March 01, 2004

Freddy vs Jason vs ASH

ash.jpgWas swimming up Dark Horizons website today and came across some news that may make today the greatest day of my sad little pathetic life. It looks like the early rumors were true and New Line is developing a Freddy vs Jason 2 project, but this time it will have ASH in it! Who needs viagara!

Jeff Katz has done a 20-page internal treatment. It brings back the "Ash" (Bruce Campbell) character from the EVIL DEAD franchise. New Line is negotiating with CAA/Raimi to see if they can get him into this movie, with the then intent to do EVIL DEAD 4. Shannon & Swift won't be doing this.
I can not put into words how damn cool this would be. You'll have to excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.

Posted by John Campea at March 1, 2004 11:52 AM



Evil Dead 4 = YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! Please God, yes!

Campbell doesn't belong on screen with a bunch of slash jocks and I really don't think that they could do it without really messing with the tone of what makes Ash so cool (and let's fact it, it'll be Ash they change not Freddy or Jason) but another Evil Dead film would be sweet manna from heaven.

Posted by: Bubba at March 1, 2004 12:00 PM

Oh come on now Bubba! This could be really funny and fun at the same time. Give it a chance. You know Raimi won't let it happen unless Ash kicks their asses in it.

Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2004 10:07 AM

I'll lay money the only way Raimi does this is if he gets a guarantee for a good budget for Evil Dead 4. Otherwise I hope he kicks their asses right out of the room ...

Posted by: Bubba at March 2, 2004 12:46 PM


Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2004 12:50 PM

lovin it!!! lovin it!!

Can't wait for Ash to tell Jason to 'Come Get Some'!

Posted by: Ashrocksmyworld at March 2, 2004 07:41 PM

My wish for this movie is for Ash to smack around the stupid teens that populate the slasher flicks for being machete fodder. That'll make the eventual showdown (FvJvA) that much more meaningful. If there is such a thing in a slasher flick.

(By the way, I thought 'FvJ' was as well done as it could have been, even if it bent canon a touch or two...)

Posted by: Dev at March 3, 2004 05:23 PM

Well Bruce Campbell has already TO MY FACE that he isnt doing another evil dead film...but the freddy vs jason vs bruce campbell movie would rock....but the only part that sucks is they already gave away the ending i mean ARGH!!!!!! that would be such a funny twist

Posted by: BranDeeno at March 4, 2004 08:10 AM

That's funny, because I've read several interviews with Campbell where he's said very strongly that he's love to do another Evil Dead film (or 2).

Posted by: John Campea at March 4, 2004 08:27 AM

It is true that evil dead is what made Bruce Campbell what he is today but, when i was at his book signing "bruce campbell: If Chins could kill" i asked him and he said there isnt going to be anotherone he was thinking about it for a while there thats why they came out with the second ending to army of darkness, but all n all the closest thing your ever ganna get to another army of darkness movie is the games for playstation

Posted by: BranDeeno at March 4, 2004 08:33 AM

Posted by: BranDeeno at March 4, 2004 08:36 AM

Good link BranDeeno!

I think that just means he's not aware of any plans to make another Evil Dead, I don't think it means he wouldn't do one.

If all the rumors are true, then they haven't even spoken to Raimi about it yet, so obviously they wouldn't have spoken to Campbell about it yet either.

Either way, it'll be interesting to see how this all turns out.

By the way, isn't "If Chins Could Kill" a fantastic book!

Posted by: John Campea at March 4, 2004 09:24 AM

This movie is going to badass!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Robert Carrasco at March 29, 2004 01:07 PM

I think the whole idea of ash commin into the freddy vs jason movies would suck. The better person would be michael myers. He makes more sense and he fits in with the whole idea. The 3 of them would draw a huge crowd and it would see who the real bad ass is.

Posted by: Travis at March 30, 2004 04:34 PM

Hey Guys,
Think about it realistically... it makes perfect sense. In Friday the 13th part 9 we can plainly see that the Necrenomicon was on the table in the Voorhees house hold. It would make sense that His mother(killer in Friday the 13th) used it to turn him into an undead killing machine. I mean the dead never just rise after drowning in a lake. So naturally you will have to have ASH in his journeys meet up with Jason on a current time line... the only downfall that I can see is that with Freddy (Losing in Freddy Vs. Jason [my opinion]) I see no plot link to tie him into another battle with Jason. Maybe Ash could be manipulated by Freddy through his dreams much like Jason in F V. J, into destroying Jason then chanting the words to leave with freddy's help somehow. Maybe it might make sense for Freddy and Ash to work together to kill Jason then square off against each other. All I really know is this movie has awesome potential! I have found most fans enjoyed ash more when he had a chainsaw arm and a sawed off shot gun in his other hand. (Don't use the second hand from Army of Darkness) Plus it only makes sense that good always conquers evil so ash must win.

