April 12, 2004

Korean horror thriller "The Phone" is being remade

Well, the trend continues I guess... Films from Asia that are shockingly good being remade for American audiences. Perish the thought they get shown the original. In this case, the original being damn good fun. Don't go looking for ground breaking cinema here or anything, but I got a solid kick outta this flick. - Although I have no idea who's at the helm of the remake. Here's Yahoo's Report on the whole diddy.

Basically, the mystery is this: someone gets a cell phone number, answers the phone at some point, hears "something", they go batty, and usually die. With that person dead, inevitably, someone else gets the vacant phone number. Until a child answers the Phone. Then it goes really wacky. Creepy as all get out. And of course, the main character tracks the "entity" until it's discovered that, albeit previously unknown, there's a personal connection somewhere along the way. Okay, sure sure, some dramatic devices were pretty "used", but bite me if it ain't a good show.

And I don't really care about this remake deal, because folks, whoever this little girl is in the original is AMAZING, they simply will NOT find a child actor that can overshadow what's already on print. It's simply the most disturbing performance by a child I've ever seen. Crappity crap crap.

Took some screenshots for ya...

Posted by John Campea at April 12, 2004 04:52 PM


Well then again, aren't you sick of watchin big boobs blonds chased by a killer. Check out "Old Boys" another korean movie that will be remade in the states pretty soon.

Posted by: Prozac at April 12, 2004 09:32 PM

So Phone was good? Following so close after The Ring and Kairo (aka Pulse) I figured it was probably knocking off the whole technological ghost story thing that those films did so well and gave it a pass ... maybe I'll have to go check it out ...

There are some interesting casting rumors floating around Old Boy (Brad Pitt's coming up a lot ... between this and Infernal Affairs he'll be the king of the asian remake soon) and the Korean DVD comes out in May ... I'm waiting for Yesasia to start taking preorders on it so I can take advantage of their free shipping ... DVD Asian's already got it listed, but their shipping to Canada is PRICEY ...

Posted by: Bubba at April 12, 2004 10:51 PM

Yeah, I say "Phone" is quite enjoyable, but yes, it does abuse the "staples" of the genre, but as a whole, I got a kick out of it. Maybe it's cuz I was watching it by myself? I duno.. but that little kid... dammit.. she's good.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at April 12, 2004 11:04 PM

I'm with Bubba... I just assumed this was yet another film cashing in on a trend. But those screenshots alone, especially the middle row (and *especially* the one on the left), are giving me the heebie-jeebies.

And yeah, I'm stoked to see "Old Boy". "Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance" was one of those films that just lodges itself in your memory and will never leave, so I'm curious about "Old Boy", which is supposed to be even moreso.

Posted by: opus at April 13, 2004 11:27 AM

I found "Sympathy" a little slow.. I mean, it made the contrasting events very VERY contrast-like, but the first half of the film I thought could've been about 15 minutes shorter.

Really good elements in that film though. There's something darkly amusing when everything constantly goes wrong. Poor little bad person.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at April 13, 2004 11:51 AM

the movie is great especially the child. who is she? she is a good child actress.
Keep it UP.

Posted by: mian at May 4, 2004 05:13 AM

" I LIKE IT " !!! I REALLY LIKE IT VERY MUCH!! This is different kind of movie, the story... very nice its all about love and true feelings, the character's also done a great job especially the little girl and also jinhe but all........ the cast is perfect for the movie. Its a real suspence movie..really its my no. 1 favorite movie!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: jenwary at October 23, 2004 10:55 AM

I watched this movie last night because it was aired on a local channel here in the Philippines. Personally, I don't think it was that 'scary' but the plot totally knocked me off my feet! K-movies/dramas are really the best, I must say. ^_^ The turn of events in this movie was definitely NOT expected. XD

Posted by: nixu at October 31, 2004 07:41 PM

I've watched the movie and I don't find the movie that "scary." However, the child's acting was superb! The scene was disturbing....

Among the Asian horror flick I've watched, I find "The Ring" (Japanese film) and "Feng Shui" (Philippine film) the scariest of them all.

Go and watch for it!!!

Posted by: Snowqueen at November 2, 2004 03:13 AM

I've watched the movie and I don't find it as scary as "The Ring" or "Dark Water" (Japanese Films). However, the child's acting was superb! The scene was disturbing....

Among the Asian horror flick I've watched, I find "The Ring" (Japanese film) and "Feng Shui" (Philippine film) the scariest of them all.

Go and watch for it!!!

Posted by: Snowqueen at November 2, 2004 03:14 AM

if u have seen The Grudge 2004 then u 'll change ur mind. It's really scary

Posted by: trung at January 29, 2005 04:21 PM

I just watched "Phone" and was blown away. That little girl was amazing! And that scene at the top of the stairs was probably the best performance by a child of that age that I have ever seen. To read that it is being re-made for the US is no surprise. I was thinking about that as I watched. It is just too good for the US market to pass up, but I do wish they would give the original a shot here. I think distributors underestimate the US audience. I bet it would do well just from word of mouth. You are right, no other child actor will ever match that performance.

Posted by: Thndrbll at February 1, 2005 05:12 AM

yes, feng shui is really great!

Posted by: Ramz at March 14, 2005 09:27 PM

The ring is not that scary.... the story is so usual and i hate it! i fell asleep watching it-really.... I recomend Feng shui-that film will scare ureally

Posted by: Ramz at March 14, 2005 09:32 PM

You should read the original book then.

However I think Ringu is scary, and very clever. Phone equally so, and without a doubt that girl is amazing. Truly disturbing movie.

Posted by: Richard at March 15, 2005 11:21 AM

i agree!!! phone was awesome even tho i watched it like a year ago!! =p
that little girl is amazing! she's gonna make it big im sure..she's so talented geez!
i hope they dont remake it...because first of all it's crap and second of all i hate how they dont give credit to the original..like ring..all my friends thought it was original english movie and that pissed me off because japan made it so long ago both ring 1 and 2 before it came out in english and i just thot that sucked.

Posted by: kat at March 16, 2005 06:43 PM

yuck! the phone is so cheap! the movie is senseless.... feng shui is really great-i agree!

Posted by: Rae at March 16, 2005 09:15 PM

The phone.......
never heard of it......
its so cheap...........
i agree........

Posted by: john knight at March 16, 2005 09:22 PM

The phone.......
never heard of it......
its so cheap...........
i agree........
FENG SHUI is really great!

Posted by: john knight at March 16, 2005 09:25 PM

Hi im from taiwan- that feng shui rocks! its better than the phone!

Posted by: miah at March 16, 2005 09:40 PM

what is feng shui?

Posted by: hang at March 16, 2005 09:49 PM

yeah...feng shui-that was cool!

Posted by: ting cling tang cring!! at March 16, 2005 09:57 PM

enter to : http://www.sleepsycho.com/bdreamer/phone !! for all the fans of this great movie

Posted by: carol at April 2, 2005 01:40 PM