January 18, 2004

Rent Your Movies Onlines

Well, it looks like Canadians have the option to rent movies online, Movies For Me is a website similar to Netflix, where you can rent unlimited movies online for $25 per month. They have thousands of movies to choose from, and you can create a list of movies you would like, and they will send them to you whenever they become available.

They use Canada Post to ship the rentals, and the best thing is that the shipping is free! If you're thinking about signing up, they are offering a free 2 week trial.

Personally, I would think it would be easier to just go to your local Blockbuster... but if you're into the whole mail-order thing, you should go check out their site.

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2004 03:07 AM


err..Blockbuster? As in "we don't carry NC-17 movies like "Pink Flamingos" and "Henry and June"/we'll attempt to price fix with the movie studios and kill the mom & pop movie rental stores AND stop the studios from pricing DVDs under $100 so we can drive up our profits on rentals" Blockbuster? Hmm...it may be easier for some to go there, but I think I love movies too much to do so.

OK, I'm done being a snob now and must say I really like this blog. I just hate Blockbuster.

Oh - and you are 110% correct about the Pacino/ Dinero thing. Great at what they do, limited at what they do.

Posted by: T. Malone at January 21, 2004 05:20 PM

I like your site in fairness because the customers can select the kind of movies without going to the store.

Posted by: Ruben Maymay at January 19, 2005 06:26 PM