March 28, 2004

Shaolin Soccer FINALLY Hitting Theaters ...

shaolin4.jpg Well kids, it only took Miramax a few years and more release dates than I care to count but it looks like Steven Chow's hilarious kung fu action comedy Shaolin Soccer is finally hitting North American shores, albeit in very limited fashion. Coming Soon shows the film getting a three city US release - those cities being New York, LA and San Francisco - on April 2nd and considering ads have been spotted in the New York Times this time it looks like Miramax is actually going to follow through on the release. Apparently the ads also say clearly that the film is being released subtitled in the original Cantonese, which is happy news for purists. Like me. It does, however, look as though we're going to have to wait a bit longer here in Canada. Tribute has the Canadian release listed on April 23rd with no city information listed, though Toronto and Vancouver seem like the obvious choices.

Check out the trailer here. And then go see the movie. You'll laugh. Hard. And often. Honest.

Posted by John Campea at March 28, 2004 05:14 PM


You would be surprised about Vancouver. Though with the large asian population there I could see it happen. But don't be surprised if only T.O. gets SS first. Couver isn't considered to be an A-list city. Especially when it comes to the obscure films like this. I'll often have seen films long before any of my family back west has even heard of them.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at March 29, 2004 10:22 AM

Its good to hear it will be released with subtitles rather than dubbing which can make a good film crap. When I first saw Crouching tiger it was with subtitles and it was great. then I saw it dubbed and it wasn't half the movie it was. There is something about the natural tones and sounds of the language that contribute to the feeling of the film and the setting that is lost with bad english voice acting out of synch with the mouths of actors.

Posted by: Davej at March 29, 2004 02:49 PM

Crouching Tiger has a particularly bad dub ... it really disrupts things ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 29, 2004 06:51 PM

Belay that excitement people ... there's some confusion about what Miramax is actually putting into theaters. All that I know for sure is that it's subtitled. Not so sure about whether or not it's been cut to ribbons. I've heard stories of as much as 20 minutes cut out. has the run time listed as 1 hour, 51 minutes, which matches the time on my DVD., however, has the run time listed as 86 minutes. This could be bad. Now, what I'm hoping - and it does seem logical at this point - is that Moviefone is running old information based on the cut and dubbed version that Miramax intentionally intended to release before it bombed with test audiences. I say this is logical because the only options I've ever heard of them considering is cut and dubbed vs. uncut and subbed ... the only version that's ever been submitted for release before now is the cut version, so I don't see where Movietickets could have gotten the higher number from unless it's accurate simply because there never been a long cut considered before. But then, that's all based on logic and Miramax is anything but logical ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 29, 2004 09:37 PM