February 12, 2004

50 First Dates Reviews

I used to be a big Adam Sandler fan… but after a while all his films (exactly the same) started getting tired. Then along came Punch Drunk Love, a brilliant piece that I was sure would propel Sandler to a new level in his acting and the films he does. No such luck. Now we have 50 First Dates… what looks like the some old Adam Sandler movie with probably the same old Sandler jokes. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get myself to the theater to see this one.

To be fair, the reviews are mixed (although most of them are negative). Here are some of them:

"That 50 First Dates is awful is no surprise--that it appears to have had the potential to be great is just heartbreaking."

"The memory-loss device dimly recalls Groundhog Day, though the film's low laugh rate, occasional lachrymosity and flaccid pacing assuredly do not."
-- John Patterson, L.A. WEEKLY

"The stars have a goo-goo chemistry that's hard to resist."

"The chemistry between Sandler and Barrymore...is undeniable, a match that goes a long way towards making the film far more compelling than it should be."
-- David Nusair, REEL FILM REVIEWS

To see a larger list of reviews click here.

Posted by John Campea at February 12, 2004 01:05 PM