February 29, 2004

Review: A powerful, personal 'Passion'

CNN film reviewer Paul Clinton writes a well thought out review of Mel Gibson's The Passion:

"The Passion" is ultimately a movie -- and a masterful one at that, obviously the work of an extremely talented filmmaker. The pacing of the story is beautifully measured. The intercutting between Jesus' early years, the Last Supper, the Sermon on the Mount, and the final hours of his life not only flesh out the story, but also offer relief from the unrelenting violence in scene after scene graphically displaying the torture leading up to Christ's agonizingly slow death on the cross.

After seeing "The Passion," it is my opinion that it is not anti-Semitic, nor do I believe Gibson promotes any such feelings in the film. But it is also very clear that anyone who is predisposed towards anti-Semitism could easily twist this film to fit his or her own agenda. This, however, is nothing new. People have been distorting the Bible to fit their own beliefs for centuries.

Read the whole article here

Posted by John Campea at February 29, 2004 01:23 AM


As a pro-choice, civil libertarian, nudist, Jewish Buddhist Agnostic, card carrying member of the ACLU, environmentalist, Marxist (Groucho, Harpo Chico and sometimes Zeppo), Lennonist (of course, John), Doctor Whovian and Beatlemaniac...

I had certain reservations about this film.

But it has won me over. This review is right on the money. And if you go i with an open mind, I believe it will win you over as well. A masterful work.

Posted by: Herby at February 29, 2004 05:35 AM

Warning: shameless plug. I reviewed it here.

Posted by: retardedjimmy at February 29, 2004 12:48 PM

Grrr.. you all don't have html enabled? Sorry, it's at http://www.retardedjimmy.com/archives/000227.html.

Posted by: retardedjimmy at February 29, 2004 12:49 PM

Study oline night who coming last minute travel, into soon study first.

Posted by: Selena at September 8, 2004 06:48 PM

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