March 30, 2004

Jack Black Slated for Peter Jackson's King Kong

Well colour me stinky. If this film isn't gettin' funner and funner. Jack Black has currently snagged the part of Carl Denham, a reporter in the mighty Peter Jackson's casting of KING KONG - which will be shot (no shock here) in New Zealand.....

Now, I might be crazy here, but this very well could be a Jack Black milestone flick... I mean sure, between his indie stuff and his Tenacious D stuff, (hilarious) he's already doing GREAT, but how often to you get the most popular director in the world of the moment, saying things about you like:
"I've been wanting to work with Jack Black ever since I saw him in High Fidelity... He's a smart and versatile actor blessed with an abundance of energy and charm and I'm absolutely thrilled that he is joining us."? Not often, lemme tell ya... (Read the Article) And look at that, they kinda even look the same.

No one's ever said that about me and I'm broke. They're probably co-related. You go Jack, take over the world while you're at it won't you? Excellent.

Posted by John Campea at March 30, 2004 12:22 AM