Posted by: Damian Martin at April 11, 2004 07:17 PM

The movie will kick ass, all i want is more freddy

Posted by: freddy fan at April 21, 2004 01:12 AM

I think that fvjva wud kick ass, i mean ash is one of my favorite chracters in any movie, hes funny, kicks ass, and has a chainsaw 4 a arm, i mean come on, how cool is that!

Posted by: GOOCH at May 9, 2004 01:48 PM

I agree with travis and damian. Michael Myers is my all time fav out of the top 3 and i would love to see him finnaly fight the other two. although damians idea with the necrenomicon cameo to give ash the motive to kill jason. although i can think of a way for freddy to be in the movie, two actually. you see one idea is that ash hears about jason and has a huntch that its the work of the necrenomicon. so he gos to kill jason but freddy wants to be the one to kill jason for revenge, so freddy and ash compete for the chance to kill jason. my other idea is that freddy manipulates ash into fighting jason because freddy doesnt want to get his hands dirty so he uses some else like he usually does. that is also my idea for michael vs jason where freddy tries to use michael to kill jason. i actually made a movie about that myself with me and my friends running around in masks, pretty crapy.

Posted by: The Boogeyman at June 7, 2004 08:12 PM

I think that it would be cool to see a three way dance freddy vs jason vs ash that will be awesome

Posted by: ben at June 19, 2004 11:10 PM

You all know that neither Freddy nor Jason can actually be killed which is why Freddy was the true winner in FvJ because he did the most damage, thats all it could amount to really. Ash thrown in the mix would only end up being the mythical hero who chops up jason because jason is a hillbilly slow-ass fool and is trounced by Freddy because of Freddy's psycho-warfare and Freddy would again be the winner because of the attrition factor. As AWESOME as it would be to see BC in the next film, Freddy is destined to reign because chopping him up won't stop him, as it would Jason (Exception being Jason X, Jason 9 was a crappy movie and later seems to be disavowed by the fans and timeline continuum folks.)

Posted by: Chris at June 21, 2004 11:21 PM


Posted by: BOUNTYKILLAR2003 at June 24, 2004 12:56 AM

i think it would be tight if they added michael myers into the scene but i heard that there making another Halloween which i really want to see that. But if they add ash i dont think it would make the film really bad i jus want to see how ash ends up in all of this

Posted by: jordan at July 25, 2004 05:20 AM

Hi all. I've been reading all your comments, and I just came here to add my two cents. I personally think a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash movie would be one of the greatest horror movies of all time. I am personally a huge fan of the Evil Dead movies, and know a good amount about the character of Ash, and movies in general. Ash wouldn't be killed in the movie. He's human, yes... but he's also the "Good Guy". And being the ONLY good guy in that movie, Hollywood logic states the only Human good guy can't die, no matter what he's going up against, unless he killes the monster, and in the process gets mortally wounded. You all know this, I'm not making this up. No body wants to see the good guy die, especally one as beloved as Ash. And about the plot, what I foresee would be Ash taking out Jason by conventional means, but for Freddy, he would probably somehow use the Necronomicon against him. Fire with fire sorta thing. At least thats how I would see it playing out... my opinion. Besides, think about it... considering how large of a fan base Ash has, the minute word leaked that Ash dies early in the movie, the fans of Ash would revolt with epic proportions. There would be mass hysteria, plague, famine... do not underestimate the power of us Evil Dead geeks... we possess more power than you know...

Posted by: Greg at August 12, 2004 07:12 AM

Greg at August 12, 2004 07:12 AM has pretty much said it all.

My additional comment is that I heard on the radio this morning that this project is 'official' and we WILL see the Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash.

Useless trivia: Voorhees comes from the name of a farm in Northern Holland just outside the town of Hees that goes back past the 1500's. You can find this town on a map of Holland in the northeast near the town of Ruinen.

Posted by: BD52 at August 12, 2004 12:06 PM

I would pay anything to see this. if anyone knows these horror movies as well as I do then you'll know that this movie would work. everybody's evened out because ash can kick some serious ass when he becomes possesed.

Posted by: Chris at August 14, 2004 10:42 PM

Sorry to burst your bubbles.


"Hockey Mask, yes... Bladed Glove, Yes... Boomstick, Probably not... (06.02)

Jason vs. Freddy vs. Ash? That's the rumor floating around this pile of clutter we call the internet.

