February 06, 2004

Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell to do Bewitched

I think this one has tons of potential. I like Ferrell and Kidman both very much (for different reasons obviously). As a young kid, I would sometimes watch the old Bewitched reruns on tv in the afternoons. No Oscars here, this one is being made with 2 words in mind: 1) BOX 2) OFFICE

After much speculation, Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman has officially signed a pay-or play deal with Columbia Pictures to star with Will Ferrell in a big screen adaptation of the Emmy-winning television series Bewitched. Nora Ephron is helming the adaptation of the classic 1960's series, with Red Wagon partners Doug Wick and Lucy Fisher producing. Ephron also adapted the story about a mere mortal man, Darrin (Ferrell), who falls in love with and marries a beautiful and friendly witch, Samantha (Kidman). The original series starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha and both Dick York and Dick Sargent as Darrin. Ephron's feature is scheduled to begin shooting this summer.
Read the whole article at Yahoo Movies here

Posted by John Campea at February 6, 2004 02:22 PM


Here's a still photo of Bewitched with Nicole and Will


Posted by: wilson morales at November 27, 2004 01:01 AM

Enough Nicole Kidman, I'm tired of looking at her mug on the big screen!

Posted by: Cheshirejenn at June 10, 2005 01:43 PM