April 06, 2004

Grease 3?

Ok, I have no idea of what to think of this. Apparently Olivia Newton-John and Hugh Jackman are going to be in Grease 3.

it looks like going without Travolta. Apparently he's not so keen to do it anymore, but Olivia Newton-John is. Latest is that the script's been changed to only feature the character of Sandy (Newton-John) and her two kids. But the kicker...they want to write in a new love interest for Sandy to sing-a-long with - and there's talk of Hugh Jackman jumping aboard. Make sense I suppose...he does want to do a musical? and hey, better voice? and really, without Travolta, they ARE going to need a big star to sell this.
Heaven help us all.

Posted by John Campea at April 6, 2004 12:20 PM


I would much rather see Jackman in that John Woo musical he's talking about doing though.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at April 6, 2004 05:02 PM

Amen to that. I'll be at the Woo film opening day and at the Grease sequel not at all.

Posted by: Bubba at April 6, 2004 06:14 PM

I would like that Travolta be in the movie.

Posted by: izaro at July 21, 2004 08:31 AM

I want john to be init, it won't be the same. this is the movie I always wanted made, john has to do it.

Posted by: richard long at July 26, 2004 11:49 AM

I am not doing the movie now or ever and thats that !

Posted by: J. Travolta at July 27, 2004 01:32 PM

I think John Travolta should be in this movie no offense to Hugh Jackman but come on its no good without the original hottie from the first film

Posted by: sandy leverette at August 12, 2004 12:42 PM

I agree that John Travolta should be in it and that he was fantastic in Grease and all of his other movies-but its his career and his choice whether he should be in it our not. If he doesn't want to do it. He doesn't have to do it!!!!!

Posted by: Roisin at August 28, 2004 08:36 PM

or* sorry

Posted by: Roisin McCarty at August 28, 2004 08:37 PM

And why would this movie be made? I really didn't like the first Grease; I didn't think Sandy was the one who needed to change so the ending really irked me. Then there's the music. Then there's the 50's. Just not a combination I could see making the world a better place. I don't think this movie will ever get off the ground but if it does...I'll be sitting by Bubba and kungfu at the John woo film.

Posted by: Mantiss at August 28, 2004 08:50 PM

eventhough john will not be performing as danny in grease 3 he will never be forgotten as danny from the original his movies are great!!! if he doesn't want to be in the movie so be it.

Posted by: sandy leverette at September 7, 2004 08:45 PM

According to Elite TV, they may recast the Danny Zuko character in Grease 3 with Henry Winkler (who was offered the role in the original Grease movie and turned it down); Joey Travolta (who owes his whole career to being a John Travolta replacement); or Patrick Swayze, Richard Gere, or Treat Williams who all played the part in the stage musical; or Adrian Zmed who was in Grease 2. There is a more appeasing report that they may just cast John's Shakespearean trained nephew Rikki Lee Travolta as Danny Zuko's son. The younger Travolta is already known for musicals. He's the second in world wide popularity behind Donny Osmond in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph. There is also talk recording artist Kyle Minogue may have a role.

Posted by: Jen at October 8, 2004 11:03 AM

I don t really mind who will be in Grease 3 but I juste hope they ll be one!! A really hope they ll keep the same style then Grease 1 and Grease 2! They were really great, especially the songs! So, please, make Grease 3 as ressemblance then the 1 & 2! Thanks anyway! bye!

Posted by: Zoe at October 17, 2004 01:00 AM

John Travolta is the best actor!!! I'm so happy that they are making a grease 3 olivia newton john is awesome can't wait till it comes out by the way hugh jackman is going to do a great job keep it up!!

Posted by: sandy leverette at December 24, 2004 06:12 PM

John Travolta is the best, Grease wont be the same without him, how could they think of having Hugh Jackman instead!

it wont be the same.

Please get John to do it!!!!!

Posted by: Annabel at December 29, 2004 09:01 AM

Hugh Jackman won a Tony for his performance in the Broadway musical "The Boy from Oz". He can actually sing very well, he has done several musicals before he made movies. But saying that, Grease aint Grease if John Travolta isnt there.

