March 29, 2004

Disney Tackles Toy Story 3 All By Itself.

Did you ever see Freaky Friday? Either one of them? Or any other "take on someone else's responsibility" type movies? You know the routine: the person with the big ego, who really has no idea what they're doing, assumes they can do the other person's job much better than the original person because.. "How hard can it be, right?" Today, the shoes of this annoying, ignorant, hard-headed person are being worn by my favourite love-to-hate-them company: Disney.

Reuters tells us that Disney revealed that they will tackle, write, direct, animate, produce and release "Toy Story 3" all by themselves. (Article Here) Hehehehehehehe. This'll be neat. Disney distributed the first 2 Toy Stories, that's it. Okay, yeah yeah, they have a Producing credit for them as well, but folks, this is essentially the MailMan standing up and saying he can do the CEO's job. Oh sure, this mailman happens to know how to make movies, but in this modern time, movies that aren't any good.

I mean sure, I can't sit here and say "it won't make money", because it will: 1) From people who don't follow this stuff and think it's being made by the same company 2) From little kids who just want to see their favourite characters again and 3) From people like me who wanna sit and pick the daylights out of it. So, yeah, a few bucks are to be had but, look at things this way: Disney has billions. Disney now has lots of elbow room now that they've laid off, fired and sent their hand draw-ers packin. Obviously they have some new, secret, fantastically wonderful new plans for the company right? A whole new leaf right? A new company! a new 3D model direction! infinite possibilities, right? Nope, Toy Story 3. - A story based on someone else's movies, but it's a shoo-in for us, so we'll do it. Cuz we don't have anything else constructive at the moment.

My Heroes.

Visit the Save Disney website.

Posted by John Campea at March 29, 2004 02:59 PM


This is irritating beyond words ... though it does shed some light on Pixar's thinking in making their first non-Disney film about a mouse ... retribution perhaps?

Posted by: Bubba at March 29, 2004 06:50 PM

unless they hired 2/3 of the pixar studios group me thinks this one might be a tad bit crappy.

Posted by: punkrock at March 29, 2004 07:19 PM

I can't wait for toy story 33 1/3 to come out...

Posted by: punkrock at March 29, 2004 07:26 PM

Are Tim Allen and Tom Hanks on board? Who would fill in for Jim Varney?

Posted by: David Poe at March 30, 2004 02:25 AM

Well, this project can still be considered "on the table", but given the circumstances, you can pretty much guarantee it's completion.

As far as who's in it, since Disney is giving off the impression that it could use all the help it can get, you can bet your grandma's butt that they'll payout whatever it takes to get everyone back for the 3rd.

As far as Mr. Varney goes, I'd imagine they'll just get someone who's really good at impressions. Like me. Although it'll be someone else. sigh.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at March 30, 2004 04:31 AM

Well, this whole concept of a "Toy Story 3" sounds GREAT! But I've heard that Disney may develop this movie WITHOUT PIXAR. Now, if that's the case, then bomb it. FORGET IT! Toy Story 3 will flat-out rot without the two studios cooperating together. Teamwork made the first two movies (Five-star movies in my opinion) so if a third installment is made, why wreck it? These two studios have to work together in order to make one of the BEST trilogies of our time. I'm fourteen and I adore Disney films. So even if Disney did this thing solo, they'd have to fork over some money to Pixar, for Pixar is a part of this series. Without paying Pixar "Some" money, it would be copyright infringement. So, Walt Disney Studioes, listen up! Either work out details with Pixar or DUMP THIS PROJECT! (Oh, and also, if this project is finished, make sure you have the original actors for voices. Thank you!)

Posted by: Mr. Anderson at May 31, 2004 09:11 PM

Disney's only involvement with Pixar to this point has been as a distributor - they've had no creative control over anything Pixar's done - so actually cooperation isn't necessary for Pixar to make good films. Pixar could easily make another excellent Toy Story without Disney (though I don't know if they'd be allowed to contractually ... Disney has rights to the characters in films made through the length of their contract which is part of why Pixar will not work with Disney once this contract is done) but with Pixar on board (particularly John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton) Disney could never make another quality Toy Story film.

Posted by: Bubba at May 31, 2004 10:54 PM

Err ... that should read "without Pixar on board" ... I should probably proof read BEFORE hitting post ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 31, 2004 10:54 PM

Is there any way we fans could fight this? I love Pixar, and I think it's rape for Disney to try any Toy Story without Pixar.

It seems like Eisner is doing this just to spite Pixar, and he is showing how he has too much power, no accountability, and no concern whatsoever for us Toy Story and Pixar fans.

What will he ruin next? Monsters Inc. 2?

Posted by: john nations at October 16, 2004 04:42 PM

i'm looking for

Posted by: steel buildings at November 1, 2004 11:18 AM

I really used to respect Disney. I thought that by now, they would have learned all the necessities for good film-making. And I have been proven wrong. Pixar is the epitome of Disney's success and Pixar will finally take all the credit they deserve when they leave Disney. I don't know who Disney thinks they're going to fool by making poorly animated films based on films created by Disney's better halves. I am 13 and have been planning to work at Pixar for a long while now and I am outraged. Any supporter of Pixar should spread the word about Disney's little game and expose them as the impersonators
that they have become!

Posted by: Chris Putnam at April 6, 2005 11:00 PM

Ok, so I may be a little late posting a comment. But I just want to say that I work for the walt Disney Company as a performer... and would just like to point out a couple of truths to those who don't know what they are talking about. First of all...yes, pixar did animate the first two movies...and they came up with the initial idea. But DISNEY writers co-wrote the stories (more of the second film). Disney will not pay any money to pixar for part three, they now have obtained the complete rights to the series, characters, etc. The origonal voices will NOT be on board, because Disney will not pay crazy prices for voices that can be imitated. PIXAR is a wonderful animation company, but don't give them all the credit... Disney co-wrote the incredibles, toy story, montsters inc...and will be releasing CHICKEN LITTLE soon, all by them selves. and let's not forget that the WD company gave PIXAR its start, when nobody else would. The splitting of Disney/Pixar was a mutual decision, agreed on by both sides. No one abbandoned the other.

Posted by: KING S at April 13, 2005 05:17 PM

this is ridiculous, disney is nothing without pixar

Posted by: sam at May 31, 2005 10:52 PM

Louie Anderson would be a good replacement for Jim Varney to do the voice of Slinky Dog. Anderson is good at voice acting and had his own cartoon show "Life with Louie". From the way he sounds, he would make a GREAT sound-alike of Jim Varney for Slinky.

Posted by: Kid_7 at July 2, 2005 12:45 AM