March 02, 2004

A Report From the Set of Terry Gilliam's Brothers Grimm!

grim.jpgI've been a raging Terry Gilliam fan for years now and it has pained me beyond words to see project after project fall through on the man so I was ecstatic when he finally started to roll film on The Brothers Grimm. The content is absolutely perfect for Gilliam, the cast is fantastic and to make my life complete (no, not really ...) I've just stumbled across this on set report courtesy of Dreams, a stellar Terry Gilliam fan-site.

Posted by John Campea at March 2, 2004 01:33 PM


I would rather like to see Terry Gilliam shooting
"The Futurological Congress" by Stanislaw Lem; don't you think it is TIME??? tales for today

Posted by: Nediim Demir at October 21, 2004 03:32 PM

Tis a most excellent idea for Terry to be doing the tales of the Brothers Grimm. His outstandingly skewed monty python view on life makes him perfect for this kind of project. I look forward to this cinematic visual feast with great relish.

Posted by: Esquilax at March 5, 2005 07:34 AM