April 15, 2004

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid. No Really. A trailer even.

And from out of left field comes the sequel no one was expecting: Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid. Which, of course is a sequel to the captivatingly bad Anaconda in 1997. First things first, this title is way too bloody long. The Internet Movie Database link I'm linking to has the title listed as "Venom" which is much shorter. I'm not sure which is the final one.

Now, I will admit, I actually saw the first Anaconda in the theatre and admittedly, I enjoyed myself in a ridiculous campy "Tell me they staged that horrible shot on purpose" kind of way. And whatever CEO greenlighted this one, I suppose didn't get his campy-snake quota completely filled, because we have another round of what looks like the exactly same movie.

A number of pretty people. In Africa for some really strange reason. Who, not surprisingly, know very little about Africa. One of whom, well into the story, turns out to be so goal oriented, he'll kill the other cast members to accomplish the aforementioned goal. (He's the bad guy. - see how this works? If you don't, you're a dummy.)

Yahoo has recently posted the trailer here. I will admit, there's a couple of neat shots in the trailer, but like everything else, this is just like the first one only the people are prettier, the goal more elaborate, the snakes more numerous and, as long as the campiness is even campier, I'll watch it. No Jon Voight this time though. Shame.

Posted by John Campea at April 15, 2004 12:54 PM


Day-Vuh, did I see the first one with you? I remember seeing it with someone from our school days. I also distinctly remember yelling out for all to hear, 'Oh my god, the waterfall is going backwards!!!'.
Hard to believe that Owen Wilson had a career after that.
Bring on the pretty people smorgasborg!!!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at April 15, 2004 04:49 PM

Yup.. That was us. Good, very good times. A notable experience that was. I liked the lights at the end of the strings doubling as fireflies myself.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at April 15, 2004 06:36 PM

To whoevers seeing this, yes i saw the first one and i rather injoyed myself.But the waterfall going backwords still bugs me everytime i see it.

Posted by: Toby at June 2, 2004 03:38 PM

You saw that too, huh? Funny Funny stuff...

Mind you, the ultimate campy moment is Jon's "wink" after he gets 'vomited'. Man that moment rules.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 2, 2004 04:53 PM

Ya that ruled!! when i saw the trailer at first i tought i was seeing a trailer for the first anaconda, they seem so similer.

Posted by: Toby at June 3, 2004 02:12 PM

is there such things as real big anaconda snakes in the world.

Posted by: kim at April 11, 2005 03:38 PM