My advice, don't hold your breath. Chances are, we'll be seeing Joanie Loves Chachi Loves Ash first.

In other words, nothing to report on our end."

And in other news:

"Evil Dead IV

Are there any plans to make an Evil Dead IV?


Sorry! I wish it wasn't so, but I didn't want anyone to have any false hope. Bruce Campbell's website is pretty cool, though. You should check it out.

Posted by: Tracy at August 15, 2004 11:16 AM

Wait a minute. The information on the Freddy/Jason/ASh thing has resurfaced again, months after the initial rumors. Keep in mind that Bruce Campbell plays the cynic on screen and that's all this is. If Raimi negotiates ASH into the Freddy v Jason sequel, Bruce would do it. how could he not? Just hold your horses for a few more days and give Bruce a chance to update his site (that post was from early June).

Posted by: blake at August 18, 2004 01:01 AM

The rumors started circulating before FREDDY VS. JASON even hit U.S. theater screens. Fanboys were abuzz that there would be a sequel that would introduce Bruce Campbell's EVIL DEAD character ASH into the mix. Campbell himself was quick to deny these rumors. However, it now seems like he is whistling a slightly different tune.

Campbell recently spoke to the Seattle Times to promote his latest flick BUBBA HO-TEP. When asked about FREDDY VS. JASON VS. ASH, he had this to say:

"Some executives at New Line are getting (excited) for that idea � which makes a lot of sense. But Ash has not been contacted to see what his franchise rate is. Funny thing is, it's actually a really cool idea, as long as there could be a satisfying end to that particular movie. There'd be no point for Ash to participate unless he could kick some major franchise ass."
- from

Posted by: blake at August 18, 2004 01:03 AM

I think it would be really cool if some how at the begennign of the movie Ash is fighting Leather Face , kills him get's his trusty old chainsaw back, and goes on to fight Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, Pinhead, Chucky, and other big time horror movie charaters, it shuold be about Ash cleansing the world of these killers, but mabye not thats probably just a really dumb idea......

Posted by: Mike at August 18, 2004 06:45 PM

listen greg come on this is freddy and jason we are talkin about here we dont care about the punny teenage weaklings we just wanna see em fuck shit up no true fan wants the good guy to win in freddy and jason flicks come on now. im all for what new line decides to do robert shay is a genious.

Posted by: psycomaniac at August 19, 2004 05:52 AM

okay heres how i see it,ash's primary goal in the movie is to destroy the necronomicon and to conquer all evil. so as we all know that we find the necronomicon is in jasons house, as this comes to be who will be there (or expected to be there)? well as this little battle insues ash destroys the necronomicon which i believe jasons powers come from. Jasons mommy did this thats how he came to be. You just cant raise the dead at the bottom of a lake you need the BOOK OF THE DEAD! so ahs destroys this and jason looses his indestructable powers and becomes an easy target so ash prevails in this fight. which brings us into our second topic Freddy fucking kruger. okay this one should be a little tough because freddy can only be killed on the human world so in some way ash needs to obtain this knowledge an bring his burnt assed into the real world and take him down reynolds style. but knowing raimi he wont let ash be in the movie if he gets killed, plus good vs evil? ash has got the advantage, chainsaw, shotgun,iron fist, vs a machete, and scissor hands. My money goes on ASH.

Posted by: bob price at August 20, 2004 02:20 AM

I think the movie is an excellent idea. Freddy is my all time favorite. It would be nice to see him use Ash for his evil revenge against Jason...and then see Ash take his revenge on Freddy. And yes, ultimately Ash should win for the simple fact that he is a good guy. All I ask is that Freddy have a proper farewell. He is the ultimate horror master, and deserves the proper respect.

Posted by: Anna at August 23, 2004 12:45 PM

In accordance to Mike at August 18, 2004 06:45 PM...
If there ever was a franchise that should become real, that would be it. Ol' Chainsaw boy runnin' around cleasining the world of it's evils? That's what Ash lives for, no?

Posted by: WHM-Yayo at August 25, 2004 12:13 AM

ok this movie is gonna kick ass, I just hope they stay away from the chessyness of freddy vs jason and get to the action like on evil dead2. wont it be awesom when we see what Ash has in his dreams? Freddy vs zombies hahaha
Evil Dead 4!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: BoOm_sTiCk at September 2, 2004 12:36 PM

Ok two ideas for all you meat heads,

1st- Ash has a very bad habit of bumbling important words (Army of Darkness). Oh how many ways could this play a role in this film?

