March 11, 2004

Secret Window reviews - the view isn't too good

Over the last couple of years Johnny Depp and gained a lot of my respect (whewww, I'm sure he'll sleep better at nights now). I only really took notice of his amazing talent when i watched "Blow" for the first time. After that, I watched some of his older films and I remember thinking to myself "how did I not notice before how talented this guy is?!?". Now Secret Window is here, and while I'm sure that it will be the film to take "The Passion of the Christ" out of the #1 spot at the box office this week, the reviews are not looking good. The general flavor of all the reviews that I've read is that the film starts out pretty well, but then at a certain point decisively falls apart and is unable to put itself back together again. The trailers have had an almost "Misery" kind of feel to them, which caught my interest. Oh well, just the fact taht Depp is in it will force me to give the film a chance even if the pundits are warning me to spend my money on more important things... like the "The Culture Club: Reunion Tour DVD"

Posted by John Campea at March 11, 2004 10:26 AM

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Secret Window was a great movie. Kinda slow of course. But it turns out that it wasnt pointless to make it cary on on. Because you get to see more of Johnny Depp!!!

Posted by: megan at March 26, 2004 09:59 AM

I always thought johnny depp should be in a stephen king movie! And of course he turned out great in it!

Posted by: Marla Singer at May 19, 2004 09:33 PM

Secret Window is one of Johnny's best; not as good as POTC of course-nothng is, but it was good non the less. I mean come on he wears a bathrobe and barely ever brushes his hair! Who wouldn't love the rugged look?!

Posted by: Spinellie at October 13, 2004 08:25 AM