April 07, 2004

New Projects From Mike Mignola and Bruce Campbell!

Ah, the irony. As soon as I go running down the caliber of the Sci Fi Channel's in house productions they go and announce these two gems:

Hellboy creator Mike Mignola's Amazing Screw-On Head is being adapted into a half hour comedy with Wonderfalls' Bryan Fuller producing. Now Wonderfalls didn't blow my mind, but it was certainly well written and had an interesting premise, so Fuller's presence makes me think happy thoughts. The real star here, however, is absolutely Mignola. Good as the Hellboy film is trust me when I say the books are even better. Mignola is an utter master of his craft and I am very much looking forward to seeing what shape this thing takes on.

bruce.jpgThe pants-wettingly good news, though, comes in the form of The Man With the Screaming Brain, an original film to be written, directed and starred in by the Invincible Chin himself, Mr. Bruce Campbell. Sure, Campbell isn't exactly known to the masses, but to those of us who wallow in cult movie obsessiveness Campbell is a god among men. No idea what this is actually going to be about, but it stars Bruce Campbell. And it's got a Screaming Brain. And that's good enough for me.

Posted by John Campea at April 7, 2004 04:44 PM


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