2nd- I saw posts for Ash with out the metal hand and those who want him with out. I say, why not both? He could easily lose his metal hand again. Picture this, Ash taking a nice little nap at the Voorhees house and BAM he meets Freddy. Well Freddy starts fucking with Ash using his own hand against him. While Ash is struggling to wake up all the way he has no choice but to lop off his metal hand..of course using Jason's tool of destruction, the machete.

Any one with me so far. Hell, why don't the fans write the script instead of some chess ball hollywood ass?

Posted by: Verace-Slim at September 14, 2004 12:48 PM

Those of you that say Freddy or Jason would go through Ash easily just haven't seen army of darkness! Ash is the bad ass of bad asses. Besides, he's a lot more durable then a normal human, even if it was just to add a bit of comedy in army of darkness.

Posted by: Movie geek at September 20, 2004 02:21 PM

I think freddy vs jason was ok..First of all freddy never got a chance to kill much people,besides he has way better creative,bloodier, kills than jasons machete.If only those stupid annoying teenagers havnt got in the way and teamed up on freddy, he wouldve hella killed jason by the middle of the movie.(i personally think freddy woulve won)if that annoying chick didnt get in the way and, slice freddys head off, leaving jason to steal the spotlight and acted as if HE killed him...bunch of shit If F/J/A works out they should use the idea of freddy killing ash in the beginning, then using the necronomican to bring ash back [as a dead warrior] and kill jason, then after that, he could turn on freddy and kill him, then ash would be unstopable because he would already be dead....kinda like freddy and jason....but thats just my opinion.......

Posted by: ROB at September 22, 2004 01:36 AM

freddy vs jason is like brains vs brawns....and brains usually works better,but w/ ash in the mix?thats a whole different story...

Posted by: FREDDY RULES! at September 22, 2004 01:41 AM

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash , is going to rock . I for one would love to see Ash (Evil Dead) , back on the silver screen , fighting Freddy and Jason , smackdown style ! I hope Sam Raimi make the deal with New Line . :)

Posted by: movieking2004 at October 4, 2004 07:19 PM

The movie isnt going to happen go to and you will see. Oh yeah Ash would kick their asses

Posted by: BobPrice at October 5, 2004 10:12 PM

Let me start out by saying, as long as Ash lives, and it gets an evil dead 4 made, I'm all for it.
Couple of obvious idea's, if you were to go with the original ending to evil dead you could easily go on the basis that Ash hadn't woken up yet. Maybe, just maybe, he had slept to the point where freddies time line began. This would put him in a position where he could invade ash's dreams. I don't beleive that they ever exactly said in evil dead where the cabin was so we could conveniently say it was within a resonable differnce from freddy's playground (A.K.A. Elm street). the apocalyptic ending could have been a dream Ash was having and freddy could pop in, that or he influenced the dream in the first place.
I could go on but i don't have much time, this would get things started though. To cut things short, freddy could be torturing him about the time the first one is taking place(Fvj) when suddenly he freddy dissapears. He's left alone, has to find his way through freddy's dream world to escape.
of course that doesn't follow the fvjva theme.
Basically the thing your all forgetting was that Ash wasn't some guy who ran around trying to rid the world of evil, he was the poor sucker who always got caught in the middle.

Posted by: Bambi at October 12, 2004 12:05 PM

Why bother thinking seriously about it people? Just delight in the possibility of Ash. Heres a little taste:

Ash sees the form of a sinister man standing between trees in the fog. (Freddy) The man produces his trademark blade infested hand silhouetted and backlit.

Ash: Hey, uh, what you got on your hand there mister?

Freddy: Your doom, little boy.

Ash: You know, something like that happened to me once. I took care of it. (as he produces the chainsaw attached to his arm. A look of sheer terror sweeps over freddies face.)

Posted by: Bob at October 20, 2004 01:08 AM

I say we just let bob here right the script.

Posted by: Tim at November 1, 2004 08:46 PM

Hey i think this movie is one to see and buy on DVD right away..Champbell is the king of cheap movies...But there the best view anyone can buy a ticket for. I want the movies to protray a view from all sides.Jason is a demon/human being. Freddy is a nightmare boogeyman. And Champbell well ill say this 'SUCK ON MY BOOMSTICK ''..The guy well mop the floor with Jason and Freddy even without the chainsaw arm. i dont want to have a scence where there running through the forest and DMX music pumps up(HOUSe OF THE DEAD) very bad directing. MOstly..i want it to be equal in a very uneven way..and for Champbell to win..cuz i want more movies after that..Jason and Freddy can always come back yah know..

