January 05, 2004

Knowles give his thoughts on "The Passion of Christ"

Harry Knowles of Ain't It Cool News calls The Passion of Christ "The best unfinished film of 2003". Here are his thoughts:

Had this been the finished film, I would have placed it at number 3 in my list of the best films of 2003, yet the film is not finished. The effects shots that Mel Gibson told our audience were yet to be included… well, the create an uncertainty in me that I can’t really voice… simply because, I haven’t seen how they play yet. What is so great about this film? Simply, this is the first film featuring Christ, where I didn’t think of him as the son of God, but the son of Mary. I know that is a distinction that is hard to understand, but once you see the film, you’ll get it. This isn’t Jesus being played by someone with “space cadet eyes” – who is constantly in seeming communication with a higher power. Instead, he is a man that is enduring torments you could never possibly imagine undergoing, and with such grace. There is no fury or retribution in his face. There is compassionate suffering instead. Understanding rather than contempt.

Read the whole article here

Posted by John Campea at January 5, 2004 11:39 AM

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Reading his comments about this flick, you'd think he
never saw Willem Dafoe's pitch-perfect performance in Scorsese's Last Temptation Of Christ.

And I still think reviewing films while they're in
progress is somewhat irresponsible, be it Hulk or be
it Passion. But that's just me. :)

Posted by: drew at January 5, 2004 04:07 PM

Then again, reading the reviews I've read about 'Passion', The Last Temptation of Christ and this are two entirely different films.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 5, 2004 04:45 PM

Well, yeah. But I just meant Harry's astonishment
of the portayal of Christ as more human. I suspect
he's not going to hook up with Barbara Hershey and live to a
ripe old age in this one. :)

Posted by: drew at January 5, 2004 05:15 PM

Hmmm yeah.. I somehow doubt that too.. Maybe on the special edition dvd though.. :P

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 5, 2004 05:34 PM

I can't wait to see this film.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at January 5, 2004 06:01 PM

Being Jewish, I am concerned about this film.

I know of the Roman Catholic Sect that Mel belongs to that condemns the Jews as a race along with their descendents for the killing of Christ (No Statue of limitations on this crime) Plus recent remarks by Mel's Dad (and Mel defenended the remarks) in which he states that the Holocaust wasn't as bad as been reported, that it's exageration was perpertrated by Jewish bankers to push for a Jewish Homeland.

The Elder Gibsons comments may have been twisted for the interview or maybe not, but you can see why some people might be concerned.

However, I will wait to see the film before rendering a decision about it.

Posted by: Herby at January 7, 2004 10:53 AM

To Herby:
Relax Herby....The fear of 'Christian' anti semitism is being whipped to a hysterical pitch by the media ..(the same media that is loathe to point out the anti-semitism of the PLO, the Saudi's/Syrians et al) Evangelical Christians are taught from the cradle for the last 40 years or so to honor the Jewish people as the forebears of their faith and Israel as the Holy Land. Contrary to popular media portrayal, most Christians have the wit to discern the difference between the violence of a few (and every group has "the few", thats why its called 'human nature') versus the condemnation of an entire ethnic group. In the case of todays mainstream media, what you see and hear about Christians is rarely accurate so be of good cheer. As an evangelical Christian I will fight anti-semitism to my last breath and there are many like me.

Posted by: mel at February 12, 2004 07:40 PM

True enough, but it only takes one nutball to light a fuse. The thing is, if it does happen, I know as an evolved and rational person that the film in and by itself will not be responsible for that violence. That type of irrational behavior comes from people who can be set off by simply tripping on the sidewalk they don't need much of a reason. I hope the film doesn't supply that reason in anyones twisted mind.

Posted by: Herby at February 13, 2004 11:48 AM