February 25, 2004

X-Men 3 and 4 talk

If you've read The Movie Blog for very long you know that I think the X-Men movies are the best comic films ever made. The first one totally resurrected the genre after Batman and Robin had killed it. Now the talk of the next couple of films is starting to roll (finally). The following is from CountingDown:

Cinescape has early word on what nuggets of information are to be released in tomorrow's issue of Wizard Magazine: Among the facts dropped in the mag are: the idea by Singer to shoot X-MEN 3 and X-MEN 4 at the same time; how many primary characters are currently in the X3 treatment (which includes Beast); which actors are likely to reappear in the second sequel; other filmmakers that Singer has been meeting with regarding the latest breakthroughs in filmmaking technology; and spinoff movies using Wolverine and other X-Men characters.
I think this is great news. To read the whole article go here.

Posted by John Campea at February 25, 2004 07:07 AM


Forget Beast, we need Gambit!

Posted by: retardedjimmy at February 25, 2004 01:27 PM

The only problem with doing Gambit (and for the record, I really liked him in the comic) is that his character would be too similar to Wolverine. The loner, the outsider, mighty warrior, slick quick comments. I've always thought they put a little bit of Gambit in the movie version of Wolverine already.

Posted by: John Campea at February 25, 2004 01:32 PM

I thought XMen2 was easily the best superhero movie EVER. Mostly because of its dedication to the comicbook, and that you didn't have to read it at all to get what was going on.

Nightcrawler is by far my favourite XMan, and I hope that in X3 and /or X4 they bring out more of his flare and performance that we got glimpses of, and a little less of his hesitation. I am hoping by the next movie he will be more accepted and more comfortable to be himself. He idolizes Errol Flynn (classic 1938 Robin Hood) and I would like to see more of that swashbuckling good natured energy.

The only other Xmen I would like to see is Kitty Pryde, but it is unlikely they will. She was a cameo mutant (so was Gambit) and Kitty was Peter Rasputin (Collossus) love interest in the book and they have already placed him as a Teacher at Xavier's. They already have the father figure/crush dynamic with Rogue/Wolverine, so for a lot of the same reasons they wont do Gambit, despite popularity, they likely wont do Shadowcat.

Posted by: Rodney at February 25, 2004 03:55 PM

Actually, Collossus was a student in X2, even though he's older than all the others.

Posted by: John Campea at February 25, 2004 04:05 PM

Forget Cyclops,Beast,Rogue,and everyone else.Wolverine,Collosus, and Nightcrawler could whoop all their ***'*.How ya' like them apples!!!

Posted by: J-moforrizzle at December 22, 2004 01:50 AM

very big fan of xmen. u guys should also include beast, gambit, jubilee, multipleman, emma frost, psylocke, and magma in the next movie without deleting jubilee from a sence. plus iceman should be able 2 ice surf, while covered in ice, and magma should be covered in flaming molten rocks while lava skating. the xmen should also be more talkative in some sences. rogue also needs an accent along with gambit, who seriously should have an accent in the next movie. u guys should also show the xmen's personal interests also for example storm as a gardener, beast as a scientist, and nightcrawler as a bookworm. i also had an idea that i dont know if u guys would use, but since mistique uses guns as weapons u should have a frase where she has two guns ripple down from her bicepts, seriously i think this is a great idea, my idea lol. you guys should also show how colossus is immune to rogue's powers in this movie. please email me back on my suggestions. it would be awesome they were used in the x3 movie. i also hope that the any of the cast of xmen wont have to become replaced by a new cast because their contracts expired tht would really suck for me at least and lot of other fans, especially wolverine since he is the main character or any of the existing cast members. i think that this movie might be about the chronicles of pheonix because the last movie was leading to it. so again, please reply to my comments and tell me if any of my suggestions were helpful or even better being used in the x3 movie. plus, please tell me if there is going to be an x4 movie, i am looking forward to it. hope this movie goes well. GREAT IDEA: the movie poster should have a picture of all the main xmen on the cover flying towards u, with storm flying, rogue's glove off, iceman surfing on ice while covered in ice, cyclop's visors glowing red, and wolverine's claws out. Plus another poster with all the brotherhoods mutants running toward the picture with toad sticking his tongue out, sabretooth claws out, avalanche up in the air, magneto flying, and mistique with her guns. it would also be kool if u guys included another poster of the morlocks with marrow and healer. IDEAS ARE JUST STORMING OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! i hope my ideas wont go to waste please reply answering my questions and so that i know u got this comment.

Posted by: leslie at December 31, 2004 02:22 AM

i want 2 know wether GAMBIT will be in X3! i' ve heard he will be & he wont be. they said no because he was too much like scott & wolverine all serious & everything but in the comic books he wasn't really serious he was a joker. so whatever, like anyone really knows anything. if u have heard anything i would like 2 know. thanks!

Posted by: Shay at January 6, 2005 08:14 PM

Gambit and Wolverine are fun to have together, the reason the movie is called the x men and not Wolverine... yet. They are also stupid to think people will confuse him with Cyclops! I think the best solution since they already messed it up is to just make a spin off of Gambit and Rogue! That way they can fix Rogue a little, she can be older, she can have her powers, she can not be with the ice man, Gambit can be shown with Sinister and the Maurader thing, they can show their whole awsome story, Storm can get more screen time, the whole thing would work out extremely well and Gambit lovers can have their fill too! Why don't they do that? The story of Remy/Rogue if you don't know it would make for an incredible movie and it has everything from the best love story to the most extreme action, if you haven't hear the whole story than you need to know it! Magneto will be in it, everyone will still have some time in it and it shows a huge history of the x men and their enemies. You can read their whole story on the web site I think is called the Joker and the Queen. I wish there was some way to get Fox's attention.

Posted by: Nicole at January 29, 2005 10:24 AM

I've a similiar opinion like everyone. I love the comic book about x-men, and the cartoons. My favourite characters are rogue and gambit and their impossible love. When I knew that in x-men3 he wouldn't appear I was upset, but then I heard that it wiil be an x-men 4, I hope in that one gambit will appear. I would like to if it's true that there will be an x-men 4 and if that's true will gambit appear? thanks!

Posted by: Raquel Dias at October 3, 2005 11:18 AM

Any X-Men considered "Cool" are best kept out of the movies. What next Cable and Bishop? 2D Characters like this helped ruin the comic, now people want them in the movies too?

Rogue in the movies is a totally different character to the comic version so bringing Gambit in for her sake is quite pointless.

Posted by: Morbius at October 3, 2005 11:25 AM