April 18, 2004

Hey, Lookie! Miramax is Actually Spending Some Money to Promote Hero!

hero2.jpgWell, what do you know ... it looks as though Miramax is actually spending some money to promote Hero after having the film gathering dust on their shelves for a good couple years. A trailer for the film has been running in front of this week's top two films (Kill Bill Volume 2 and The Punisher) which is some prime ad space and doesn't come cheap. And despite some major flaws in the trailer - including one MASSIVE spoiler - it is sweeter than sweet to finally see the images up on the big screen. And as much as I love this film on the small screen the visuals are ten times as impressive when properly projected ... this thing is eye candy of the absolute highest order ...

Posted by John Campea at April 18, 2004 04:47 PM


Oh ... and it looks as though they've dropped the name change ... though Li was the only actor credited in the trailer the film itself was referred to just as Hero rather than Jet Li's Hero which, while not a huge deal, is a good thing in my books.

And Kill Bill was quite good. The rumors of Tarantino including such things as an actual plot line this time are, in fact, true.

Posted by: Bubba at April 18, 2004 04:50 PM

A trailer for the film has been running in front of this week's top two films (Kill Bill Volume 2 and The Punisher) which is some prime ad space and doesn't come cheap.

It's been a while since I worked in a theater, but that's not how I remembered it working - the studio provides the trailers, along with a list of suggested movies, and it's basically up to the theater management (often at the local, not corporate level) to decide what goes where. Trailers that arrive attached to a print will generally stay with it, but often, it's all about what the guy does in the projection booth Thursday night.

Posted by: Jason Seaver at April 18, 2004 07:11 PM

As soon as I knew that the trailer was going to be for "Hero", the only thing I could say was "It's about f*cking time." I was a bit miffed to see a huge plot spoiler in the trailer, and they basically ruin the whole "Rashomon"-esque aspect of the movie's structure, but who cares?!? This trailer means I'm (hopefully) one step closer to seeing "Hero" in the theatres!

Posted by: Opus at April 19, 2004 10:31 AM

Saw the trailer....lookin good, lookin good!

Posted by: kevin at April 19, 2004 07:48 PM