February 27, 2004

"Ghost in the shell" - A Great Film Made Better?

ghost.jpgOkay, I'm still looking for more information on this, but I just stumbled across something intriguing ... Bandai Visual has just issued a limited edition DVD box of Mamoru Oshii's classic Ghost in the Shell which was not only massively influential in the anime world but was also a prime source of inspiration for the Matrix films. On its own this is nothing surprising, right? Looks like a company positioning an old property to generate some new cash with the sequel due soon, which happens all the time. Here's where things get interesting, though: director Mamoru Oshii has gone back to the original film and given it a thorough re-tweaking including additional scenes, some re-editing and the replacement of old animation and backgrounds with improved CGI to bring the film more in line with current animation standards. Now is Oshii going all Lucas on us and messing with something that wasn't broken or is this going to be a significant upgrade to an already classic title? I'll let you know when my copy arrives ... between this and the Kill Bill box an awful lot of my spending money is on its way to Japan right now ...

And for those who are wondering, yes the Ghost in the Shell sequel (Innocence) will be getting a theatrical release in North America through Go Fish Pictures, the anime arm of Dreamworks that also handled Millenium Actress.

Posted by John Campea at February 27, 2004 02:49 PM


Good morning:-)

Is this limited edition of "ghost in the shell" still avible? And in case where? And whith price are we talking about?

Have a nice day:-)


Posted by: Trond at March 9, 2004 07:07 AM

Okay, my copy of this came in yesterday and here are the goods:

a) the print hasn't been altered in any way other than some basic cleaning and remastering. I'm guessing the references to new CGI were poorly translated renderings of press gear from the original release because there's nothing new in this version but the fusion of CG and cell animation was quite new and a very big deal when this first came out.

b) the packaging is damn sexy. that picture doesn't even begin to capture it. Hard cardboard slipcase with embossed lettering into which slides a hardbound book, DVD mounted in the front cover, which includes Oshii's entire storyboards for the film.

So, none of the new stuff I was hoping for, but a far, far better version than the earlier one I had and I'm pretty happy to have picked it up.

Posted by: Bubba at March 13, 2004 10:51 PM

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