Posted by: Simone at December 29, 2004 09:06 AM

Oh my god! John Travolta is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has to be in it! He were so good in Grease now He Should Be good in Grease 3. Me and my best friend are Looooooooooove Grease. Just to let Johnny know, I didn't like that guy who played in grease 2. You really have to be in it.

Posted by: Shan at January 27, 2005 07:24 PM

PLEASE GET JOHN TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Shan at January 30, 2005 04:48 PM

Try Patrick Swayze

Posted by: Shan at January 30, 2005 04:50 PM

he was good in dirty dancing

Posted by: Shan at January 30, 2005 04:51 PM

but he is a tad ugly

Posted by: Shan at January 30, 2005 04:52 PM

OH WOW!! it sounds awesome!!! I'm a HUGE fan of Grease 2!!

Posted by: Kelly at February 20, 2005 07:11 PM

It sounds alright but it will be very different without John Travolta. Grease was one of the best movies in the world, Grease 2 was even better. But can the do it again? I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Posted by: Zoey at March 25, 2005 01:57 PM


Posted by: total_grease_fan at April 16, 2005 07:36 AM

The last rumors I heared were that Justin Timberlake is the son of John and Olivia Newton-John and that the daughter would be Mandy Moore
So john is in and Timberlake also..

But he who am I ..?!?!

just let you know of the latest rumors

Posted by: Mark at April 18, 2005 06:34 AM

hia is there really a grese 3 or not help me please?????????????

Posted by: sarah at April 19, 2005 02:06 PM

hia is there really a grese 3 or not help me please????????????? n who r the people who play in it?????????

Posted by: sarah at April 19, 2005 02:07 PM

Why isnt john gunna do it? I really didnt like grease 2, I thought it was going to be like a reunion thingy and they had completely new people. I want john to do it and if he doesnt and this really is going to be a movie then I am not going to waste 10 dollars and go see it.

Posted by: sarah at April 21, 2005 01:21 PM

John Travolta isnt going to do the movie. it is going to be bad without him in it!! it rocks that olivia is doing it but without John, the movie is going to be worse than the 1st and 2nd one. The other actors couldnt be able to have the same popularity as the 1st one with John. The 2nd grease didnt even follow the 1st grease which didnt make sense because the 1st grease startes out with 5 t-birds and 4 pink ladies but ended up with 5 pink ladies but then in grease 2 there were 4 pink ladies and t-birds.

Posted by: grease lover at May 9, 2005 04:05 PM

The movie will be horrible whether or not John Travolta is in it or not. I honestly don't think they should've had a Grease 2.

Posted by: liyah at May 21, 2005 01:08 PM


Posted by: lana banana at May 24, 2005 06:34 AM

Oh all right. You talked me into it. I will do the movie. Working with Olivia again will bring back old memories of our love affair.

Posted by: J. Travolta at May 26, 2005 09:24 PM

Bringing the past into the present is such an exciting thing to happen for so many people. Not having Travolta do the part is like trying to put in a puzzle piece that can't possibly fit. I will see it just to check out ONJ. But the chemistry her and John had made the show. Young children that have seen grease(my daughter) won't accept it basically because it isn't GREASE! "THAT'S NOT DANNY!!" And if they put in some immmoral sellout like Timberlake or Mandy Moore that will send the movie right down the clearance isle. Watching old interviews it did look like travolta and ONJ had something going on. He was all over her. Maybe she had a hygene problem and he just can't forget the smell. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Posted by: cooljoebay at May 26, 2005 09:33 PM

you guy's should make grease 3 the new movie
with new actor in it
and you guy's should shoot the new movie film
in salt lake city utah
and make it good to ok
john travolta should direct this seaqual
to be anew danceing and sing to the 50's and 60's and 70's musical
and john you should have your brother joey travolta be a new danny zuko a be cool actor
and john have your wife kelly preston
help you make it
you should be shooting film this summer in june and i think it would be a great new movie film this your in 2005
from chad your freind

Posted by: chad at May 29, 2005 04:38 PM

im glad you choose to do grease 3 john o r itwould have been a total mess like the second one i cant wait till it comes out!!!!

Posted by: joshua houeto!! at June 3, 2005 01:21 PM

Did u see that he said no way up there he is casted as J.Travolta?

