January 05, 2004

Why is Piper Perabo not yet a superstar?

Most of Hollywood these days is just a bunch of half talented good looking faces. It's nice therefore to once in a while come across a performer that seems to have all the tools needed to actually make a name for themselves. Piper Perabo is one of those performers.

The only redeeming thing about the painful and horribly misleading titled Coyote Ugly was Perabo. She demanded that you take notice of her. She's incredibly attractive, gives off a truly likable aura, projects a dynamite smile and seems to have that "can't help but love her" Julia Roberts quality. She brightens up a screen with her presence.

However, dispite everything mentioned above, Piper has yet to really break into Hollywood's "B" list (lest alone "A" list). Most people wouldn't even know she has a significant role in Cheaper by the Dozen with Steve Martin. Her name carries so little weight that she's not mentioned in the marketing at all. For the life of me I can't imagine why that is.

So what is it that's holding her back? Has she just not snagged the right part yet? Is there some glaring weakness in her talent? Are people sick of the Julia Roberts type? What is it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Posted by John Campea at January 5, 2004 03:03 AM


I agree with almost everything you say. She is pretty.
And likeable. But if she does have acting chops, she
sure hasn't shown 'em yet. So what do you get when
have a Julia Roberts type that hasn't lucked herself into
a few juicy starring roles early on, like Magnolias and
Pretty Woman? You've got Monica Potter. And Piper Peraboo.

Posted by: drew at January 5, 2004 04:13 PM

Yah... she just needs to be in some more big budget films. Look at Eva Mendez.. it wasn't until this year that her name became well known...

Posted by: Brad Pineau at January 5, 2004 06:06 PM

not to be a smart arse, but who is eva mendez?? Oh and Brad, sorry bud, but you need to see a lot more films if you think fight club is the best movie out there...

Posted by: xhoss at January 5, 2004 06:53 PM

Compared to Tyra Banks and the 2 other "cayotes", she's not as pretty and definitely not sexy.

Posted by: vasili at January 5, 2004 09:47 PM

I have to question your tastes and your sexuality if you cant see the attractive qualities in Miss Perabo. Yes, the other coyotes in the film were not hard on the eyes, but much like Charlies Angels, each girl appeals to a different taste.

I can tell you in 6 words why Piper hasnt hit it big. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Although I liked the film (due mostly in part to nostalgia and hidden gags from the original cartoon) Piper was not a likeable character or believable in it. I felt she did a really poor job playing the character she was given (that could have been directing and lack of material - working with CG Characters etc)

Hollywood remembers this stuff. Its only the really big names that can fart out a crappy performance and still get a gig to redeem themselves with.

Posted by: Rodney at January 6, 2004 06:07 PM

Piper is AMAZING!! everything she has done so far has been awesome!! :) i really dont think she wants to be a huge star tho.. she's been offered to be in some big budget movies, but she turned them down... and i think thats great! she's acting because she loves it, and she's not in it for the money! i respect her for that! :)

maybe she'll never be the biggest star, but as long as she keeps making movies, i'll go see them and be happy! :) but its a shame that most of the people that get all the attention are the ones in the big blockbusters.. but then u just get sick of them really fast, cuz you see them everywhere!

i'm really excited about her upcoming movies! they are gonna be awesome!! :)

Posted by: Aurelia at January 20, 2004 02:53 AM