April 15, 2004

Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 is Nearly Complete

Sure to ruffle more than just a few feathers is Michael Moore's new documentary "Fahrenheit 911", which is whsipered to be released sometime this year before the 2004 elections. On Michael Moore's home page, he says that for the past few weeks he has been behind studio doors finshing the movie's editing and other finalizing stuff.

Fahrenheit 911 will focus on the issues in the Bush family that has been kept well away from the media - namely those issues that tie the Bush family with the Bin Laden Family in terms of oil, business and billions of dollars. Better put, in Variety magazine, Michael says of the film: "The primary thrust of the film is what happened to the country since Sept. 11 and how the Bush administration used this tragic event to push its agenda,"

I must admit, after doing some research into the matter, there's some stuff in George's yard that looks seriously questionable. Apparently, one of the first studios to offer to distribute the film was contacted by the White House themselves "humbly requesting" that they not distribute the film. This fact is a little fuzzy for me, I really should be looking it up again just to be sure. Either way, the distribution rights are now being carried by Mel Gibson's 'Icon Pictures' which won the bid for the movie last March.

Posted by John Campea at April 15, 2004 05:25 AM


In the interest of the other side-


It's a movie in development. America may or may not be the greatest country in the world (as the promos attest), but it probably isn't full of redneck gun nuts like Moore claims either.

Posted by: Evil Corporation at April 15, 2004 09:03 AM

Depends how you're defining 'redneck gun nuts'. I was in Chicago when Clinton passed his anti-assault gun law (which was really pretty toothless) and the outcry against the law was pretty shocking from a Canadian perspective. Compared to other western countries the US definitely has a hard on for their assault hardware.

And whether you agree with the guys conclusions or not you can't really argue with his facts and stats. I mean, think about it: he's making a film about the current president's family and their ties to the Bin Ladens. He'll get sued well into the next century if he can't back up absolutely everything he says with hard facts.

And Moore would say he does what he does out of love for America, not hate. Actually, he does say this quite often.

Posted by: Bubba at April 15, 2004 11:00 AM

Actually, Day-Vuh, it was Icon that dropped the film. They were the initial production house but bailed when Bush made a call to Mel Gibson and asked him not to do it. Democracy in action?

Anyway, far as I know Miramax is handling it now.

Posted by: Bubba at April 15, 2004 11:02 AM

Ah.... Okay, I knew it was one of those. Someone had dropped it and someone else had picked it up.. at 5:00am, I couldn't be too concerned with researching the whole thing.. maybe that's bad...

Posted by: Day-vuh at April 15, 2004 11:45 AM

Michael claims to love America, but he loves money more.

His first two films, especially the last one, were loaded with distortions and inaccuracies. Nobody expects this one to be any different. I don't worry about him affecting any outcomes because his reputation preceeds him -- he's just playing to a niche market, a good old American capitalist after all.

Nobody who pays to see this would've voted for George anyway.

And, FWIW, co-opting a Ray Bradbury title offends my sensibilities and doesn't say much for his originality.

Posted by: Wayne at April 15, 2004 11:55 AM

Wayne: he's made three features before this one. One would expect a sentence criticizing someone for inaccuracy to be realtively free of inaccuracy itself. But no.

Posted by: Bubba at April 15, 2004 12:05 PM

You misspelled "relatively."

I don't care how many movies he has made. If I did I would've looked it up.

Posted by: Wayne at April 15, 2004 01:59 PM

George Bush claims to love America, but he loves money more.

His last two speeches were loaded with distortions and inaccuracies. Nobody expects the next one to be any different. I don't worry about him affecting any outcomes because his reputation preceeds him -- he's just playing to a niche market, a good old American capitalist after all.

Nobody who votes for Geroge Bush would pay to see this movie anyway.

And, FWIW, co-opting his father's 1990s stance on Iraq offends my sensibilities and doesn't say much for his originality.

Posted by: T.Malone at April 15, 2004 03:53 PM

Wow. That was genius. You can stay.

And comment more.

Posted by: Day-Vuhl at April 15, 2004 06:34 PM

Thanks :)


P.S. This site makes me happy - keep up the good work!

