February 02, 2004

The Big Bounce gets seriously bounced

Ok, I realize that the reviews for The Big Bounce have been generally negative. I even understand that the trailers have been bad… but I didn't see this coming. On its opening weekend, The Big Bounce came in 12th at the Box Office bringing in just over $3 million bucks. I'm stunned. I least though the fact that Owen Wilson, Morgan Freeman and Gary Sinise are in it would give it SOME market appeal. What makes it even worse is when you consider what it opened against. You Got Served (which took in a box office leading $16 million) and The Perfect Score (which only brought in $5 million) are both films that by all rights the name power of The Big Bounce SHOULD have beat handily. But it didn't. Apparently Warner Brothers was expecting to make a "modest" profit from the film… but since I'm guessing that it took more than $10 million to make this film (probably closer to about $50 million) that "modest" profit is going to turn into a brutal loss. I'll go out on a limb and guess they'll lose about $40 million on this. Ouch.

Warner Brother is hurting a little right now. They're taking a financial bath on The Big Bounce, and the only other movie of note they have out there right now is Mystic River which they estimated would take in about $100 million… it's only made $65 million so far and isn't likely to break $80 million. Normally that would be a solid and respectable number, but it still hurts when you were expecting more. Kinda like getting a good Christmas present when you were expecting a great one.

View the full box office results here

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2004 12:48 PM
