January 16, 2004


Ok, I'm not sure what to make of this one. For years now George Lucas has been saying that these 3 new Star Wars films will be the final ones ever made. Personally, I believe him. However, Cinescape posted the following quote from TheForce.Net that will have lots of Star Wars fans raising an eyebrow or two:

If this turns out to be legit STAR WARS fans will have a Brit magazine named Hotdog to thank for it, but here goes: according to the December 2003 issue of that magazine, Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew said that when he signed his contract to work in EPISODE III, there was a clause that he would be "required" to work in EPISODES VII, XIII and IX of the STAR WARS film series.

Hmmm… I'll have to send a couple of emails around to see if there is ANY truth to this. I doubt there is, but man I hope that if there is more Star Wars on the horizon George will let someone else direct them. Lucas (in my opinion) is the greatest story creator of our time, but he's shown he's not the best at TELLING those stories. I hope he writes new Star Wars films and has overall control over them, but allows another director to tell the story for him. Just my two cents worth.

Posted by John Campea at January 16, 2004 09:32 AM


Umm... I just wet myself.

I hope it was true to make these now soggy drawers worth it.

Posted by: Rodney at January 17, 2004 12:15 AM

As for myself, I would be as excited about this as I was before Episode 1 came out -- if Episode 1 had never come out.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 17, 2004 02:59 AM

hmmm...more star wars flicks. Considering how horrid the last two have been, how about we just concentrate on something less horrible like a fourth Indiana Jones movie staring Kevin Costner...or Ben Affleck..my personal fav. My appetite for George sci-fi theatrical garbage juice is all topped up at the moment....how bout another Will Shatner Star trek flick? sound good? yippee! can't wait to buy the whopper ass load of cheesy toys that'll come along with this shmeg....or save everyones time and get Bruce Cambell to do a follow up movie to Army of Darkness :)

Posted by: stop the pain at January 17, 2004 01:49 PM

I don't like your tone, Mr. pain. All Star Wars films were great. It's dangerous calling them "garbage" here on the Movie Blog!

Posted by: Brad Pineau at January 18, 2004 03:17 AM

Make them stop. Please!!!!

First it was those puke inducing marketing wet dreams called the Ewoks that ruined Jedi. Then it was, please kill Jar Jar Binks in the next episode from The Phantom Mess-up! Next it was Send in the Clones with it's horrible plot, Horrible acting and Yoda jumping around like he was on Cocaine (I WANT MY MUPPET YODA BACK). Who knows what indignities the next chapter inflicts on us when Anakin comes down with his severe case of Asthma.

And they want to do more? What's in store next, "Han and Lea: The Sitcom"

Han walks into House "Honey I'm Home"

Lea concentrates and uses the forcE sending all sorts of plates and furniture flying towards him.

Han dives for Cover.

"You were with that Bimbo again weren't you."

"Honey, please let me explain.

"Forget it, I'm taking the Millenium Falcon and running off with Chewbacca."

Me! I am waiting for Peter Jackson's King Kong, we know he knows how to tll a story.

Posted by: Herby at January 18, 2004 07:00 AM

And what if peter jackson was to do the next star wars film for George? Would that change things?

Bottom line is those who cut up Star Wars fans are missing the point. We all know ILM will win special effects Oscars, but no one is suprised when none of the acting is nominated.

There is a Purity to Star Wars and a world far greater than our own. The true fans know that JarJar was annoying and Ewoks were to appeal to kids, but they are real and essential parts of the Star Wars Galaxy.

Complain all you like about the dependancy on CGI characters, or gimmick drenched characters to sell action figures, but this is a place in which true fans have a summer home for their imagination.

We know the only Oscars will be in Technical categories, but this is a place we love.

Show some respect for the ONLY movie series to have this many chapters and STILL make big dollars. (eat that Trekkies)

Posted by: Rodney at January 18, 2004 11:31 AM

spin it anyway ya like.....the script/plot/acting stunk. period.

Posted by: stop the pain AKA Daves brother at January 18, 2004 05:00 PM

I partialy disagree with "Stop the Pain". Acting and Script both left a lot to be desired in the last 2 star wars films... but I thought the plot in both of them were great. Great plots ruined by bad acting and directing (sorry George).

Posted by: John Campea at January 18, 2004 08:19 PM

Okay, well I'd agree with both.

The plot essentials were nice intentions. - But the devices used to tell the story blew my funny lump.

As far as the essentials of the Star Wars universe goes, I'd say this:

"ILM will win special effects Oscars" -- Well, not 100% necessarily. - They lost when Matrix won it. - Whether you agree or not isn't necessarily the point, but they still didn't win it. But yes, a lot of Oscars, they will win.

