March 22, 2004

Yep. Still Amazing.

So, I just went and watched the trailer for Casshern a few more times and, yep, still absolutely mind blowingly incredible. Go watch it now whilst repeating these two phrases over and over: "first time director" and "six million dollars". Every major film studio in the world should be lining up at Kaz Kiriya's door begging him to work for them.

Posted by John Campea at March 22, 2004 03:38 PM


I just cross my fingers for this flick not to follow the "style above substance" trend of japanese films.

Posted by: Ghostboy at March 23, 2004 04:18 PM

Actually, in my experience, japanese films with effort behind them have an AWFUL LOT of substance over style. Sure, japanese films have a definite STYLE to them, but if anyone's guilty of more often than not, putting quantity before quality, it's Hollywood, not the japanese.

Sure, there are japanese films that do have more style than anything, but certainly not enough to label the entire country's film industry with following a trend.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at March 23, 2004 05:18 PM

The Casshern website just got a bit of a facelift ... don't like the new front end as much, but they've added some English language info on the background and story of the film ... if nothing else this bodes well for english subtitles on the eventual Japanese DVD release ... they're obviously aware that there are a lot of english speakers hungry for this ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 27, 2004 01:29 PM

I need a towel

But seriously. I hope that itr doesnt take several years to get a decent dvd out. And most importantly, let Media Blasters produce it. they did an outstanding job with Versus.

Posted by: Herecy at March 29, 2004 12:00 AM

WTF!! That is the best trailer I never understood in I don't know how long! This is one I want to see!!

Any more info you can scrap up on this one would be excellent!!


Your site rocks, I'm glad I found it!

Posted by: Mercer at March 30, 2004 06:58 AM

googling around the web led me to a couple sites that gave me the story behind the's an anime gone real sci-fi:

"Live action Casshern movie, a Japanese-Korean co-production, and adaptation of the Shinzo Ningen Casshern animated TV series...

1970s live action super hero programme
1973: 35 episode anime TV series.
1993: 4 episode anime OAV series in 1993."


Posted by: DownyFresh at March 31, 2004 02:05 PM