March 04, 2004

Spiderman 3 already in development

This ain't rocket science folks. The first Spiderman made over $800 million world wide and it's sequel, Spiderman 2, is poised to make AT LEAST $300 in the domestic box office alone. So Sony and Marvel figure "why bother waiting"? The developmental process is already underway.

Some might think "why the rush"? Well, the reality is that no one really knows how long the comic/superhero genre will last, so you might as well strike while the iron is hot. Get the film made and out to the public as fast as you can.

A rep for Sony confirmed on Wednesday that the two studios have agreed to move forward on a new Spider-Man, but declined to elaborate further. Despite published reports saying otherwise, there's no official word yet whether director Sam Raimi will be back behind the cameras, but Tobey Maguire will likely suit up again as our friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, having previously signed to do two sequels.
Read the whole article here.

Posted by John Campea at March 4, 2004 10:51 AM


New Spiderman 3 Poster ->

Check out the first poster for spiderman 3

Posted by: Jinxed at July 16, 2004 09:52 PM


That poster is "fake". It was a concept design created for the webpage you found it on. It's is not an official poster.

Posted by: day-vuh at July 17, 2004 12:10 AM


Posted by: Shian Cao at August 17, 2004 08:32 PM

Wow Mr "Certified movie critic", I didnt realize you had to be certified to have an opinion on a movie. Guess we are in trouble here at the Blog.

I bet you are just like that person who claimed to know the name of the Pirates sequel.

If you bothered to do your homework, the Hobgoblin isnt the ONLY spidey villian that this film hints at.

Doctor Connors is the "Lizard", Pete was fired from working for him in the first movie, and Connors is Pete's professor in the sequel.

The alien symbiot creature that eventually becomes Venom came down to earth's atmosphere on the spacecraft that Jameson's son piloted.

Jameson's son, James becomes the ManWolf

Obviously the Hobgoblin.

Venom is apparently in the works, but is already NOT slated for part 3. Rumour has it that ALL of the villians hinted to will show up in S3.

So I don't know where you pretend to get your sources, but its more likely that the poster will just be spidey, as it was for the first two.

Posted by: Rodney at August 18, 2004 12:41 AM

Whoever thinks that Hobgoblin is going to be the villian in S3 is a total retard! Harry never turned into the hobgoblin! There were four Hobgoblins and none of them were done by Harry!! Read the comics before you pretend to be an expert!!

Posted by: Rob at August 24, 2004 01:53 AM

Ok Rob, here's the thing.

In my opinion, it IS obvious that Harry will be the Hobgoblin in S3. Perhaps this doesn't follow strictly with the comic book... but you seem to be under the illusion that Sony gives a squat about staying 100% true to the comic. They'll stay true to the spirit of it... but film makers will do whatever they want.

To suggest that Harry won't be the new gob just because that isn't what properly happens in the comic is... well... not reality.

Posted by: John Campea at August 24, 2004 08:03 AM

I don't think you understood Rob correctly.
Harry never became the HobGoblin- he became the GREEN GOBLIN (2.0). A rival of Norman's found the suit and improved it to become the Hobgoblin, and in one comic the Green Goblin (Harry Osborn) fought the HobGoblin (some other guy).

So Harry becomes the GREEN goblin, not HOBgoblin.

Posted by: Praxis at September 6, 2004 09:27 PM

Yes, we all know that. Let me help explain what John is saying. It would be repetitive for Harry to become the Green Goblin because we already saw the green goblin in the first movie. We don't need to see him again. Even though in the actual comics Harry becomes the Green Goblin, they will "change the story" to make it work better for a movie. Instead of becomming the Green Goblin who we've already seen (and who should never have been in a metal mask) Harry will become the HOB-goblin who is a completely different baddie. Make sense?

Bottom line:

Some things that work as a comic just don't fit so well in a movie.

Posted by: Mantiss at September 6, 2004 11:21 PM

i think harry will be hobgoblin.the only way to have venom in sm3 is for jameson jr to be venom.just like if they make harry the hobgoblin they can make jameson jr venom and i wouldnt mind seein harry die savin peter from venom.

Posted by: spencer at September 7, 2004 07:49 PM

Who is really going to be on Spiderman 3 is it Hobgoblin, Venom , lizard, or wolf-man? Please tell me!

Posted by: Peter at October 8, 2004 09:31 PM


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Posted by: at November 9, 2004 09:31 PM

i want to see venom or carnage in a spiderman movie

Posted by: rednecksadist at January 1, 2005 03:32 PM

Posted by: Adult Paysites at January 18, 2005 11:41 AM

There is no trailer yet?

Posted by: prout at February 9, 2005 12:15 PM

u dudes are idoits, frist of all they don`t even know who the hobgoblin`s true identity is, plus sony has already rumoured that they are making 6 spidey movies, and they are going to probably do it on harry being the green goblin, then venom, THEN TH HOBGOBLIN because the movie would be way too fukin long if they put that much villians are,, you guys think you know something..HA u guys r jks

Posted by: vino at February 22, 2005 03:11 PM

u dudes are idoits, frist of all they don`t even know who the hobgoblin`s true identity is, plus sony has already rumoured that they are making 6 spidey movies, and they are going to probably do it on harry being the green goblin, then venom, THEN THe HOBGOBLIN because the movie would be way too fukin long if they put that much villians are,, you guys think you know something..HA u guys r jks

Posted by: vino at February 22, 2005 03:12 PM

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Posted by: mgs3 at June 13, 2005 12:47 PM

u guys r idiots harrys gona be green goblin and hes not the main villain it is gona be venom it says so in this magazine.

Posted by: yoda at July 21, 2005 05:11 PM

Yoda, shut you must, hmmmm. The 2 most likely villians are THE LIZARD and MYSTERIO, maybe HOBGOBLIN. VENOM will be in the 4th movie or at the very end of the 3rd. Eddie Brock will be played by Thomas Hayden Church and will appear in the 3rd movie. THE BLACK CAT might show up but Raimi has said he doesn't know if has enough time to go that way with the story. Shocker, Vulture, Rhino, Chameleon are all possible minor villains who are paid by a mob boss to take down Spidey. Kraven the Hunter is the most likely of these villians to appear.

Ands every villian I have mentioned will bring us on up to the 6th movie. This is where the end is sad and dark as well as twisted and we will probably get a spin-off movie called Carnage.

I can go into more detail but I have already posted long ass post backing up my opinons and beliefs of what will happen with these movies.

Venom's head can be found on the back of the Spider-Man 2 DVD case in the fire above Doc Ock's head. Church has given us the hint that he is playing a horse of many colors, and who is an amoporphus character made up of protons neutrons and electrons of different colors,(or something like that).

Until more news pops up everything typed on these previous blog pages on Spider-Man is dead. All I can say is if you look at the facts and are a true diehard Spider-Man fan at heart you will definitly find out who where and what is going to happen with these great movies.

I'm still surprised that nobody feels Mysterio will be one of the villians in the next film.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at July 21, 2005 09:15 PM

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