Posted by: Brandon H at February 3, 2005 10:05 PM

i think that ash should sit his white asssss down and let real icons fight. freddy vs jason vs michael myers. that is a fucking movie.

Posted by: suge at February 20, 2005 04:08 PM

michael myers couldnt run with freddy or jason they beat he whit faced ass from elm street to crystal lake but ash hell yeah thats somthing to see

Posted by: Chaplin at March 2, 2005 08:44 AM

i see that freddy is going to kill him this time as he did the
frist but they say jason win but i feel hge lost now he will
kill all.

wlcome to southbug

Posted by: roach aka darren mathis under rapp at June 17, 2005 02:48 PM


Posted by: cage at October 8, 2005 05:38 PM

I've glanced over these comments and all and figured I would comment (even though I'm sure most people will disagree and tell me my opinion is dumb because theirs is better). I think the Freddy v Jason sequel is a little stretched. You really can't tell the same story twice (basically Freddy and Jason fight each other and pretty suburban teenagers get killed in between). So the need for a new character comes in. Many on here want Ash and a few want Michael Myers. Personally, I think Michael Myers is a completely different villian. Freddy and Jason are both villians who died and then transcended death to come back and kill. Michael never officially died in the first place. I just think that fact alone would make the plot a little scewed out of his favor since he is technically still mortal. Plus Michael kills for the sole purpose of trying to get to his sister Laurie Strode. Jason and Freddy are less focus and they kill out of vengence on all teenagers(Jason for his and his mother's death and Freddy for his death) so their whole motives are very different. Michael drives a car. That sounds dumb but it just makes him seem more human than Jason who barrels through the woods and somehow always catches the trackstar-teen who is dashing away from him and Freddy in dream world just appears wherever you are. Weaponry is another issue. Michael loves his kitchen knife, not so good when battling machetes and knived gloves. I just think Michael is a comepletely different foe and since he has never gone to Hell, chances are Freddy and Jason have never seen or heard about him. Plus Freddy conjured up Jason to get kids to remember him. I don't see how Michael would do anything to help Freddy get what he wants.

Now as for Ash. I see how the plot could fit together. Now Ash has many flaws such as being mortal but the chainsaw sort of gives him an edge. Plus most teenagers have disposed of Freddy with less. The flaw with this plot is I don't see where Jason fits in. I see him more of on the back burner. I can see Freddy going for the book of the dead so he can be all powerful and rule the dead (I mean Freddy is pretty egotistical). I can see Jason wanting the book because from what many of you think, it was used to bring him back and it was in the Voorhees house. So I can see Ash battling each foe seperately but not in the same film. Unless Freddy just really wants to get revenge again on Jason. I think for the most part though, Jason was a patsy in the last film. He was Freddy's patsy to get the kids to remember him and then he was the kids patsy to kill Freddy. In the end both died. That whole scene with Jason walking out of the lake with Freddy was just your stereotypical hollywood ending for laughs.

I guess the best way the plot could work for me would be like this:

Freddy hears about the Necronomicon. Being in Hell again after he got his shit wrecked by Jason and pals, he gets a little power-hungry again and decides to find the book. Finding out the book was in possession of the Voorhess due to a lame cameo tribute by Sean S. Cunningham in Jason goes to Hell(much like the Evil Dead tribute in Nightmare on Elm Street and the Freddy tribute in one of Sam Raimi's other films), Freddy decides to get Ash to retrieve it by getting in his dream and telling him he must get it and read from it for some reason. Reading it brings back Freddy but at the same time brings back Jason as well. Then Ash in true fashion has to fix his huge mistake.

I don't know I'm sure Hollywood would do this better than me. But I think my main point is Michael Myers wouldn't make for a good sequel in terms of plot and how much sense it would make. Ash would make things interesting and not ruin any of the three franchises. If anything he would probably make Evil Dead DVD sales soar. I just think the whole crossover thing needs to stop though. I remember in 1993 when I was in third grade hearing about Freddy v Jason and getting excited and having to wait 10 years for it and was very happy with it. Now I feel as though I'm being overloaded with this whole thing. Alien v Predator was terrible. Just terrible. I still remember Terminator v Robocop on Nintendo. I hope they never make that a movie. Murphy would get his face wrecked in no time. And I heard they were going to make a Superman v Batman movie back in the day. They killed it thank goodness but that movie would've been five seconds long. Batman gets offed by Superman with one punch through the face. Here's hoping we never get presented with He-Man v Conan the Barbarian. Ugh. Just my opinions.

Posted by: David at October 16, 2005 02:15 AM