March 06, 2004


crimewaveHKdvd.jpgSweet Lord Almighty, I just opened up my email and what did I find there but the Holy Grail, the unattainable desire, a collision of massive film making talents that is rumored to have resulted in a train wreck of epic proportions, a film much talked about but never seen. Yes, boys and girls, I'm talking about Sam Raimi and the Coen Brothers getting together to make a little magic and turning out something called Crime Wave. You may have heard of these guys before. Raimi did a little film called Spiderman and an even littler one called The Evil Dead. O Brother Where Art Thou? Fargo? Miller's Crossing? That'd be the Coen Brothers. Early on in all of their careers the Coen's wrote a little film for Raimi to direct and to say everything went wildly wrong is apparently an understatement. Raimi himself has almost nothing good to say about this film and as far as I knew it was long buried, deep deep underground where nobody would ever find it. Well, I was wrong. God bless those wacky folk in Hong Kong for they've gone and dug the darn thing up and put it on DVD. You can get it here. Just thought you should all know.

I'll let you know if it's as bad as they say once mine arrives.

Posted by John Campea at March 6, 2004 09:35 PM


Why yes, it IS as bad as people same. Man ... considering how early this film happened in all of their careers Raimi and the Coens are lucky this wasn't a total career killer.

Posted by: Bubba at March 16, 2004 03:18 PM

I was at Bubba's place watching it with him. Sweet merciful crap. I feel abused in some sense of the word. We only made it through 33+ minutes.
It wasn't a very good viewing day at the Bubba household. I feel dirty.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at March 17, 2004 10:26 AM

How could you turn it off??! Okay, I appreciate it's like watching a car crash for 90 minutes but hell, who doesn't slow down to check out the carnage? I have loved this film for too long. Raimi is a genius, and all geniuses (?) should be given the chance to get things out of their system. There is more creativity, visual flair and balls-out bravado in five minutes of Crimewave than there is in the entirety of most Hollywood comedies. So Sam doesn't like it - I suspect more because of the torture he was put through during production than for the finished result, which is no more lamentable than Army of Darkness, and has the added frisson of seeing the Coens in the credits. I recommend this to anyone with a strong appreciation for the wholly bizarre - like Eraserhead with sight gags or Mulholland Drive crossed with Malcolm in the Middle, it has one major thing to be said for it - there has never been and will never be anything even remotely like it. Sam - look again, for in your career you have created two true cult masterpieces, and this is one of them. PS. When are you gonna unleash Into The Woods onto the world? The time is NOW!!

Posted by: bersgard at September 24, 2004 06:45 AM