February 24, 2004

Blade 3 (AKA Blade: Trinity) synopsis

I'm a sucker for comic book movies! Here a synopsis I found at upcominghorrormovies.com about the new blade flick. It looks like it'll be dumb with a lot of kicking and hurting. I love it.

Blade joins forces with two vampire hunters part of a group called the Nightstalkers as they tackle the powerful and ruthless villain Danica Talos. After harvesting the superior blood of the ancestor of all modern vampires, Talos has resurrected the man now known as “Drake” from a century-long sleep in the hopes of finally getting world control for all vampires. Blade, along with the band known as the Nightstalkers must stop them from unleash a virus that will kill all the vampires— but only are given one chance to make it work.

The vampire hunters must fight a vampiress named Danica—played in an unlikely bit of casting by indie darling Parker Posey—and her gang, which includes pro-wrestler-turned-actor Triple H, otherwise known as Paul Michael Levesque. And there's a dangerous new villain, played by former John Doe star Dominic Purcell, called Drake, which is short for Dracula. "The vampires ... [have] been looking for the sort of progenitor of the vampire race, who's Dracula, but he's seven, eight thousand years old," Goyer said. "The whole idea is that Drake, Dracula, was also like the genesis of the Dagon, the Sumerian god, stuff like that. ... He's sort of like the patient zero of evil. ... The vampires are looking for him, because he's dormant and he's a daywalker" and the potential source of something that will allow all bloodsuckers to bear the light of day.

There's more...

Meanwhile, vampires have convinced the FBI and local police that Blade and Whistler are menaces to society, Goyer added. That's where the Nightstalkers come in. "It becomes apparent that Blade and Whistler are forced to go on the defensive so much that they need reinforcements," he said. "And the reinforcements are the Nightstalkers, which is sort of Whistler's contingency plan, as he's been training, on the side, this group of vampire hunters, with his daughter."
To read the whole article click here.

Posted by John Campea at February 24, 2004 03:18 PM


What role does triple h have in this movie>?

Posted by: ufofreek at March 2, 2004 02:57 PM

I'm pretty sure he plays one of the bad guy's main henchmen. He's supposed to have a couple of good action sequences.

Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2004 06:30 PM

I'm excited to see Tripple H in this film. When I first heard of him in this I was shocked, stunned, thrilled. heh.
I'm not so sure Jessica Biel is a good candidate for this role. But like Underworld and those actors. I was suprised and delighted by their action sequences. I like the idea of getting actors who aren't well known for their action and violence in films and getting them to take on such roles. So I'm excited to see what will happen. I'm sure we won't be disappointed. In my opinion...we need more ethnic actors doing sum a$$ kiking.

Posted by: Dove at March 5, 2004 01:32 AM

i am sooo excited to see hunter in this film, i really do think he could be a great actor someday.

Posted by: Jade at March 6, 2004 11:00 PM

Hey Marcy, didnt know you posted here. So is Triple H going to be a vampire in the movie? I never saw Blade 1 or 2, Ill watch them before 3 just so I know whats going on?

Posted by: HHH_TheGame100 at March 14, 2004 02:00 AM

i am very much loooking forward to seeing blade trinity the first 2 were amazing and this one looks like its going to be even better. It pleased me to see a not so famouse actor in a big budget movie i am of course reffering to Van Wilder funny man Ryan Renolds, i think hes great and deserves a chance at the big time.

Posted by: rob at August 24, 2004 12:20 PM

well i cant wait to see that moviei got both of blade 1 and 2 of blade

Posted by: amiraJTS at September 5, 2004 01:21 AM

i think the third one should be good and tripple h sucks how could he be mean to eugene

Posted by: gailfriesen at September 6, 2004 10:38 PM

I Saw Blade trinity at 12:AM opening day...

I cant believe I wasted ( actually my friend paid so ) 8.50 on blade trinity. What crap?.. blade 1 was great! blade 2 was greater!! , but blade 3 was the greatest (((disappointment))) ive seen in the series. one big music video thats all , i cant even count how many times blade or the other 2 dummies with him posed before shooting a zombie. Also there were so many things that reminded me of the matrix it was sickening. ( although i love the matrix and have all 3 movies ) the Movie sucked save your cash

Posted by: john doe at December 8, 2004 05:32 PM

I thought drake was HOT!@

Posted by: rachel at December 9, 2004 12:18 AM

Havent seen it yet but its ment 2 be great

Posted by: barry at December 13, 2004 09:47 AM


Posted by: BARRY at December 13, 2004 09:49 AM

This movie was the worst of the worst. People I would only recommend watching this movie if u want to judge if its sucks more or not. The movie was NOT original. I mean yes its the thied to its series but I felt like im not watching blade bust some new stuff, just watching blade do his thing again. I know alot of you people know you want to see a sequel or third series to a movie so that you can see what cool stuff they came up with. Well NOTHING IN TRINITY! I mean someparts were not so bad and kinda kept me from leaving the theater. Defanitely because of the comdey they put into this one I was glad I didn't walk out. But still other than the comedy and very little suspense parts, nothing else really kept me held to my chair. If I was to write the third one, I guarantee it would be better than what I saw. But you guys can go ahead and watch it, but trust me, alot of it is just pieces of the first and second one into the third but changed a little.

Posted by: JDAWG at March 8, 2005 08:41 PM

Blade Trinity. Watched it already 15 times. not tired of it yet.

Posted by: DAGON at April 22, 2005 12:09 PM