And as far as things being made to sell toys - that's exactly what they are. Regardless of how people take them:
An Artist paints a picture for a purpose; let's say: to express an emotion - he doesn't consider what Schmoe in SwampCreek, Alabama thinks about it - although to him, it will mean something else. Granted, this is fine. But his opinion doesn't change why any of it was really made.

If the 'GAP' makes an ad that says, oh, I don't know... how bout: "EVERYBODY IN VESTS" -- and then everyone oh... let's say -- goes out and BUYS one - sure, an individual may decide that they now like vests, but it doesn't change the fact that they've bought into a nice clever marketing scheme so the company can get their money. For everyone else who has decided to be individuals in the matter and NOT buy a vest - the annoying, blatant, money-centered marketing scheme has RUINED ANY and ALL vest-wearing experiences. For Years. Therein lies the frustration for many: Sure some will lap it all up. - But at the expense of the story for everyone else.

-- To close, In response to the Trekkie dig, (not that I am a Trekkie nor have I watched any Trek related shows in years) *BUT* keep in mind that Trekkies are the ONLY fans of ANYTHING to have official mention in the Oxford English Dictionary. - Now THAT'S fanbase material.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 19, 2004 02:37 AM

Fans of the simpson can take heart that the word D'OH is now in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Posted by: Herby at January 19, 2004 12:11 PM

Whoopsie.. and as far as the ONLY movie series to have this many chapters and still make big dollars, I'd like to turn your attention to my friends Mr.Bond and his pet, Godzilla.

they may not make 300 million US in a run, but they still make huge bucks in their respective countries -- And, in their movie series, they're at episodes 24 and 32 respectively.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 19, 2004 12:53 PM

if someone else (someone good) directs and writes... count me in

Posted by: admiral at January 29, 2004 11:07 AM

4.P.N.03 (CAPCOM)

Posted by: Omar at January 29, 2004 04:03 PM

Although a lot of those are really good VIDEO GAMES, I highly doubt that even 2% (of the video game genre) would even come CLOSE to being a good movie.

- Super Mario Bros.
- Final Fantasy
- Double Dragon
- House of the Dead
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
- Resident Evil
- Street Fighter .. and even..
- Mortal Kombat (although it had points for "fun-ness")

-- Are a few of the video games that I can easily: 1) Recall being made into films and 2), also recall SUCKING.... LARGE!!!!

- It would take a LOT to get me out to see another video-game-turned-movie. "Alone in the Dark" is up next... followed by Deus Ex, which, ironically, I'm currently playing on the PS2. Good game though.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 29, 2004 10:33 PM

And since I just posted about revisionist crap over on the highlander thread, lets talk about George and his never end quest to chop up and alter his acknowledged masterworks ...

Is the man a technical visionary? Absolutely. But he wouldn't know a good story, script or performance if it ran up, bit him in the ass and jumped up and down screaming 'Look at me! Look at me!' His constant re-jigging of the original trilogy shows nothing but disrespect to the fans who made his millions - and whom he will never, ever allow to see the films in their original form again - and virtually every change he's made as far as story goes has been for the worse.

All you need to know about George Lucas:

1) Advice to Ron Howard, at the time acting in one of Lucas' movies, on set of American Graffitti: "You want to be a director? Be an animator instead. Then you won't have to deal with actors."

2) Two full length commentaries on episodes one and two without a single mention of any of his actors or performances in the films.

3) The man got in screaming matches with the director on set of Empire - universally recognized as the best of the lot - when scenes were re-shot, actors coached, etc because "It doesn't have to be that good."

Film is a multi-disciplinary art. George is only strong in one of the disciplines.

Frankly, I hope the final trilogy never gets made.

Posted by: Bubba at January 30, 2004 07:50 AM

Guys we have different taste for good movies okay? so stop the bull****! I love the star wars trilogys , keep them rolling on the big screen? hell yeah! because star wars will never die, regardless what people think of the new trilogy I think they are just as entertaining as the old trilogy...ten years from now we are crazy 'bout them!

Posted by: Lucas Fan at January 31, 2004 08:16 AM

Hey Lucas Fan, I know what you're saying, but you'll be hard pressed to find a more fanatical Star Wars fan on the planet than me (no... seriously). I've even visited Skywalker Ranch.

However, just because I'm a fan and LOVE the Star WaRS Universe, doesn't mean I can't be honest with myself. Episodes I and II have been (in my opinion) fantastic stories (that only Lucas as a film maker could create), but have been very poorly executed (that Lucas as a director is at fault for).

