January 28, 2004

Great quotes about The Butterfly Effect

I came across some choice review quote about The Butterfly Effect. Thought I'd share them:

"If I could go back in time and change things, like they do in "Butterfly Effect," I sure wouldn't sit through the movie the first time."

"What if on my way to the screening, something had intervened -- a runaway bus, a lightning bolt -- to prevent me from ever seeing this movie. How would my life have changed? Would I have become a happier, a kinder, a less bitter and disappointed man?"
-- Rick Groen, GLOBE AND MAIL

"Ashton Kutcher wants to be taken seriously so badly it hurts. So does this metaphysical mess of a movie..."

Posted by John Campea at January 28, 2004 10:23 PM


I really don't understand how critics have hated this movie. I loved it... I thought it was very interesting, and I could sit through it again.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at January 28, 2004 11:26 PM

I think the critics have more of a problem with Ashton then with the actual movie. He actually is a pretty intelligent guy. They did the same thing with Jim Carrey when he tried a serious role or with DeNiro when he tried a character out of his usual one. There are others as well but right now I don't feel like making any list.

Anyway, I agree with you Brad.

Posted by: Angela at January 29, 2004 12:50 AM

I don't think you can say that "the media" have a problem with Ashton in general... I mean... they're got him on the cover of just about every single magazine out there.

But I DO think that SOME of the bad reviews are just some reviewers jumping on the Anti-Butterfly Effect bandwagon.

Posted by: John Campea at January 29, 2004 10:41 AM

Last comment on this one but I didn't say 'the media', I said the critics.

Posted by: Angela at January 31, 2004 08:52 PM

i loved this movie. i dont know what critics are talking about when they bash ashton or the movie. i can look at ashton different now, for the better, and the movie was awesome.

Posted by: chris at February 7, 2004 01:56 PM

When I saw the movie i sat in the second row, i thought it was going to be horrible, but it actually gave a better viewing of the movie. You felt like you were Evan going through those weird transitions. After this movie was over my head felt like it was spinning, i loved it. It was a unique well thought out movie, and i want to see it again. It makes you think about your decisions in life and what would happen if you did something different. ;)

Posted by: BrY at February 7, 2004 06:06 PM

the movie was pretty kick ass...the reviewers suck, and my names evan too

Posted by: Evan at February 9, 2004 08:00 PM

yeah, i agree with everyone...this movie was awesome, and i seriously don't get these critics. i didn't know what to expect from ashton, but it was amazing how convincingly he played the role of Evan. keep up the good work.

Posted by: Kate at February 11, 2004 01:19 PM

I thought the this movie was awesome....it was a mix between reality and fiction. Even the smallest decision can make a difference,However, there is no way we could ever change it...or ever know about it. What was the first quote at the beginning of the movie...? i forget and i wanted to know somethin about a hurricane or something...?

Posted by: Kristen at February 15, 2004 01:16 AM

Haven't seen the film, but I assume it's the one they took the title from ... the butterfly effect is a physics theorem demonstrating how minor events can build into something large ... they saying is that a butterfly flapping it's wings on one side of the world can trigger a hurricane on the other ...

Lots of people mess with the concept ... in the film world Terry Gilliam and Jean-Pierre Jeunet are particularly fond of it ...

Posted by: Bubba at February 15, 2004 01:49 AM

I just got back from seeing this movie with my best friend. I can't see any reason why this movie would be seen as bad. This movie is one of the best I've seen in a real long time. It not like all those other movies that are all pretty much the same plots.

Posted by: Stacey at February 17, 2004 09:18 PM

Hahah, personally, I think those critics are stupid. I hate movie critics because they think they know it all but I don't see them acting in any movies. I thought it was a great movie. Not to mention a very original plot line. But whatever, I still think it was an excellent movie and I want to watch it again! :)

Posted by: Miss Emily at February 28, 2004 05:04 PM

I think this movie is excellent and I think Ashton Kutcher does a very convincing job as Evan. I can't understand why the critics hate the movie so much and I agree that they may dislike it only because Ashton is in it. The plot has a few problems but nothing that takes away from the impact of the movie. I watched it twice in one weekend and I will definitely watch it again because you see something new every time. Bottom line: I love it, Ashton Kutcher proves to be a great actor in such a serious role, and I recommend it to anyone that likes to think about the world they live in and the effects their choices have on their lives.

