February 27, 2004

Rodriguez gets Sin-ful ...

sincity.gifAccording to Variety director Robert Rodriguez is set to direct an adaptation of Frank Miller's classic Sin City graphic novels - books that Miller had sworn never to sell the rights to. Apparently Rodriguez convinced the man to change his mind by shooting a ten minute short based on the material and bringing him on as co-director ... no word yet on casting ...

Posted by John Campea at February 27, 2004 03:12 PM


My reaction:


I hope the movie is released in black and white, though...

Posted by: A.R. Yngve at February 28, 2004 10:36 AM

Rodriguez has apparently said he wants to capture the comic's look on screen ... so, though he hasn't explicitly said he's shooting in black and white that seems like pretty much the way he'd have to go.

Posted by: Bubba at February 28, 2004 12:09 PM

Okay, AICN has been all over this, so head there for complete details, but it bears repeating ... Casting notes are starting to leak for this and though nothing is official yet Rodriguez is apparently talking to Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Leo DiCaprio, Josh Hartnett, Johnny Depp, Guillermo Del Toro, Steve Buscemi, Christopher Walken, Elijah Wood, and Michael Douglas, among others. The female actors didn't attract my attention nearly as much, but ... damn. That's one impressive cast. Oh, and Tarantino is apparently going to stop by to direct a segment. Madness.

Posted by: Bubba at March 20, 2004 02:19 AM