March 10, 2004

13 Going On 30 with Jennifer Garner trailer now online

13goingon30.jpgWhen you see the trailer for 13 Going on 30 you can't help but think only about hottie-and-a-half Jennifer Garner. Here's my dilemna...

Is this a movie for teens to laugh at an adult who's really a kid on the inside, is hot as hell, adored by the masses, and hitting on the 13-year-old boy that everyone wants to be? OR

Is this movie for adults who wish they could somehow go back and be the innocent 13-year-old in their adult bodies and hope for the best?

I will without a doubt go see this movie, if for nothing else than to see Jennifer Garner in what seems like a very funny role. Not to mention that it's obviously a chick flick to the Nth degree. And how I adore chick flicks!!

Not much has been written about this movie just yet, but I'm sure as we get closer to release date (April 23) we'll hear some more.

Visit the official site here

Posted by John Campea at March 10, 2004 06:09 PM


Ok, I'll see ANYTHING with Jennifer Garner in it. However, doesn't this film just look like a bad re-make of Tom Hank's "Big"?

Posted by: John Campea at March 10, 2004 11:00 PM

Hehehe I said the exact same thing... (don't look up posts from Jan 22nd...) I'm a genius. Hey Firefly, welcome to, well, us. Off we go.. later!

Posted by: Day-vuhl at March 11, 2004 01:05 AM

Don't think I don't agree, but there's something funny abut this idea that just pique's my interest for some reason. *shrug* I'm a girl. Shoot me! :D

Oh yeah, sorry for the lack of title, I totally forgot to put on on there.

Posted by: firefly at March 11, 2004 03:53 AM

Saw the film on DVD last night and not sure whether she only had a dream of being 30 or whatever. Anyway, who cares? LOL

Posted by: Simone at April 8, 2005 10:56 AM