 12, 2004 09:24 AM

Ahhh... "Once Upon A Time In China 2"... the way a Donnie Yen movie should be.

Posted by: opus at April 12, 2004 10:38 AM

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