February 20, 2004

It's coming together

Ok, we've got the basics put together. It'll be another couple of days until the site looks right, but at least for now the content and comments are back up and running! Keep coming back to check our progress. Oh, did you notice on the right that we finally have a search function on the site! Whheeeeee...

Posted by John Campea at February 20, 2004 08:38 PM


I looked up "poop" and got 3 matches! Because, I'm mature.

Posted by: drew at February 21, 2004 08:25 AM

I would imagine those matches for poop were all in Day-vuhl's post.

He is fond of the word.

At least the search is limited to POSTS, and not the comments. I did a search for Jack Sparrow and found nothing. tee hee.

Posted by: Rodney at February 21, 2004 11:28 AM

Nice site!

Posted by: WeirD at October 1, 2004 07:59 AM