I'd LOVE to see more Star Wars... I'm just hoping that George has the good sense to do what he did for Empire and Jedi... set someone else to direct. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Posted by: John Campea at January 31, 2004 09:16 AM

Yes I agree. There is only one person in the Star Wars universe that has full control over stopping the flow of, as you say, "bull****".

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 31, 2004 11:32 AM

I aswell wouldn't mind seeing a 7th 8th and 9th
StarWars, but would highly strees the fact that George CAN'T DIRECT WORTH CRAP!!!
My personal opinion is that he never should have
done the prequals but instead should have done
the sequals (you don't read the last half of a book than go back and read the first half)

Posted by: Myself at February 17, 2004 09:20 PM

There is nothing wrong with a good prequel if the details are all covered. There are no contradictions here. The prequels so far have fulfilled every word of back history mentioned in the Classic Trilogy. It just gives more life to those words that originally were just said to give a bit of background.

Oh sure, we are not in deep suspense over Anakin's struggle with the dark side. Let me ruin it for you. He gets evil. A lot. Sorry about the spoiler.

Lucas knew that the Classic Trilogy was the better part of his 9 chapter epic. He was so confident that he retained the "Episode 4" at the beginning of the film he only hoped would allow him to do sequels.

Had Episode1 come out first, Star Wars wouldn't have taken off. The things that make Episode1 so special are the details that you didnt know about. You know how it all turns out in the long run, but its the intimate details that give it life.

And I may not have been to Skywalker Ranch but I have yet to lose at StarWars Trivial Pursuit.

I challenge you John. I am that fan.

Posted by: Rodney at February 17, 2004 11:05 PM

Actually, there are a few (debate-able)contradictions..

Episode 4: Kenobi reminds Yoda (who's frustrated with Luke's "recklessness") that he too, used to be reckless. -- Yet, from any other picture (In Episode 1 and 2 at least) we receive of Ben, he's the exact opposite.

Episode 1 or 2 (can't remember): C3PO is in the presence of Uncle Owen. - Making C3PO's "lack of memory" of him in Episode 4 a slight problem.

Not a contradiction per se, but the Whole "midi-chlorian" thing makes things unnecessarily confusing.

- I realize there are LOTS more.. and I also realize that huge star wars fans have developed many fancy ways of talking around nearly all of them - but the fact remains that the movies, even IF their reasoning is true, do a piss poor job of conveying them.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at February 17, 2004 11:27 PM

We meet Kenobi for the first time on his THIRD master. Its entirely possible that Kenobi was reckless in his youth.

Most fans anticipate some sort of memory wipe or partial deletion of certain events from both R2D2 and C3P0 would have been a precaution in an effort to hide the Skywalker twins. Unlike people, droids can easily be "programmed" to forget.

Before anyone can really label any real contradictions we will have to see Episode 3.

Midi-chlorians don't make much sense. I can only assume that the technology to detect them was destroyed and the remaining jedi lacked the technical skills to replace it. Of course we could have lived without it.

Posted by: Rodney at February 18, 2004 02:37 AM

"Its entirely possible that Kenobi was reckless in his youth..."

- Well, yes, but it's also entirely possible that prior to the film's opening, William Wallace had special "Metal Bars-in-your-Neck" surgery, so he never actually died at the end. - And since neither movies we're discussing gave any indication that either of these things actually happened, I guess we can say it's the case. --Even though it isn't.

"Most fans anticipate some sort of memory wipe or partial deletion of certain events..."
- Ibid.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at February 18, 2004 02:49 AM

I've got to agree with Rodney on this one.

In The Phantom Menace, Obi Wan is already old enough to take the trials, which means he's already beyond his "youth". To be honest I never gave it a second thought... it's just obvious we never see Obi Wan in his "reckless" youth.

As far as the droids go, George Lucas has said for a long time that they're getting a memory wipe, so no mystery there.

But yes, the whole midi-chlorian thing was stupid right from the start. I think Lucas realized that (too late) and didn't even mention them in the 2nd film. Here's hoping he keeps them tucked away.

Posted by: John Campea at February 18, 2004 07:51 AM

hey, i welcome 7 - 8 -and 9.

as for the concern over if it will be stupid? sure it will. they all (even 4-5-and 6) were if you think about it. lucas does what he can with props and creatures. and uses them to tell his tales of deep space far far... blah blah blah.

i think all the films need to be seen through the eyes of an 8 year old. and not through the eyes of a growing adult. true, WE could not stand jar jar as adults, but most young kids didn't care. besides, who ever bitched about the storm trooper banging his head coming through the doorway in episode 4? nobody at the time. that was pretty dumb. but still he didn't re-shoot the shot.

my biggest complaint with george is that greedo now shoots first. ugh. and that "solo steps on jaba's tail" thing? ugh.

and as far as plot? think about the first 3 (4-5-and 6). there is a death star. it blows up. then the next big threat? another bigger badder what?... deathstar. hmmm... right there we knew lucas was not writing gone with the wind.

thanks for clearing up the memory issue on 3po and r2. i however don't think they erase r2's memory. call that a hunch. in "4" r2 claims to be property of obi wan.

i just hope that if the rumors are true about the sequals? that lucas does not go by the books that have been written since the close of episode 6.

and how old is peter mayhew anyway?!? they would have to pump out 7 - 8 -and 9 like pezz if he is going to still be alive by the end of it all.

that's my two bits. thanks.