Posted by: T.Malone at April 15, 2004 07:01 PM

That was genius? Just use the "replace" button on Word, and you can do the same. Besides, Bush-rage is SO 2003...

Michael Moore's undoing will be his enjoyment of playing fast and loose with the facts in order to fit his premise. Check out http://www.bowlingfortruth.com, or the more independant Spinsanity.org if you want some balance to the picture. As expected, Moore edited the crap out of some comments, facts, and staged events that should keep him from being taken too seriously by many.

I know nothing personally about the author, but if Moore is scared enough to make a "wacko attako" page about his critics (which is in classic defense mode: attack, name-call, deny, twist words, attack, repeat) I'm guessing someone hit a nerve.

I don't think Moore has to worry about being sued, even if he wanted to prove Bush is a closet Democrat who wanted to fund Air America with a 100% gas tax. I'm guessing Bush (and most other high profile people of any persuation) knows that suing someone who disagrees with you is in essense giving creedence in the public eye.

Bringing it back to movies -- the guy is like the Matrix movies. He's got good questions, a few good insights, and an intriguing plot. Then he throws it all out the window in order to give you his own version of how things should go....context be damned.

You've got a good site, and I visit daily. It's nothing personal, but I'm always suprised that people give the guy so much credibility when he's basically the left's version of Michael Savage and Morton Downey.

Posted by: Evil Corporation at April 15, 2004 11:02 PM


A web site specifically to knock Moore and Al Franken. I don't suppose there is any bias here. Sorry, not gonna listen to that crap.

Posted by: Herby at April 16, 2004 01:44 AM

Sorry Herby, your loss. Moore's latest appears to be a movie specifically to knock Bush (during an election year, no less). I do suppose there will be bias there, but I'll be there to listen to his....stuff.

The other website noted: http://www.Spinsanity.org, is probably something you might have less fears of. I checked it out, and it's full of fact-checking for everyone of every flavor.

Posted by: David Poe at April 16, 2004 06:20 AM

Sorry Herby, your loss. Moore's latest appears to be a movie specifically to knock Bush (during an election year, no less). I do suppose there will be bias there, but I'll be there to listen to his....stuff.

The other website noted: http://www.Spinsanity.org, is probably something you might have less fears of. I checked it out, and it's full of fact-checking for everyone of every flavor.

Posted by: David Poe at April 16, 2004 06:20 AM

Oh, the man undoubtedly has bias but at least he's out in the open about it unlike certain "fair and balanced" parts of the media. The guy's got his beliefs and he puts them out there. And yep, he's been quite clear all along that he thinks Bush stole the election and he hopes this film helps bump him out, but that doesn't mean that it won't be based in fact. Nobody, asolutely nobody, would be willing to be associated with a film like this unless Moore could back up his statements. There are undoubtedly links between the two families - what with them both being significant players in the international oil markets - and Bush has undoubtedly used 9-11 to spin his own agenda. Iraq has supplied ample proof of that ... how many times has Bush tried to claim a link between Saddam and Bin Laden that just clearly wasn't there? It came out long ago that military action in Iraq was on the agenda from day one and Bush saw a chance to spin 9-11 into an excuse to do that ...

I don't think Moore's a perfect film maker - I much prefer Errol Morris in the documentary world - but he's interesting, entertaining and he launches a lot of discussion which all hallmarks of a good documentary film maker. And I find it a little funny when people just dismiss him as anti-right wing and anti-gun when he's been just as critical of the Democrats (calling them the worst excuse for a political party ever) and is very explicitly clear in Columbine that he doesn't think gun ownership is the problem.

Posted by: Bubba at April 16, 2004 07:48 AM

My earlier "replacement" post was my way of trying to point out that EVERYONE has an agenda (yes, even Moore!). I think Bubba's post above mine is 100% on.

The important thing to remember is - Moore is just a film maker. His films don't get soldiers killed. His films don't give tax cuts to the rich and make the rest of the US pick up the slack. His films don't turn their backs on the United Nations and piss the rest of the world off. You don't like Moore's movies, you don't have to see them.

