January 18, 2004

SpiderMan 2 Picture Looks Great.. This Catwoman Thing Looks Worse.

Well, now you know that Doc Ock gets his claws on the webbed wonder at least once. -- However you also know that this Catwoman deal with Hally Berry isn't being promoted with intellect in mind.

I mean, if you're trying to capture cleavage, they're earning their dollar, but this isn't Catwoman. Sorry. Sure, you've admitted that "this isn't the Gotham City Catwoman" -- okay, well, that's all well and good -- but can you not name it after a Character that's older than my Dad and more recognized than most celebrities? Are we asking too much? I dunno.

Aintitcool.com has larger versions of these pics posted.
Check 'em out here: Spidey, Catwoman

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2004 02:38 AM


Spiderman looks awesome! So does Catwoman, but in a different way.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at January 18, 2004 03:12 AM

If it's not the gothem city Catwoman why bother. Or if you do bother,call it something like "The Cat Woman" to try and distamce itself from the comic book. Obviously the studio is hoping for confusion with a big fat box office before people catch onto the con.

As for Spidey 2. After Spidey 1 it can only go up from that CGI mess (but don't bet on it).

Posted by: Herby at January 18, 2004 06:39 AM

Did anyone notice that BerryCat has open toed stillettos on?

What kind of superhero has open toed shoes.

You heard it hear first. Critical weakness identified - step on her toes.

Posted by: Rodney at January 18, 2004 11:20 AM

The catwoman is sick. If you want to put her in the movie please be sure that she has more clothes or she might scare away the fans and custemars.

Posted by: Dave Robbinson at April 4, 2004 01:39 PM