February 02, 2004

The Chronicles of Riddick trailer online

I really didn't like Pitch Black. I thought it was too slow, the monsters looked ridiculous, the characters were more 2 dimensional than my drivers license, the acting was weak, the casting was poor, the premise was flawed, the "hero" was distant and unattachable… aside from the musical score (which was actually pretty darn good if you really listen to it) I found very little redeeming qualities about it.

So imagine my excitement (please note the sarcasm) upon learning a few months ago that they were planning on doing a sequel. The Chronicles of Riddick is that sequel.

Vin Diesel presents an odd problem for me. I like him. I actually look forward to seeing his pictures… BUT, I have yet to see him in anything that I liked or thought he was good in (Saving Private Ryan being the exception). I'm really rooting for him… but always completely disappointed.

Another problem this picture faces is Thandie Newton's presence. As undeniably beautiful as this actress is, she was just horrific in Mission Impossible 2 as Tom Cruise's love interest. No really… she was AWFUL. Zero acting ability. Now having said that, every actor has had a bad picture or 2 where they don't show what they're really capable of… and perhaps Mission Impossible 2 was that film for Newton. Perhaps she is capable of much better. Time will tell… but I'm not holding my breath.

The premise of this film also looks eye rolling. Here's a little snippet of the plot from MSN:

Riddick has spent the last five years on the move among the forgotten worlds on the outskirts of the galaxy, eluding mercenaries bent on collecting the price on his head. Now, the fugitive finds himself on planet Helion, home to a progressive multicultural society that has been invaded by the Lord Marshal, a despot who targets humans for subjugation with his army of warriors known as Necromongers. Exiled to a subterranean prison where extremes of temperature range from arctic nights to volcanic days, Riddick encounters Kyra, the lone survivor from an earlier chapter in his life. His efforts to free himself and Kyra lead him to the Necromonger command ship, where he is pitted against the Lord Marshal in an apocalyptic battle with possibly the fate of all beings-- both living and dead -- hanging in the balance.
I'm sorry… does that say NECROMONGERS?!?!?! That's the name of the bad guys? If I knew nothing else about this movie, that would be enough to keep me away from the theaters.

But who am I kidding. I'll go see this film if for no other reason than to continue my illusion that Vin Diesel is due to make a really good one and will show us all that he's capable of being a true Hollywood leading man. What am I smoking?

If my little rant hasn't made you apprehensive about seeing The Chronicles of Riddick, then perhaps you should just go ahead and watch the trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2004 04:28 AM


"Now having said that, every actor has had a bad picture or 2 ... Perhaps she is capable of much better."

- Well, she has been nominated 7 times for her acting ability for various awards shows.

Although yes, she has been nominated once for a Razzie.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at February 2, 2004 05:07 AM

I get where you're coming from John, but if nothing else I think David Twohy's got an interesting visual style. And he had the good sense to direct a Darren Aronofsky script (Below). And you gotta figure Judi Dench and Colm Feore will go a long way towards negating the Thandie Newton factor.

I'm probably not gonna pay full price, but I'll try to catch this one in the theaters ...

Posted by: Bubba at February 3, 2004 05:39 PM

It took me 5 years to finally watch Pitch Black and admit that I actually enjoyed it, now I can rent the sequel.

Posted by: Simone at April 10, 2005 03:54 PM


Posted by: black at June 21, 2005 12:25 PM

yo wat up

Posted by: snake at June 21, 2005 12:28 PM