With Bush we don't have that option. His agenda effects the entire world.


P.S. In an earlier post, my respect for humanity was mistaken for "Bush-rage." It's an easier way for conservatives to digest it for sure, but the label is completely wrong. I'm not mad at George - he's doing exactly what I'd expect him to.

And at the risk of wearing out my "replace" button in Word, I truly believe that Bush's "undoing will be his enjoyment of playing fast and loose with the facts in order to fit his premise."

Posted by: T. Malone at April 16, 2004 02:51 PM

i think a lot of people that criticize moore haven't done too much research before hand. despite to many, moore may sound like a raving lunatic against his country, he has done the background research to back himself up.

how many of the critics can say they can prove themselves with the sources of information. take one of his books, 'Dude Where's My Country'. anything he took ideas from or quoted had sources from various news websites, newspapers, tv show, etc.

instead of just watching cnn, you guys should check out the bbc, cbc, or other english news sources outside of the US

Posted by: james at April 22, 2004 11:46 AM

also one more thing i'd like to add is that if Moore wanted money he'd be supporting bush by distorting the facts the other way around. Moore had HUGE tax cuts from bush's policies, and if he wanted more money, he'd be making films to support bush, not the otherway around

Posted by: james at April 22, 2004 05:42 PM

I'm a fan of Michael Moore's work simply because he informs people who otherwise may not be. Of course he hasn't really said or uncovered anything new about American politics. It's all old hat for anyone who knows what to read. But Moore makes MOVIES; a medium that a whole lot of people who don't read can enjoy. I won't watch this film because I've the read "the book". But I gotta love anyone wishing to shed more light on the subject for those who may have been in the dark.

Posted by: Shecky Shabazz at April 25, 2004 02:52 AM

What is "bias" exactly? Honestly, I'm not sure I know ... I mean, here's some examples:

1) I don't like Bush ... bias?
2) Reporting that "thousands" attend a pro-abortion rally when it's probably about 800 thousand ... bias?
3) Focusing on Bush's WMD claims in Iraq OR ignoring those claims entirely ... bias?

I mean, obviously lies are lies, as difficult as they can be to pin down, but what IS bias?

Posted by: John at April 26, 2004 10:15 AM

Bias is your basic inclination. If you like or dislike something, basic political outlook, things like that. Your bias will determine how you interpret any given set of facts because ANY set of facts can be spun out in any number of directions ...

Posted by: Bubba at April 27, 2004 03:10 PM

Looks like Disney, who owns Miramax, who was slated to distribute 911, has pulled the plug. Check out http://www.hollywood.com/news/detail/article/1752061 for more info

Posted by: urja at May 5, 2004 04:01 PM

Bush lied from the start. Face it, He's an IDIOT!

Posted by: webface at May 6, 2004 12:38 AM

The fact that this film is being blocked for fear of retaliation in the form of withheld tax breaks is quite alarming. It shows how familial connections within our government are used to limit freedom of expression. Regardless of political opinion, all genuine American patriots should be outraged at this abuse of governmental power. Tax cuts should never be given or withheld on the basis of political favoritism.

Posted by: Kurt Risser at May 6, 2004 03:16 PM

We've got a seperate thread going on the whole distribution thing over on the main page ... click on the link above and join in ... it's currently sitting at the top of the list ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 6, 2004 03:46 PM

Moore is a sham.

What is an 'independent filmmaker' doing teaming up with Disney?????

Moore is a Lefty Limbaugh, playing loose with the facts to get ratings. He's equally ruthless in harassing his enemies (witness his campaign against Canadian Peter Jennings)

Both of them stink to high heavens.

Posted by: Moorestinks at May 11, 2004 08:30 AM

New site:


Posted by: http://moorestinks.blogspot.com/ at May 13, 2004 02:32 PM

You complain about Moore's bias and set up a site filled with photoshopped pics making fun of his weight? Yeah. That'll get me to take you seriously ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 13, 2004 03:25 PM

GW won the election because of Michael Moore and the like. He got the republican base out in force. Thanks you fat fawk. Now, I'll have to get a job.

Posted by: scott at February 17, 2005 03:52 PM