Posted by: Samantha at July 9, 2004 09:18 PM

I think this movie is excellent and I think Ashton Kutcher does a very convincing job as Evan. I can't understand why the critics hate the movie so much and I agree that they may dislike it only because Ashton is in it. The plot has a few problems but nothing that takes away from the impact of the movie. I watched it twice in one weekend and I will definitely watch it again because you see something new every time. Bottom line: I love it, Ashton Kutcher proves to be a great actor in such a serious role, and I recommend it to anyone that likes to think about the world they live in and the effects their choices have on their lives.

Posted by: Samantha at July 9, 2004 09:18 PM

I honestly don't know what the hell the were talking about. I loved the movie and it really got me thinking. I thought Ashton did such a good job as Evan. I would definitley recommend it.

Posted by: Ally at July 11, 2004 04:27 PM

this movie was the best movie i have EVER seen. i love ashton kutcher and this movie made me jsut love him even more. it made me look at things differently and that song by oasis at the end was PERFECT for the movie. i watched it twice the first day i rented it and the next day i went out and bought it!

Posted by: Aly at July 16, 2004 01:44 PM

i just saw this movie. and after hearing all the bad reviews and shit i was hesitant. but wow was i impressed. that is definetely of the greatest movies i have seen, honestly. the whole concept of the chaos theory, which is what the movie was based on, was great. screw the critics.

Posted by: eric at July 18, 2004 05:41 PM

what is that oasis song at the end?????

o and the movie, it was good except for some noticable things that detracted from it seeing it the 4th time, first when lenny stabs tommy, wtf is with that. it might have been the most random thing ever, just seemed like something to keep the plot moving. second, how in the hell does tommy dying cause her to end up being a whore, i mean tis kinda stretching it. other than these things, the movie was GREAT, i didnt even notice them the first few times i saw it

Posted by: >>> at July 19, 2004 01:31 AM

i think the movie was so awesome nothing could be better. the director's cut on the dvd was ahhh! it just oozed awesome-ness. ok but about the movie, i've seen so many high school and college and a few professional plays to be able to spot bad acting on my own and i think we are all ok with this one. it makes you think. i happen to like thinking, rather than contorting my face in disgust as i try to find flaws in a film. but hey that's why they have job's right? if i had that job every movie would be at least okay. i watch movies to be entertained, not to criticize. and watching the butterfly effect, i was entertained.

Posted by: bockanova at July 20, 2004 06:34 PM

Hey I have to agree that it was a great movie and i have to say is now my favorite. But enough about Ashton, John Patrick Amedori the guy that plays Evan at 13 is soooooo hot! and I think he needs more credit I LOVE YOU JOHN!!! and if you by any chance happen to read this email me at [email protected] thanks bunches i love you guys

Posted by: Abby at July 20, 2004 11:30 PM

I Found This Movie Fuckin Awsome And I Could Probly Watch It Again N Again... It Was Fuckin Amazing!!...Gotta Buy It!..And Ashton Is So0o0o Sexci...Mmm...Great Movie!

Posted by: Lisa at July 22, 2004 09:45 PM

Just saw this thread, and I have to say, I thought the movie sucked.

A lot.

Runined my Spring Break, actually...back when I saw it (well, that and another load of crap).

A little too underdeveloped, a little too cliched, a little too stupid, a little too sour in the pop culture kinda way. I really don't want to spend any more brainpower on reasons why (or maybe because I've tried to block the experience from my memory), so you'll just have entitle me to my opinion, as I entitle you to yours.