Posted by: tk-421 at August 25, 2004 06:44 PM

What the f***!!!! ¿Roulette?!!

You're right tk-421. SW movies are made for kids and youth. However all about the saga is part of a space opera, a tale for child which starts:

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Is like: Upon a time... in a country far, far away...lived a knights of light and a knights of dark...

The saga has nothing mature, the problem is that many fans saw the first movies younger and now they have grown.

If you prefer something more mature, you just should see StarTrek series. Of course I like this one. I'm a sci-fi fan, and don't mind me what kind (some are well done than others but anyway): StarWars, StarTrek, Farscape, V, BuckRogers, Terminator, LOTR...

Posted by: Hegemon at December 3, 2004 10:53 AM

Good post bubba.

The remakes should be optional, I want to see the movie I saw as a youngster on dvd.
I want to buy it.

As far as ep 4 and 5
they are pretty bad.

ep 4 - With a char like darth maul, and kickass actors it should of been out of the park.
It is unwatchable.

ep5 - I thought the movie had good parts,
I enjoyed the cloning factory. I enjoyed all the storm troopers in the desert.
The large scale jedi battle was actually pretty weak. The opening 30 min were not very exiting at all. The dialogue throughout was worse than the crap i hear at the mall from dirty teens.

CGI yoda sucks as well....overall I am not happy with the cgi. More man in suit. Lotr had wicked goblins and orcs in stellar get ups....star wars should of had more of this. When i watch empire I dont think of yoda as a muppet - he is real, same as chewbacca- he is my main man. When i see the cg characters in these I feel like I am watching who framed roger rabbit.

Posted by: doug nagy at December 3, 2004 03:22 PM

7-9....directed by speilberg, doesn't that wet the appetite...he's been hanging about and asking and now hes getting his wish...forget about 1-2....7-9 sounds fantastic...although the plot lines i've read do osund a little complex...as long as they get that star wars feel back that is missing in the the comp generated 1 -2 i'll be happy. make the sets touchable again

Posted by: mattstheman at March 20, 2005 04:31 PM

Why not make Episodes VII, VIII and IX? The proposed story sounds fantastic. Luke goes to the darkside, respawns the emperor, and goes to war with the Republic in an effort to rule the galaxy. Han and Leia's Jedi children then have to go take out their once-good-now-evil uncle. I also heard that Lucas does not want to make these movies and wants no one else to make them... ever. I hope the former is true and the latter is false. Aside from that, after seeing a preview of Episode III before a showing of Sin City, I have decided that it looks to be the best of the 2nd set of Star Wars installments.

Posted by: Whatever B at April 3, 2005 10:44 PM

Doug, youve confused the prequels with the originals there.

Posted by: Simone at April 4, 2005 07:32 AM

All I have to say is......


the ultimate battle between the Dark Jedi and the Mandelorians Vs. Luke, Mara-Jade, Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Han, Lando and Chewie. The defeat of a clone of Darth Vader, a clone of Luke Skywalker and the darkside of the force forever.

Posted by: Cory at April 18, 2005 01:02 AM

All I have to say is......


the ultimate battle between the Dark Jedi and the Mandalorians Vs. Luke, Mara-Jade, Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Han, Lando and Chewie. The defeat of a clone of Darth Vader, a clone of Luke Skywalker and the darkside of the force forever.

Posted by: Cory at April 18, 2005 01:03 AM

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Posted by: buying used cars at May 4, 2005 10:51 PM

Please refer to this CBS interview concerning episode seven. read to the bottom of the article.


Posted by: Richard at May 5, 2005 11:56 AM

Everybody type in your search engine either...


see what you get.

