April 30, 2004

New Arthur Trailer ...

Hey ... apparently we've attracted somebody's attention because we're starting to get unsolicited mail from official press-types ... John-Boy, you may want to throw a contact email link or two on the front page to make it easier for people to solicit our affection.

Anyway .... I'm not a huge fan of Antoine Fuqua as a director so I haven't been following his upcoming Arthur film particularly closely. That said, I know a good number of people who ARE looking forward to it quite a lot and for you I present this trailer. It's one of two tv spots (the longer and better one) that were forwarded to me by a press type presented in glorious Quicktime. Yes, I know you sent it in one of those other formats too, but QT's really the only thing worth using for movie trailers so I like to pretend those other formats don't even exist unless I'm given no choice. So, with no further ado:

Lo-res here.
Hi-res here.

Posted by John Campea at April 30, 2004 11:31 PM