February 11, 2004

Mel Advertises 'The Passion...' So Completely Correctly.

Well, here's something you don't see everyday. Actually, given 4 seconds to think about it, you'll never see it. Ever.

Today I read earlier that The Passion of the Christ had a very "against the grain" marketing campaign. Does it Ever.

Okay, so I'm browsing through the movie's official site a few moments ago and stumbled upon a segment of the site called "Fan Kits". It seemed interesting enough for me to take a gander. So I gandered. Here, you can order large posters, door hangers, envelope inserts, small fold posters and postcards right from the website. Now, this is where most people would say: "I can't believe someone would try to make a profit off of a topic so utterly sensitive." Well, let me tell you, in this case, that doesn't apply.... Why?

Because everything is free. That's for real. Not "free when you buy something else" - But: * Everything -- Is -- Free.* Period.

Do you want 3 Posters and a bunch of press kit stuff? It's free.
How bout 200 Postcards? Yeah, that's free too.
Okay, forget that, maybe you want to go all out and get 100 Full-Sized Posters. -- Yup. Believe it or not, they're all completely free. No seriously. (If you want a MASSIVE order like this one though, you need to be an organization)

And count on the government to make you buy postage stamps - And only the States can take advantage of this.... which sucks. -

I have to hand it to Mel, as far as I'm concerned, he's doing everything right with the handling of this movie. From making the entire marketing campaign one big give-away, to personally calling, visiting and speaking with people who have concerns about it, I'd give Mel an A+ for trying to handle such a delicate issue correctly. In a world where you can't please everybody, it's amazing to see someone actually trying.

To order, Click Here, Enter the site, go to "Spread The Word" and select "Fan Kits"

Posted by John Campea at February 11, 2004 02:14 AM


Great comments

I think you hit the nail on the head

Posted by: eddie at February 23, 2004 03:47 AM