Posted by: Cory at May 9, 2005 12:06 AM



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Posted by: free movies download full at May 10, 2005 07:31 PM

The reason why George Lucas says no more STAR WARS after EPISODE III-REVENGE OF THE SITH is because he is old, he feels that who doesn't have what it takes to continue the story, in his view the story is complete but in our view some of us feel that this is rediculess and STAR WARS needs to continue in VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII. What happens to Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, C3PO, R2D2 and Lando. Think about it about it? A brand new Trilogy in fact 2 new Trilogies. 7-9 the SEQUEL TRILOGY and 10-12 UKNOWN TRILOGY.New Characters like: Mara Jade, Anakin Solo, Ben Skywalker, Paron Lighton, a bothan named Terk Minas, Shindor, Spiden, Horgon, Mandalorians. I think Lucas will announce something in 10 years or maybe less that he will continue Star Wars but he is going to let some one else to Direct and Produce. Mark Hamill(Luke Skywalker has already mention VII,VIII,IX so there is your proof that STAR WARS will continue. GL is under contract and incharge all STAR WARS rights and the Trade Mark so of course hes going to say no more Episodes. I give it time. If ROTS is successful in Theaters then there will be 6 more Episodes. STAR WARS: EPISODES I-VI(Volume 1), EPISODES VII-XII(Volume 2) Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Billy dee Williams have to be old for there characters to return for the Sequels because its true that Episode 7 takes place 30 years after Episode-VI RETURN OF THE JEDI.

Posted by: Cory at May 11, 2005 04:50 PM

The reason why Kenobi speaks of his recklessness was because he decided to train Anakin against the will of the Jedi council. He was reckless because he didn't pay attention to what anyone else said. Yoda makes the same statement regarding Luke in Empire - Luke was reckless because he never paid any attention to anything in the real world, but always focussed on his own little world and his dreams.

So yes, Kenobi was reckless in Episode I according to Yoda's definition - he defied the council whose sole purpose was to maintain order in the republic. Thus Kenobi is cautious about training Luke, but does so against he will of his uncle. Kenobi also petitions argues in favor of training Luke when yoda wishes to refuse - suggesting that by being reckless toward good, one can undo being reckless towards the evil...

This is what Vader meant when he said Kenobi's failure was complete - he was reckless enough to train anakin thoroughly but not reckless enough to hide Leia from Luke ...

The irony of the trilogy is that Vader does not seem to be aware of Yoda at all - he assumes that Luke was trained poorly by Kenobi and that so when Luke shows up on Endor, Vader seems to assume that Luke has no master. The books may be different, but on screen Yoda watches Vader from afar, and Vader has no connection to Yoda at all.

Posted by: JGY at May 18, 2005 04:47 PM

come on freaks, stop watching craps!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: demian at May 19, 2005 10:14 AM

What if I told you that I can prove that Supershadow's plot scripts were really written by George Lucas?

Go to http://members.tripod.com/~prequelrumors/hero.html

not just Supershadow has the plot scripts to 7,8,9.

Posted by: Cory at May 19, 2005 11:28 PM

dumbass they got it from supershadow.com which probably just stuck george lucas's name next to it to attract attention

Posted by: bill at May 21, 2005 07:11 AM

dumbass, they copied n pasted from supershadow.com ... n just coz they stuck george lucas's name next to it, doesnt mean he wrote it!!! hope there are another 3 more episodes tho

Posted by: bill at May 21, 2005 07:17 AM

GL is a deuch, lets be honest. Frankly, the entire story isn't really that creative. Yeah the whole "force" idea is nice, and the "jedi" but I'm sure he just copied those from somewhere else. Or at least it takes a one step leap from Ying/Yang and similar concepts and add to that basic elements like:

soap opera story about parents and children etc.
some knights for the good guys
some good guys gone bad
some random alien races to make it "spacey."

Wow! Harrison Ford carried the original 3. I'm surprised Lucas didn't fire him once he found out he could actually act. Deuchbag.

But as a kid the first 3 were good, and they retain nostalgic value so it's hard not to like them still. But now that most of us are older, and we have seen that story 100 times in 100 different formats, and we also realize that the same story is in book and other movies going back before Star Wars, but just not necessarily with the same details and characters, we realize that all we are really doing here is stretching out a load of crapola.

I got a light sabre for you right here, biatch!


Posted by: Jonny Bliz at May 21, 2005 11:15 AM

I bet $ 1 million dollers EPISODE VII,VIII,IX happen.

Posted by: Cory at May 22, 2005 12:20 AM

no....... not dumbass its Mr. Smartass to you fucker.

Posted by: Cory at May 22, 2005 12:23 AM

no....... not dumbass its Mr. Smartass to you jerky

Posted by: Cory at May 22, 2005 12:24 AM

I just want to know something... please!! could somebody tell me where the hell can I find the episodes 7, 8 and 9 books?? I've looked for them over the internet, amazon books, etc... Please guys, this info. will be really appreciated.