Just trying to lend my part to equilibrium.

Oh, and Bubba, the chaos theory reference is correct, except for the fact that what happens in the movie is not actually chaos - everything has a clear cause and effect.

Posted by: Brandon at July 23, 2004 07:55 AM

This movie was amazing in my point of view. It makes me laugh when people say movies make them think too much. When i see a movie, i want to have to think and be involved in the movie. I want to have to reason and develope my own ideas based on what i am seeing. The Butterfly Effect really did that for me. I saw the movie about 9 hours ago. And for the most part of those 9 hours, i have been thinking about this movie. It just grabbed a hold of me and it still is holding me...

Posted by: Ljames at July 26, 2004 09:50 PM

that movie was awesome it was so interesting a movie u can actually get into ITS MY FAVORITE MOVIE! FUCK THE CRITICS THEY KNOW SHIT!

Posted by: word at August 1, 2004 03:30 PM

Yeah...all you assholes out there insulting the movie-- you guys have NO idea what life is. You don't understand human emotions or anything to do with the mind. YOU GUYS SUCK. That movie was THE BEST. Ashton Kutcher did a great job.

Posted by: Alexa at August 8, 2004 11:42 PM

I agree with Angela, I think the critics just don't like seeing actors/actresses playing roles out of their usual characters and so-called real life "personalities". They think that if an actor can be funny, he can't be serious as well. you know, there's a word for the kind of job that Kutcher (etc.) have, and it's ACTING. The critic's job is REVIEWING, not SUCKING THE FUN OUT OF EVERYTHING.

Posted by: Karen at August 19, 2004 09:11 PM

A reviewer's job is to review.

A reviewer's job is to say something sucks, when it sucks.

Just because you liked it, doesn't mean reviewers are "sucking the life out of it". The reviewers are doing their job.

If you liked a sucky movie, good for you.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 19, 2004 11:31 PM

Butterfly effect was really good!! It was definitely scary/thrilling, and it shows you that every single move you make, every little choice, has the power to change your life. Amazing. oh yea and the younger Evan is pretty damn sexy.

Posted by: Annie at August 24, 2004 09:10 PM

have to say, this movie was the type i thought i would make fun of but instead i actually felt sorry for him trying to make something right and it just make his future life horrible
this was a great movie

Posted by: iam Thre3 at August 26, 2004 09:15 PM

I thought the movie was absolutly FANTASTIC...fair enough people have their own opinion, but some of the things critics and other people have said were really harsh (note: quotes at top of page) I think Ashton did an awesome job. Just because he is funny doesn't mean he cant be serious. I dont like it when people think they know celebrities, when they kno absolutly nothing about them. (Not saying i KNOW Ashton)
well the movie rocked!

Posted by: emma at September 3, 2004 04:33 AM

Also, the end when Ashton was never born, it was so sad, i nearly burst out crying. I like movies that have that sort of effect on me. They make me think for hours on end. It was one of the best movies i have seen in a while. ROCK ON

Posted by: emma at September 3, 2004 04:44 AM

Also, the end when Ashton was never born, it was so sad, i nearly burst out crying. I like movies that have that sort of effect on me. They make me think for hours on end. It was one of the best movies i have seen in a while. ROCK ON

Posted by: emma at September 3, 2004 04:44 AM

anyone know the quote about the chaos theory that appears on the screen right at the start of the movie? I can't find it anywhere online

Posted by: Ali at September 6, 2004 12:54 AM

It has been said something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. - Chaos Theory

Posted by: Stefanie at September 17, 2004 11:31 PM

people shouldn't judge Ashton for his work as being a "funny" character in all his acting...it is a movie..u are supposed to imagine wut it wuld b like in that characters shoes...actors are supposed to play different roles...the movie was amazing..well written and the inciting incident gave me the chills

Posted by: jenn at September 19, 2004 02:00 AM

THIS MOVIE IS SO FREAKING AWESOME. But to post something intellectual, i thought how the title, chaos theory, and the butterfly/brain look alike aspect, was genius. The storyline was so different and mesmorizing, i can seriously watch this movie alot, without getting bored or such. OVerall, it was an amazing movie, and i loved it.

