March 13, 2004

Jet Li Quitting? Buddha Gets His Little Grubbies on My Movies...

I credit Bubba with giving me this story - he let me in on it, but that was a wee bit more than a day ago.. He's a busy man. So in his stead, I bring you some sad, sad news. Well, for the movie going audience anyway.

Granted, a slight grain of salt is in attendance with this news as it scratches its way down my throat.. However - word on the street is, that on his 41st birthday, April 26, Jet Li will announce his intent to quit making films to study/follow Buddhism. Oh sure, some will say how wonderful it is when people experience some enlightment.. Oh Yap Yap, enlightenment schmightenment.... I'm talking about my MOVIES here, let's keep things in perspective.

A Chinese news ticker "" and carried the story. Click here to read the article.

At the same time, if you've only ever met Jet Li in the movies he's made in America, this departure may be a song not worthy of even a sigh. Which is also understandable, but which also begs the case that you desperately need to expand your Jet Li movie library. Like, to include far away ones. Like ones not in... y'know... English. They'd be very good stuffs. Which makes this news very bad stuffs.

I guess April 26th or 27th will provide some future movie enlightenment of our own. We will see...

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2004 03:32 AM


I guess that if this story is indeed true and Jet follows through with this then that opens the doors to Donnie Yen to take the role of Kato in The Green Hornet? Any takers? Is Donnie about to get his dues?
Sad news. But then, what can you do when the only stateside movies you're making slot you in next to powerhouse acting talent like Anthony Anderson?

Posted by: KungFuGuy at March 13, 2004 04:39 PM

It's still not clear whether this is going to be a retirement or some sort of extended study break, but Li's definitely stopping for a while from the sounds of things ... not entirely surprising as he's giving up career opportunity's for personal reasons before (he turned down Crouching Tiger to honor an earlier promise to his girlfriend)but I'd be a little surprised to see him retire outright while he's still making so much money ...

Anyway ... Donnie would seem to be a good choice ... he's an incredible martial artist, looks great on camera, speaks flawless english, absolutely worships Bruce Lee and most importantly is under contract to Miramax. They own him for another couple films, anyway ... I'd love to see Donnie do it. He gets such crap roles here in North America ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 13, 2004 10:42 PM

this makes me sad sad sad. Hey, do you want to go see Good Bye Lenin Tuesday afternoon? Where the hell have you been hiding yourself eh?

Posted by: nick at March 21, 2004 09:27 AM

Well now, that's more than a little creepy ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 23, 2004 12:14 AM

I'm sorry to see him stopping, but we all have obligations to with hold. Oh yeah Jet happy birthday and I hope that you have many, many more and I know that we will see you on the screen again someday. But I wanted to know something though do you teach your style to Americans, I would really like to study different styles to become like some of the great chinese fighters and my personal favorites are Bruce Lee and Jet Li of course

Posted by: Muffy at April 10, 2004 11:18 PM

This story isn't true - check the facts here:

JET LI REFUTES "MONK" RUMOR (3/22/2004 12:11PM)
Jet Li was in Shanghai on March 18 for the Chinese Top 10 Best Sportsman award, where he was one of the special personalities to give the award. He was asked by reporters regarding the rumor that he will quit acting and become a full fledged monk. Jet Li officially denied and stated that this is only a rumor, and that he has been studying buddhism years and doesn't need to become a monk to studdy Buddha.

Posted by: Chrissie at April 13, 2004 11:18 AM

There's more info about the story here:[email protected]

Posted by: Chrissie at April 13, 2004 11:30 AM

Thanks for the link ... hadn't seen that one ... we've actually got another thread killing the rumor (it's about halfway down the main page right now) but I hadn't seen that particular news story ...

Posted by: Bubba at April 13, 2004 10:05 PM