Thanx in advance

Posted by: gran REX at May 23, 2005 02:32 PM

Sorry dude... there are no "Episodes 7 8 and 9 books"

Posted by: John Campea at May 23, 2005 02:55 PM

I think if star wars goes beyond the 6 known chapters, the magic will not be the same regarding the lack of decent anti-heroes. in all the 6 chapters we have the dark sidious(senator-emperor palpatine) and his aprentice Dark Vador(young anakin,older anakin, lord vador) standing and bringing the best of those movies. the other (good)heroes are so numerous and ,lets face it, not so important. like everyone knows the 2 anti-heroes are no more so it is almost impossible to create new dark siders and make us believe it.
for me it was the best a six-pack of movies could bring in this galaxy far far away.
and still i hope for more
may the force be with you all

Posted by: B*O*¨S*K*E at May 23, 2005 07:02 PM

For more info on this topic, go to www.supershadow.com. The 7,8 & 9 plot scripts are listed for viewing.

Posted by: Paul B. at May 23, 2005 09:47 PM

How about a movie dedicated to Solo's story leading up to episode 4. There could also be a movie with events prior to episode 1 - the last time the Sith ruled the galaxy. I agree that since Anikin is dead at the end of Jedi, there should be no more later episodes. Episodes 1 - 6 are all about Anikin's story. A new arch villain would be tough to pull off.

Posted by: jerry at May 24, 2005 03:44 PM

.....Please....Make A new star wars Film. Epidode 3 Kicked butt. So Please....just make it.

Posted by: Rich Meister at May 24, 2005 03:57 PM

the stories at www.supershadow.com for 7, 8, and 9 are bullshit. its gay how there are like darth vader clones and all that bull. lucas would never write anything as stupid as that. besides, in the storry on supershadow.com its been 30 years since episode 6, and theres already 3000 jedi!?!?!?!?! i doubt that luke could train 3000 people in 30 years.

Posted by: kevin at May 24, 2005 08:49 PM

All i can say is if you want to know more about what happens after episode 6 go buy yourself the star wars books. Sure most of it is fanfic but there is some good fanfic out there.

There are also books on like the background stories of the characters like han solo and chewbacca (yes i know, they didn't come from lucas)

I'm just happy that episode 3 wasn't as disapointing as episode 2. By disapointing i meant the actual lines and scripts. The plot was good but the script was really bad,

ex "you've grown too, more beautiful i mean"
that is waay too corny for star wars.

The only disapointment in episode 3 for me is Natalie Portman's acting, i saw her in garden state and she did great!! where did it go? and also her outfits, i understand she was pregnant but they were horrible!! in the previous episodes the designs were amazing!!!

Yoda was great though they made him more....likeable....

Posted by: Mari at May 24, 2005 09:25 PM

ROTS was way cool, and has reinvigorated my love for the Star Wars story. I heard that Ep III screenplay was done by someone else other than Lucas, which explains the better movie...

I hope that Ep VII, VIII and IX come out, but not for another 10 years. While Lucas is still mentally stable, I suggest he write the story and hopefully he will become senile in 10 years time and someone else who is more capable of writing screenplays and directing, will take over.

Posted by: jedi poodoo at May 25, 2005 12:38 AM

hey kevin. You Luke trained 7,000 Jedi in 30 years no 3,000. I belive the titles to EPISODE VII,VIII,IX will be called. I know SS scripts are fake but I think GL will go with STAR WARS: EPISODE VII-THE FALLEN HERO because there is an EPISODE VII book called that. For STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII maybe BATTLE OF THE MANDALORIANS or CRISIS OF THE REPUBLIC. For STAR WARS: EPISODE IX either BALANCE OF THE FORCE or VICTORY OF THE FORCE.

Posted by: Cory at May 25, 2005 04:17 PM








Thats all I can think of. What titles can you think of for 7,8,9?

Posted by: Cory at May 25, 2005 04:31 PM

i agree the first 2 movies were average at best...however episode III is great it actually lived up to the hype. If george can stick to keeping star wars the space drama i believe it always has been rather than the kiddy movies he put out in episodes I and II than i'm all for more.

Posted by: scott at May 30, 2005 01:52 AM

This is the way I see it. No matter how hard Lucas tries, the three new films will never live up to the standard set by the original three. It's unfair to judge episodes I, II, and III by IV, V, and VI. I suggest we just enjoy the new films for what they are and all have a good time.

Posted by: shadow_cabinet at May 31, 2005 04:35 AM

all i want to do is buy the books, VII, VIII & IX. please can anyone tell me where i can buy them i realy want them! please help!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Jamie at June 4, 2005 01:35 PM

please someone your are all talking about it so where can i buy the books!!!!!!! VII, VIII & IX

Posted by: Jamie at June 5, 2005 04:05 AM

there are no difinitive 7,8,or 9 books
there are some good books out there though. i recommend the timothy zahn books.

