February 21, 2004

The Whole 10 yards trailer online

10yards.jpgLike Rodney, I loved 'The Whole 9 Yards'. Unlike Rodney, I'm very pleased that they've made another one. It was originally supposed to be released last October and I haven't really heard why it was delayed for so long, but now it's scheduled for release on April 9th, 2004. If it's half as good as the first one it'll be well worth the price of a ticket. Go see the trailer here

Posted by John Campea at February 21, 2004 11:38 AM


This isnt a spoiler since the preview already shows these details. But reader beware.

The idea behind this movie is what makes me a little cautious to see it. What made 9Yards so side splittingly funny was Oz's reaction to the calmly violent Jimmy. He was thrown into a world he knew nothing about. That and ALL the great supporting cast.

Now its a role reversal. No one is unfamiliar to this world, Jimmy is soft and Oz needs him to rescue his wife from Yanni's dad. (who doesn't look like he will be funny)

Its all about the characters that made this so funny. I'm odd. I found Rosanna Arquette to be terribly sexy with her french accent but she got less pretty as the movie went on. (which I enjoyed) Yanni was a freaking HOOT, every time he openned his mouth I laughed. Franky Figgs? Come on, who's cooler that Big Mickey Clarke Duncan?

All this supporting cast will be missing. I love Bruce Willis in a comedy, and sorry Jim Carey, but Matt Perry has you beat for physical comedy. Natasha Henstridge is one of the sexiest women in film.

It will be a good movie. But will it be as great as 9Yards? I worry

I was excited when the decided to do a sequel to Highlander.... look how that turned out

Posted by: Rodney at February 22, 2004 01:04 PM

I'm sorry. Did you just say Matt Perry has Jim Carrey beat for Physical comedy?!?! Are you INSANE?!?!

Posted by: John Campea at February 22, 2004 01:09 PM

I got really tired of the same thing over and over again from Jim Carey. No doubt, Carey is good at it. Very little will come close to the fight with "himself" in Me Myself and Irene, but every physical gag he does we have all seen in 5 of his films. I like Matt better.

And Lazlo Gogolak is actually going to be played by the same guy who did Yanni, but he just doesn't look to be as funny in this.

Posted by: Rodney at February 22, 2004 01:15 PM