Posted by: HARMony RosE at September 19, 2004 03:33 PM

yeah i had to watch this movie twice. i realized things that i didnt notice before (and felt stupid for it) the second time i watched it. the drawing he made when he was 7 was of him killing the cellmates that beat him up in the future. another thing which should have hit me as common sense, is that he really didnt have the journals at the end. cuz all that he had written was way after the knife scene and thats where it stopped for him. i dont know i liked the movie. tommy was a fuckin psycho, jesus christ. he kicked everyones ass. and i dont think ashton kutcher was "so sexy" in the movie... he looks like a normal guy. sometimes i think people say that celebrities are hot just cuz they're famous. nope, he's a normal looking guy.

Posted by: random at October 15, 2004 11:29 AM

oh yeah, and whats the song playing at the very end--it starts when him and lenny are burning the books and then when he walks passed amy smart and they kind of glance at each other. what song is that?

Posted by: random at October 15, 2004 11:31 AM

i want to know if the theory that a butterfly's wing can cause a typhoon on the other side of the world, or a hurricane. I loved this movie, it was very awesome. Is it really tru that something like this can happen?

Posted by: lacey at December 3, 2004 03:34 PM

Twas a fucking good movie coming from a someone living in france. The European critics loved this film and its reviews were mad. I guess the whole business is relative. In North America critics can't handle Kutcher in a serious role.
In Europe Kutcher earned a lot of respect. Europe's take --> this movie is original and stylish and evokes the mind. 5 stars. I personally loved it and force any mates that haven't seen it to sit back and enjoy.
Its a film with a point, which is more than i can say for some shit like lost in translation

Posted by: FingerSymth at March 31, 2005 11:19 PM

nice movie! you better check it out..

Posted by: aileen at April 18, 2005 04:29 AM

how come the critics and the public never agree? This movie was kick ass. No matter what type of movie you like, you'll like this.

Posted by: shannon at May 8, 2005 01:41 PM

hahah, the best critic is the audience, wtf is a "critic", oh hi, im a movie critic, get the hell outta here dude. how come some person that never made a movie has sufficient moral authority to object someone else's movie? it's just hilarious.
By the way, the movie was great, i even had some of those thoughts when i was a kid.

Posted by: Fede at September 15, 2005 10:07 AM

I <3 this movie so much. It's definitely a favourite of mine. I dont believe it could be considered anything, other than a work of art. Each role was played to a T, and Ashton Kutcher is so purdy. I could watch this movie over and over :)

Posted by: Carissa at September 22, 2005 06:18 PM

WRNING SPOILER IN 3rd paragraph.

When i watched this movie...it made me kind of emotionally unstable. I haven't cried after a movie for 13 years and this one did the trick, especially the part were he puts the paper saying ILL COME BACK FOR YOU on the grave. The directors cut ending was really emotional too. The whole movie is really about sacrifice.

I don't know half of the mumbo jumbo going on with the critics, Ashton, and everyone, but watching this movie really made me think. I am in HS, and i hate to admit it but i am a complete dork. I have read my calculator manual, and i enjoy math. I HATE SCIENCE. I SUCK AT IT AND ALWAYS WILL. But the one thing that has always caught my eye in science was the chaos theory AKA butterfly effect.

I really enjoyed the movie and thought it had a strong emotional and scientific idea to it. I thought the strangeness of it all, like when lenny killed tommy, displayed the difference some things can make. Technically *coucgh cough i have been doing reasearch on the butterfly effect* that was very true the emphisis on how the theory works. Think about it: butterfly flutters it's wings----typhoon. Evan gives lenny metal to cut dog free----dog is already freed by tommy due to what evan said and lenny kills tommy.


Posted by: Stephanie at October 4, 2005 11:04 AM