March 01, 2004

My Oscar Surprises

For the most part, I had to agree with all the winners of last nights show. However, a couple of awards stood out to me as being a little bit surprising:

1) Johnny Depp didn't win. Now don't get me wrong, Sean Penn fully deserved to win Best Actor. However, I was almost certain that Penn and Bill Murray would split votes between them and allow Depp to sneak up from behind to grab the prize. At least all three actors took home awards this year. Penn with an Oscar and Golden Globe, Murray with the Golden Globe, and Depp just the other night won the SAG best actor award.

2) Ken Watanabe didn't win best supporting actor. I thought this one was a shame. Full credit to Tim Robbins who was great in Mytic River, but I just thought Watanabe gave the best supporting performance I've seen in a film since Lou Gossett Jr. In Officer and a Gentleman

3) Lord of the Rings won EVERYTHING. I'm thrilled. If you've been reading The Movie Blog long you know that I actually think Return of the King is the greatest film ever made. However, I never expected the academy to give it every award it was nominated for. I knew it would win Best Picture, but wow... I don't think even Peter Jackson expected this.

Besides those little surprises everything else went pretty much as I expected. A very good show overall.

Posted by John Campea at March 1, 2004 11:34 AM


Depp not winning didn't surprise me at all, but Penn winning certainly did. My money was on Murray ...

Penn and Robbins both won ... who'd have thunk it? Both of them have been so openly critical of the star system that I figured they'd never win one despite stringing together careers full of incredible roles and performances, especially Penn who's just generally surly. Beating up members of the press doesn't generally help your awards show possibilities ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 1, 2004 12:03 PM

I totally agree. I also think Depp should of won. I was so sure.. so sure he would win. ::sigh::

Posted by: Nk Masaki at March 1, 2004 05:40 PM

Johnny my moulin rouge viewing friend, I don't know but I'm still holding on to the idea that the oscars are a sham!! The people who should be nominated aren't, the people who should win don't and the people who are nominated and win shouldn't (well except for "The Fog of War" - best documentary of the year behind the Corporation and Capturing the Friedmans). What about Paul G for being Harvey Pekar in American Splendor? What about Chiiwetel Ejiofor for Dirty Pretty Things? No nod for The station agent, or American Splendor. Oh well, maybe next year we can put all the money and glitz into something more important than over 6000 rich, mostly white members telling us what movies are "the best".

Oh, man and if gibson is an anti-semite why did no one call tom cruise a racist for making the last samurai - that movie was a wash with standard american hype and caucasian pride.

Though I must say this website kicks some ass, thanks for all the info and scoops.

Posted by: nick at March 1, 2004 07:17 PM