March 07, 2004

Toronto: Bubba Ho-Tep. In the Theatre. Right Now. Go, Go, Go.....

That's right folks, the Bruce Campbell flick that the scads of underground buzz is about is currently playing on the big screen in Toronto.

Where you ask? The fun takes place at the Paradise Cinema at 1006 Bloor St W. Give 'em a shout if you like. All the info is in that link but you can reach them here: (416) 690-2600.

The Schedule so far is this:
Sunday the 7th, Monday the 8th and Tuesday the 9th: at 4:25pm and 9:25pm
Wednesday the 10th: at 9:30
Thursday the 11th : at 7:00

and in April:
the 28th, 29th and 30th: at 9:00pm

There. You are now a wiser person. Go. See. Live. Then kill yourself.

Posted by John Campea at March 7, 2004 01:32 PM


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