January 15, 2004

Easy Steps for Making the Worst Teaser Trailer Ever.

Step 1:
- Ignore the lesson you should have learnt about NOT making sequels to Jim Carrey movies that don't star Jim Carrey.

Step 2:
- Make a sequel to "The Mask" that doesn't star Jim Carrey.

Step 3:
- Advertise it with THIS.

This is no ill-will against some of the talented people IN this movie, but this Teaser SUCKS. Oh My Lanta. Spare Me.

Posted by John Campea at January 15, 2004 01:50 AM



Posted by: OwlBoy at January 17, 2004 11:13 PM

I saw a monkey once. It was pretty funny. This isn't nearly as funny as that monkey.

Posted by: DaveZ at January 20, 2004 02:22 PM

WOW...that trailer was plain DAMN AWFUL!
WTF does a baby with NO mask have to do with the story?
Damn that's sad!

Posted by: Ronus at January 23, 2004 11:55 PM

Yup. Someone got paid to make it too.

and y'know, the baby having no mask on really didn't occur to me until you said it -- holy crap that's retarded.

Maybe we can take guesses on with it has to do with the movie:
Maybe the baby already has super powers - You know. like superpower babies - everybody has one... No no! Maybe.. the kid was conceived while Stanley Ipkis was WEARING the mask! Oh that's clever, Oh!!.. no! **OR*** Maybe it's the next door neighbour's kid!.. Who grows up to rob a bank. And can tell the future. All of these are just as relevant.

I'm a genius. Ooo!! Like those BABY Geniuses.. Wow!!.. The relevance!!

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 24, 2004 12:17 AM

tips on movie making. if you have a great trilogy such as lord of the dingos or scared wars then don't come out with a fourth movie or it will ruin your movie making careers ya hosers.

Posted by: ann ony mous at September 22, 2005 10:55 AM