March 19, 2004

Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg to do "War of the Worlds"

waroftheworlds.jpgI'm not much of a Tom Cruise fan, although he has done some nice work. The best I've ever seen him do was "Minority Report" which was just fantastic and Cruise carried the film well. Now Spielberg and Cruise are teaming up again to do the classic H.G. Wells alien-invasion story "War of the Worlds".

Personally I think this is great. War of the Worlds is a great story that most other alien invasion movies are pure rips offs of. Cruise and Spielberg have already shown they are a formidable team, and with the technology available today the visuals will finally be able to do the imagination of the story justice. If any of you play the Hollywood Stock Exchange I would highly suggest buying LOTS of this stock� you know the MINIMUM this fill will take in will be $250 million at the box office. I'll see it.

Posted by John Campea at March 19, 2004 10:07 AM


John-boy has obviously never seen Magnolia ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 19, 2004 11:21 AM

That's odd, I was just gonna say that.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at March 19, 2004 11:56 PM

Thought Magnolia was a bit too heavy going as a storyline, though extremely clever and well written. Also felt all the acting performances were superb, especially Mr Cruise. Cruise was also great in Rain Man

Posted by: David Terry at March 22, 2004 06:25 AM

Anderson's always aware of how clever he is, and he's not really known for understatement, and I can see why people object to that, but I love his stuff ... and I'm not generally a big fan of Tom Cruise, but it's absolutely criminal that he didn't win the Oscar for that performance ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 22, 2004 03:11 PM

Couldn't agree more on the Tom Cruise issue brought up here (sometimes impresses - is usually just average - Magnolia performance rocks - "...I'm silently judging you"), but back to War of the Worlds. Didn't Independence Day already re-make WOTW? Complete with the twist of the aliens being wiped out by a "virus"!?! Yes, it'll make tons of $$$, but I'd like to see these guys put their creativity into something other than a re-make that has already been re-made.

Posted by: TMalone at March 22, 2004 08:25 PM

Can someone that like knows spielberg---someone dumb, yet very popular,

tell spielberg to do a movie on HALF LIFE: sierra

just look at the plot, and the darkness of it: it is war of the worlds * 10^50

the new literature is in the video game..more people are playing video games than reading books. He wants to leave a legacy--well, leave this one, it's a heck of a good idea. It has an incredibly large fan-base: just look at the ratings on half life 2..

and the story is so so so much better than war of the worlds..

wow, aliens come down and start killing people, then there is a virus, and they all die....

half life, goverment conspiracy, gordon freeman, genius, figures out how to survive using his head, aliens come through a "gateway" (dimensional drift) due to a failure in an experiment using a "resonance cascade" ---these aliens were aparently also being used by this "goverment" as weapons..military comes in to clean up...gordon is so resilient he manages to escape

city 17, the "overwatch", the "types" of aliens, the police state, barnacles...the enviroment--the masks of the guards of city 17...the atmosphere of coming into the train station---ravenholm (zombies--that are thought to be coming back from the dead, but really just aliens that control humans by the spinal cord) gordon freeman controlling "starship trooper" type aliens by the "feropods" and using them against the overwatch (just the scene of the "antlions" swarming the guards would be a decent crappy movie---starship troopers)...god man, this is like the whole package in one---sci-fi, horror, action...legacy, enticing, provocative, handsome, sexy, good breath, nice buttcheeks, bla bla bla ,etc.

I cannot describe it to anybody--you have to witness the enviroment to KNOW WHY THIS WOULD BE A HELL OF A GOOD MOVIE..

a lot better than the crappy and liberal "minority report"...or doom? I mean, why do people always hit the sweet spot a couple inches from the actual spot---DO A MOVIE ON HALF LIFE

this would be A REAL LEGACY...

mark laidlaw and spielberg teaming up is unlikely, but it surely would be better than a dumbass movie on 'APEHAM LINCOLN'

AND WHOWEVER DOES THE MOVIE IS GOING TO GET HELL of A LOT OF MONEY...hell, I'd go see it 20 times no matter what crap comes out of the theater, as long as it's name is HALF LIFE

Posted by: zack at January 15, 2005 02:31 PM

omg.........tom cruise is soooo hot!!!

Posted by: spongebob at January 26, 2005 06:00 PM

yea, that would be the day---

tom cruise as gordon freeman. alyz as lizza minelli. the harvard dude as samuel L Jackson. Serena Williams as Barney. And Directed by trey parker and matt stone (united again) hmmm, I like..

Posted by: myfoothasawart at January 29, 2005 11:57 PM

half life would make a kick ass movie dude

too bad nobody is smart enough to pull it off nicely.

Posted by: mafriend at May 5, 2005 07:53 PM

war of the worlds vs. half life?

I'd take half life straight up any day. video game or movie. Besides the animations in war of the worlds are crappy compared.

Posted by: jesusfriek at May 5, 2005 07:56 PM

minority report sucked ass...I mean--it appealed to liberal america and the liberal cronies in california(which was a cheap sell). But in reality it has no basis in logic.

The plot is stupid and flawed: that type of systematic assumption is just incredibly unlikely--

second of all---if you had the chance of saving a million people and one person. I would save the one million people.

Now--yes--it's easy to do in my position--but if we want more security we are going to have to sacrifice.

Your not going to tell me that if you had a system that would ban all crime off the planet Earth, and the Earth was a pretty stinking rotten place--that you would not choose it over a couple 3 or 4 retards who were innocent.

Consecuently, if you ban this system, knowing the crimes will proliferate after, you are just indirectly killing more innocent look at it this way

if you had the choice of letting a million innocent people get tortured, killed, and imprisoned ----over 500 innocent lives getting imprisoned in jail...which would you choose.

any reasonable person would choose the latter.
But obvcource we want to seem all happy do and let chaos rain...if nobody takes any responsibility---if no one wants to flip the switch...then we can all just go back to anarchy and have no responsibility.

But--I have to admit, although the movie made absolutely no sense...not even the transportation system--not even the little robots---

it had awesome animation....

now just do a good aniatted movie on half life which makes hella more sense and you got your self a whole pie.

Posted by: mafirend at May 5, 2005 08:07 PM