Posted by: captain at June 7, 2005 05:14 AM

to B.O.S.K.E. I beg to differ that there is no potential villian for episode IIV - At the end of episode 6 the Sith Lord (Palpatine) was thrown from the tower to a tremultruous blinding explosion - however that doesn't mean he was not able to survive! and thus a new apprentise could be developed for the last three episodes going forward. The trick would be writing it into the history if at all possible... Luke's Son or Leia's?

Posted by: Dan at June 7, 2005 08:11 AM

Check out the Expanded Universe at www.starwars.com to see how Emperor Palpatine survives after Vader "kills" him in episode 6.

And as for all the Star Wars critics I say this: No amount of whining, moaning, bitching or complaining is going to change a true fan's mind. If you like it enjoy it, if you don't like it watch something else, like The Waltons. (good night John Boy!)

Posted by: cooky at June 10, 2005 12:52 AM

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Posted by: natural diet programs at June 15, 2005 12:46 PM

i know i joined this thread late but how late is this, the length of time all 9+ stories along the time line of the jedi/republic and there subsiquent passing to film reel, these stories are writen years ahead of there time, like (i hate to draw the comparisson) 2001 : a space odyssey, (again years ahead of it's time), what we need is a director that can see these books / stories / additions / continuations, for what they are and make the truly epic conclusion that this story deserves, I hope that Mr Lucas see's the up and coming talent in that field of direction and works with them (as opposed to against them) to create the master piece he set out to create all those years ago whern he first put pen to paper and started his epic quest, A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away......

Posted by: fluffybunnyfeet at June 15, 2005 10:53 PM

"Lucas (in my opinion) is the greatest story creator of our time, but he's shown he's not the best at TELLING those stories."

What..? Did you somehow forget he directed episodes 4, 5 and 6?

I think it's just the new age actors that messed up ep. 1, 2 and 3. They're like a different breed. There are no Harrison Fords in the new episodes for example. Their mannerisms are also totally different then the older actors which really makes the tone of the movie different.

Posted by: Gavin at June 22, 2005 12:48 AM


Posted by: testanchor615 at June 26, 2005 01:32 PM

i really hope they don't make anymore, unless george can up with something fantastic. otherwise the entire series is going to be screwed up. in episode 6, all the problems are resolved and its a perfect ending to the series.

also, episodes 1,2, and 3 werent as bad as people say they are. the acting wasnt as good... they didnt really seem like people... but they still had a great story going and amazing special effects for another generation to enjoy.

Posted by: what4521 at June 26, 2005 07:08 PM


Posted by: testanchor665 at June 27, 2005 07:12 AM

Peter Mayhew has a reputation amongst most Star Wars spoiler fanatics as being a compulsive liar. His comments during Episode III filming also included a claim that Chewbacca delivered the babies and saved them from the Empire.

Posted by: jwalker at June 30, 2005 02:27 PM

i hope to god that he makes episode7,8,9. the 1st 2nd and 3rd were the best and i hope it continus.

Posted by: shane harris at July 3, 2005 05:43 PM

Cooomon!!! i´m from chile/sweden and i say, shut the hell up guys, this is films are and will always be a beautiful story, more than a great movie or not, is beautiful, and beaty is art!! stop talking tecnical stuff, try to understand what the movie stands for and try to comunicate!! What it have done for all of us around the world, the change in thinking, etc...


Posted by: khriz at July 4, 2005 02:26 AM


Posted by: Karin at July 12, 2005 03:02 PM

yes i think he will create 7 8 and 9 because he has gave it away so many times for one in the star wars.com episode 3 web documents he clearly says to c3po its the end of the movie and i wont see you for another 20 years ( i think this is leading on to something. dont you

Posted by: james at July 25, 2005 05:36 PM

what the flip! whats wrong with all u people! starwars all the way man! keep it going even if u got to go to ep.70983! screw that hippy!khriz!....damn hippy! just watch the movies and the action, oh! and padme.....thats right padme.

Posted by: doesn't matter at August 1, 2005 05:11 PM

Continuation^^^^^ thats right! hells yes! and give a shout to A Brief Moment!

Posted by: ab a.k.a doesn't matter at August 1, 2005 05:21 PM

He won't be continuing. The Series as far as the movies go has ended. On http://www.empireonline.co.uk/site/news/newsstory.asp?news_id=16194, Lucas talks about the rumours of VII, VIII, and IX, these are not true. EmpireOnline talked with him in the Deauville Film Festival. He says:

"There is no VII, VIII, IX. There never has been. The story was originally intended to be IV, V and VI. But I had a back story which I found fascinating, and now you've got the full story from beginning to end. There really isn't any more."

