January 24, 2004

The Butterfly Effect carries no effect at all

The Reviews for The Butterfly Effect are in… and while they aren't the worst I've seen, they're still not pretty. I've been saying this for a long time: "Ashton Kutcher is not a legitimate Hollywood leading man". I will never understand for the life of me why he gets so much media attention when he clearly can not carry a film. To date his biggest accomplishment in the entertainment world is dating Demi Moore. Hats off to him, I wish I was in his shoes!

Here's a rundown of what the critics are saying via Yahoo Movies:

Critics Reviews Average Grade:   C
Source Brief Review Grade*
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Bob Longino
"...nobody associated with making this movie can possibly emerge unscathed." more... D+
Boston Globe
Ty Burr
"A film of singularly boneheaded conceits..." more... D  
Chicago Sun-Times
Roger Ebert
"I enjoyed The Butterfly Effect, up to a point. That point was reached too long before the end of the movie." more... C+
Chicago Tribune
Mark Caro
"Kutcher delivers a credibly serious performance..." more... C+
E! Online "By the end, its ridiculous wackiness will have you clutching your seat--no, not in suspense, but to control your laughter." more... C-
Norm Schrager
"The Ashton Kutcher crowd (and you know who you are) will probably love this film." more... B-
New York Post
Lou Lumenick
"The Butterfly Effect...is so consistently silly and overwrought that it flirts with the elusive so-bad-it's-entertaining category." more... C-
New York Times
Dave Kehr
"...staggeringly bad." more... F  
James Berardinelli
"...a compelling and intriguing movie..." more... B  
San Francisco Chronicle
Mick LaSalle
"In its own ridiculous way, The Butterfly Effect is an entertaining movie..." more... C+
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Sean Axmaker
"The metaphysics are fuzzy at best and just plain sloppy the rest of the time..." more... C-
USA Today
Mike Clark
"...the actor (Kutcher) is far less interesting than Effect's concept, which in turn is far more interesting than witnessing its botch of an execution." more... C  

Click here to see more of yahoo's review list for The Butterfly Effect

Posted by John Campea at January 24, 2004 09:50 AM


I saw this movie on Friday and although I was also skeptical it turned out to be a fantastic movie. I went with four others and every single one of them absolutely loved the movie. Ashton shows he has talent in this movie and although sometimes you see the 'tv' actor in him, I think it was sort of called for. There are also some disturbing parts in the film. It is definitely worth going to see.

Posted by: Angela at January 25, 2004 11:33 AM

ok angela...you and your friends are all retarded. it is idiots like you all that allow these craptacular movies to keep on comin. It is definitely not Ashton Kutcher (who is the best part of this movie and can definitely carry a lead role without a problem) or Amy Smart's (spectacular as well with anything she does) fault. This movie is the result of a terrible, terrible script and poor execution. It had such potential with the great casting, but gave nothing but surface. Please do not see this.

Posted by: Justin at January 26, 2004 03:00 AM

Whoa dude, she liked a movie, she didn't rape your mother. Go easy.. Sheesh.

Besides that first sentence, on we go..
I guess you'd have to look at an actor's decision-making process when they read a bad script. -- Maybe it was just poorly directed (I haven't seen it, I'm honestly saying "maybe" because I don't know). I've heard the premise, and besides being done before, there's lots you could do with the story, but it sounds like it got botched somwehere along the way.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 26, 2004 03:07 AM

Hey Justin, if you don't agree with someone's choice in film, just say so and say why... leave the name calling in your grade 2 classroom ok.

Oh, and let's not forget that this film is quite Ashton's fault... he's not only the "star" of the film but also the producer.

As far as Ashton being a leading man... not a chance. Every single film he's stared in has been a disaster and his performances are usually one of the reasons. I think he's a very capable TV sitcom actor, and from all accounts has the potential to be very good at producing and concept development... but he is NOT a film leading man. Just my two cents worth.

Posted by: John Campea at January 26, 2004 08:00 AM

Holy crap. I never thought leaving a comment on this site would result in bad mouthing. Every one has an opinion and truthfully, everyone that I have talked too has liked it. I just wonder if the people commenting on it have actually seen this movie or are just going by others opinions. I really hate when people do that. But whatever, to each his own.

Posted by: Angela at January 29, 2004 12:44 AM

The movie was very good it shows a point that one action in your life can affect the whole course of your existence. In this sense it would be a good thing to have Jesus Christ in your life to guide you and direct you. God has a purpose in every movie; make sure you look for it.

Posted by: mada at January 31, 2004 12:41 AM

i don't think it was a bad movie i LOVED it it was realy good but then agen what do i know im only 13.

Posted by: morgan at January 31, 2004 04:20 PM

oh yeh and ashton always makes good movies ther no all crap.

Posted by: morgan at January 31, 2004 04:22 PM

I think it's a really good movie. The actor, john patrick amedori (plays evan at 13) is the best actor and good looking too. I don't have no more comments about what the movies about, except it's a kind of movie that gets you thinking of what would it really be like if you could fix the mistakes in the past...

Posted by: lina !!!! at February 1, 2004 04:45 PM

I thINk the movie was realli good i loved it and trying to figure out wat was goin on was fun. i guess y i really lik it is because john patrick amedori is reallllllyy hott!!

Posted by: JENn at July 16, 2004 03:48 PM

I just saw the director's cut a few days ago. I was hoping Ashton could be a leading man. I actually hoped he'd transition well. But what I saw in the movie was two expressions. Bland and whiny. Angry face=whiny face. Sad face=whiny face. Happy=bland. It didn't make me care about him. Instead I found the plot of the moving pulling me toward all the other characters. When Ashton's life sucked and everyone else's was good I found myself feeling like that would be a great place to end the movie. I liked the film. I thought plot was interesting, though it didn't flow as well as it could have. But I just didn't get a tug in my chest when Ashton was on the screen and for all the crap he was going through, I should definately have felt more for the main character I did. Is it Kutcher's acting? Or am I just a hollow, emotionless shell? I'll opt for the former.

Posted by: Mantiss at July 16, 2004 04:33 PM

POSSIBLE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know if it was in the theatrical release, but let me tell you, if you are with a woman who has ANY maternal instict, or has already had a child, DONT SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

I enjoyed the movie, but in its closing moments, there is a scene that is guaranteed to traumatize parents and give them nightmares.

It took me 30 minutes to pry my sleeping children out of my weeping wife's arms after viewing this film.

Posted by: Rodney at July 17, 2004 03:16 AM

Yeah, that was the director's cut. I agree it was...disturbing.

Posted by: Mantiss at July 17, 2004 03:49 AM

The Butterfly Effect was a great movie. It did have it's disturbing parts, but I still loved it. I don't think the script was bad at all, and the actors that played the child versions of Evan were great! They have talent! The directors cut was...bad. I prefered the theatrical version because it flowed better. I also wondered, when Evan (Ashton) was walking down the busy street at the end of movie, if it would make any difference if he went up to talk to Kayleigh (Smart) You know invite her to have a drink or something. Kayleigh seemed to remember him but not very well...Overall the movie was great. For those of you who haven't seen this movie and are planning to see it, watch the Theatrical version NOT the Directors Cut...:)

Posted by: Natasha at July 21, 2004 03:17 PM



Posted by: ILOVEASHTON!!! at October 20, 2004 01:35 AM