Posted by: Aisha Armstrong at June 9, 2005 02:38 PM

it was on July 27,2004

Posted by: Aisha Armstrong at June 9, 2005 02:40 PM

Hi im megan i loved the 1st grease i no all the words and i really dont think it will be right with out john as danny but hey. Any grease is better than no grease.

Posted by: Megan at June 15, 2005 03:32 PM

Hi it's me again Sandy,Danny,Rizzo and Kenickie are doing this film please write more I'm dieing here.

Posted by: Aisha Armstrong at July 12, 2005 08:51 PM

HA HA HA HA HA, this has me on the floor laughing, Grease was good, Grease 2 just plain sucked, a Grease 3? I always say this but i'll say it again, just becuase you can make sequels and remakes it doesn't mean you should. Grease 3? COME ON! Thats just crazy. How can all of you fans of Grease sit there and actually say that you liked Grease 2? Grease 2 was horrible, if you want to laugh go rent Grease 2. My friends and I find crappy movies and laugh our asses off at them. HA!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 13, 2005 02:39 AM

I absolutely LOVE GREASE!!!!!!!!!! Can somebody please "Tell me more" about grease3!!!!

Posted by: Mana-THE official GREASE fan!! at July 31, 2005 02:05 PM

I loved John Travolta in Grease and I saw his nephew in Grease on stage and he was amazing. It would be cool to see Rikki Lee Travolta play John Travolta's son in Grease 3. That would be awesome.

Posted by: Kim at August 2, 2005 02:29 PM

I think they should have a grease 3&4. in grease 3 they should have olivia newton john and john travolta and all tthe other couples have children and continue what their parents started.these children should go to rydell and start a t-bird and pink lady but it should be modern. in grease for maxwell caulfield and michelle( i dont know how u spelll her last name) have children and the other couples should have children and start a new t-bird and pink ladies but even more modern.

Posted by: Caramel at August 8, 2005 12:29 AM

Is there a grease ir isn't there i was looking on the iternet and it doesn't say please help me or are they making it now theres been say of making a grease 3 sence 2003 and now its 2205 and i want to no i really loved grease 1 and 2 and i would love to see travolta do and newton do 3 togeher it would suck if travolta didn't do the fist one!

Posted by: Margaret at August 8, 2005 03:07 PM

Greese 3 is going to be the best movie of the year! With John and Olivia.


Posted by: Aisha Armstrong at August 14, 2005 02:19 PM

are you sure there is going to be a grease 3 i'm not sure but i would really love to see one come out SOON i can't wait any longer! i really hate how they keep saying there doing one and then they say no and then yes and no and yes and no and yes huh its so anoying if anyone knows for sure if there is going to be one or if there is one and i don't no about it but i no in the usa movies come out before then come out here in canada so if anyone knows please tell me soon i cheack on this almost every day! lol

Posted by: Margaret at August 14, 2005 04:50 PM

Hello for the last time Grease 3 IS I hope coming out

Oh and by the way i love to sing and i want to become a profeshioal singer so i want olivia's email address if anyone has it! And Ask if Aisha Elizabeth can play as their daughter but this time Rydell is a Middle school and make it modern LIKE today.

Posted by: Aisha Armstrong at August 31, 2005 08:54 PM

come on -- Grease 3? why screw up a classic. onj has agreed to take part--she truely needs another agent

Posted by: eduardo at October 17, 2005 05:58 PM


Posted by: ashley at October 20, 2005 02:56 PM

Jessica simpson is perfect to act in a new version of grease she's absolutely beautiful

Posted by: Franko at October 20, 2005 03:29 PM

Hey guys me agian i really want there to be a grease 3 but if jessica simpson is in it i'm not going to watch or but it i HATE her but i will watch if johns not in it but i really want john and olivia to be in it i loved them together in the first one but i really want there to be a grease 3 too theres hasn't been an oficial realese date or if there even still going to do it to the best of my knoledge at least but if there is going ot be a grease 3 please let me no i cheack this site freqenlly and i'd really like to know!!

Love Margaret

Posted by: Margaret at November 13, 2005 01:39 PM