SuperShadow.com claims to have had an interview in which he gives the plot scripts for VII, VIII, and IX. These are false. There are no episodes 7-9. The Star Wars Film Series has ended.

Posted by: Anonymous at August 2, 2005 05:41 PM

The actual Star Wars fracnchise was contracted for 9 movies...not making them is a breach of contract...however...seeing the amount of money Lucas has made from these film, I highly doubt he cares about a breach of contract. In his numerous interviews before episode three came out he said that there would be no more movies made (in reference to Episodes 7, 8, and 9). You can look in the CNN entertainment archives for the interview. I think this is a good idea...the basic premise and story of the movie was outstanding. It took an awesome imagination and an exteme amount of patience and determination to make the story Lucas made...however, Lucas sacrificed the plot and acting for visual effects. Now, I will admit the visual effects were stunning and the story was just awesome but, all in all the movies sucked ass (Episodes 1, 2, and 3). I could go into numerous details but there is not enough room on this blog. Lucas as well as Speilberg's time has passed. I do agree with an earlier blog that said Lucas is the only one who could write the story...but there are far better directors...Peter Jackson, Ridley Scott, and James Cameron could do it but it would be a huge commitment to try to over take this franchise. Yes, there are faithfull fans who will say "Star Wars will live forever", but look at how long it took to make the trilogies between each one...almost 20 years. So what audience do you think the next ones will be made for if they are made...not us...we will be too old and the first generation Star Wars fans will be close to death!!! The story is great, the new movies sucked and it is time to just roll over and admit you dont have it anymore.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 3, 2005 08:56 AM

if i remember cleary i was something Document of Star Wars.
There was Steven Spielberg and he said something
I Hope George Lucas Makes all 9 episodes

Posted by: Jedi Finland at August 10, 2005 12:13 PM

i would really like to see more star wars on big screen..., if eps VII, VIII and XI come to be great like episode III was, i think that george lucas needs a oscar :)

Posted by: fbs20 at August 10, 2005 06:37 PM

i think george lucas should make a 7th 8th 9th episodes because it would be good to what happens next like a new jedi council and another enemy with a thicker plot to it or he could ree do 4, 5,6 but i think 4 5 6 is great any way but there should be a 7th 8th and 9th because people think star wars is great and it is fantastic!!!!

Posted by: john hoosoe at August 29, 2005 08:10 AM

star wars is very good and i perticularly like the 3rd one.
to george lucas if you can hear me please make a new star wars movie and i will give you my 5 pounds to go towards hiring actors, hope that is enough,
and make a talking pie in the third one so it will be more of a thriller.

Posted by: dreak ramoray at August 29, 2005 12:48 PM

I really hope that they will be a star wars EPISODE 7 8 and, 9, movies or books soon. I really like to see what happens next.

Posted by: vick at September 4, 2005 11:50 AM

What is wrong with you people?!?!Episode I was awesome!Episode II was awesome!Episode III was awesome!Episode IV was awesome!Episode V was awesome!And Episode VI was awesome!Why do people keep ganging up on the preqil trilogy!?!?It is every bit as good as the Original!Anyone who says anything different hates Star Wars and has no life!Have you read Electronic Gaming Monthly lately?!They put a game based on episode I on the good games based on bad movies list!!!!!They Are MORANS!!!!!LUCAS MUST MAKE EPISODES VII,IIX IX,OR I WILL DO THEM FOR HIM!!!!!!!Grrrr...Okay,I just had to get that off my chest.Back to you.

Posted by: Darth Dude at September 17, 2005 11:01 PM

I know for a fact that Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 will happen cause I have even read the plot script to them and I know some of the characters that are going to be in it. It is going to happen even if George dies cause supershadow and George's kids are going to do them. I hope I can be in them too. Bye

Posted by: hopers at October 11, 2005 06:07 PM

please make more, the movies rock

I been seaching this online since eppisode 3 was in theaters and i found that episode vii Viii ix could be made into a movie i heard that the movie is based on a book seireis of 9 and a fould short scripts of what is said to be the movie scripts. and on the set of episode 4 half the actors were asked if they wanted to be in episode 7. i really hope they make more. its a great movie seires and they made alot of money in box office so why not make more

Posted by: victoria at October 24, 2005 08:34 PM

well i just heard from a coworker that vii viii and ix are to start their trillogy in 2008 just thought you might want to know a release date

Posted by: Talis Daegin at October 25, 2005 10:51 PM