February 21, 2004

Elektra starts shooting May 3rd

Ok, many people know that I am one of the few individuals who really enjoyed DareDevil. Now the Spin off "Elektra" is set to begin filming in Vancouver on May third. I'm shocked. I haven't heard much about the movie in a few months, but I guess they're pretty much ready to roll. The following is from FilmJerk:

Taking a page from the storylines found in both the "The Elektra Assassin" and "The Elektra Saga" graphic novels, the film finds Elektra (Jennifer Garner) again working for the Order of the Hand, the group that trained � and then abandoned � her. At the request of Kirigi, the film�s villain, she is told to target Harbor Island man named Mark Miller because, she is told, of an act his grandfather performed. A widower, Miller is a likeable man introduced to Elektra by his 13-year-old daughter Abby. After falling for him, Elektra becomes his protector and has to fend off four ninja assassins dispatched by Kirigi.
You can read the whole article here

Posted by John Campea at February 21, 2004 11:30 AM
