February 06, 2004

The Giant Lizard's 50th Birthday

So Godzilla's turning 50 this year and word is that Japanese cult director Ryuhei Kitamura has been tagged to helm the anniversary film. Kitamura's playing coy himself and refusing to confirm or deny, but this looks to be pretty much a done deal. This could be either a very good thing or a very bad thing ... Kitamura is at his best when he indulges his genre film fetishes - Versus is a stellar example of classic low budget gore-comedy film making - but he generally gets tedious when he tries to introduce any sort of plot. If this turns out to be true there are two things you can say pretty much for certain: Expect some ridiculously over the top camera movements and expect the film to include a thoroughly unnecessary 10-15 minute epilogue. The man needs an editor.

Posted by John Campea at February 6, 2004 07:58 AM

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Maybe they could hire Michael Bay for the 15 minute epilogue so there would be cars pointlessly flipping and burning in the background while it happens.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at February 11, 2004 02:29 AM

Guh. If Bay did it then it would be just as likely to devolve into a sequence of skinny little Cuban kids gazing admiringly at a faded mural of JFK. Good lord, but the end of Armageddon did truly suck ...

Anyway, the Kitamura rumor looks to be true and word is there will be up to 15 big monsters turning up ... I don't think I even know of 15 so far so maybe they're coming up with some more.

Posted by: Bubba at February 13, 2004 10:46 PM