February 03, 2004

Because British People Are Funnier Than You.

It's true. Don't try to deny it. And for proof head over to Working Title Films and check out the trailer for Shaun of the Dead. Defending yourself from the undead with Dire Straits records ... tee hee ...

Posted by John Campea at February 3, 2004 05:28 PM


So, which aspect of Shaun of the Dead should make me laugh? The tinny trailer, or the random Britishness of it... I mean, Vauxhauls and right-hand-drive are funny, but not on a holier-that-thou level, which you're attempting to infer.

Posted by: colin at February 6, 2004 07:21 AM

I'm a big fan of random Britishness. And randomness in general. And the British are better at randomness than pretty much anybody on this side of the pond except possibly Ben Edlund back in the days of the original Tick comic book.

And like I said, the idea of fighting off the undead with old Dire Straits records makes me laugh REALLY hard.

Posted by: Bubba at February 6, 2004 08:01 AM

That preview is GREAT....I'm a huge fan of "DAWN" of the Dead and this one looks great...

Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 7, 2004 06:24 AM

Yeah man, the Brits are hilarious! My favourite comedian is Tony Blaire.

Posted by: Machinegun Willy at February 11, 2004 01:46 PM

All British people laugh at their own jokes, its their custom. British people laugh at the stupidest of things, and the tend to laugh at them for long periods of time (like say, 3 or more hours).And it doesn't even have to be a joke, it could be something that in most cultures would not even register as funny, but Brits will laugh most of the day about it. When I lived in the UK I noticed one very strange thing about them, when a Brit falls over in the street they will laugh about it, but if you laugh they look at you like your a piece of shit. AND they make jokes about everything to avoid difficult subjects (or they 'put the kettle on to make tea'....they can usually find a joke in there too). I have met many friends from all over the world, and though they all have their own humor, its the Brits never fail to make me laugh. I like them.

Bobs (not your uncle)

Posted by: artichoke bob at January 22, 2005 01:15 PM

I'm sure you were talking about the English there bob...

...however British are the funniest on the planet...and so there. (Scottish are the most funny of course...next to Canadians though!)

Posted by: Richard at March 15, 2005 02:30 PM

I have been living here in Britain for the last 6 years now, my naturalisation is up and can't wait for it. I have never learned so many funny things, scenarios since I have moved here. I am naturally funny myself, its just the Filipino culture of also being able to laugh at ourselves, I am glad it complements that of the Brits.

Rich, I think you Scottish are the most hilarious bunch indeed! Its so nice to have a laugh.

Posted by: Simone at March 15, 2005 04:45 PM