December 07, 2003

The Passion of the Christ Teaser Trailer, Website - and a Review - are Online.

**UPDATED AGAIN ON DECEMBER 9th** - read on...
Well, rapidly approaching the record for name changes before it's even released, and simultaneously causing a stir amongst some activists and praise from others, Mel Gibson's much talked about film, The Passion of the Christ has its teaser-trailer and website up and running.

The Trailer can been seen in really snappy Quicktime Right Here:

And the website is, mind-bogglingly enough, at

I must say, the trailer has got a few shots coupled with some epic-like music, that look really stinking nice. It also comes complete with a release date: Feruary 25, 2004

UPDATE: Dec. 8: The good people at Ain't It Cool have the first review (Click Here) posted for 'The Passion..." and it's one nice review... Give it a go..
Update Dec 9: You know you're doing a good job when.. Ain't it Cool has posted two more reviews on "Passion..." one from a drifted Catholic and another from an atheist -- and wouldn't ya know it - they both loved it. Those reviews are here. The only "negative" review Aintitcool has posted about the movie, the author says he'll see it again when it's released. That one is here. So far, everyone has at least been drawn in, admired or been affected by the movie in some way - no matter what the stance. Not too Shabby.

Despite what some may say, I tip my hat to Mel for writing, directing, making and distributing a film, all because it's something that means a lot to him. That says a lot right there. It's nice to see the occasional "venture" made by someone when the issue of money isn't so much ignored as it is completely irrelevant. Go Mel Go. I wouldn't complain about another Road Warrior either.

Posted by John Campea at December 7, 2003 02:42 AM


I'm really pumped about this movie... Can't wait to see it. Only, I hope I understand it.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at December 7, 2003 04:15 AM

From the trailer this looks very good!! A movie about christ hasn't come out for some time now, so this will be a fresh change from all the sci/fi and superhero movies that will clog up the cinema screen next year. This and the two alexander movies and Troy are all shaping up to look very good, if you haven't seen the trailer for this movie yet, see it now!!

Posted by: striker at December 7, 2003 04:33 AM

Jesus is kind of a superhero...powers include: Walk on Water, Raise Dead, Water to Wine, Casting Demons into pigs. He has an alter ego (God). I guess the only thing he lacks is a snazzy outfit, although for all we know maybe he had one.

Posted by: djames at December 7, 2003 02:42 PM

This is a message of Tribute and gratitude to a great man who was able to defy and confront Hollywood’s Jewish production cartels by producing such great movie.

I am an Arabic Christian woman who lives thousands of miles away from you .
I have always wondered why in your countries where your enjoy the power of the freedom of speech ,freedom of practicing your religion, Freedom of producing any them without violent or detoured censorship . no one ever took a real step towards making a high budget production highlighting the life of our lord Jesus Christ who is the greatest of all times .

Hollywood produced high budget movies on all kinds of personalities , politicians , rebels , patriots , historical figures, kings ,queens , even serial killers and patriots , spreading all kinds of negative values like greed , intolerance , revenge , lust , .

In a world were violence, prejudice , discrimination, fanatic ,hatred , terrorism have become its slogans .

We need a break to learn the power of ultimate positive values like tolerance , goodness, sharing , modesty , true love , ultimate sacrifice , from their source and creator our lord Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself not only for those who loved him , but specially for those who rejected and hated him , the more hate and rejection the more love and acceptance he offers.

All Jewish people who think that they are offended by showing such movie , pls know this the history facts can not be altered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by his own people was destined before time it was the realization of all prophecies , know this all prophets before Jesus starting From Noah , Abraham , Joseph , Moses they were all rejected by their closed ones , and yet they are the most sacred Jewish Figures . All great saints Peter , Paul , Mathew , Luke they were all pure Jewish who completed their Jewish faith through the beliefs of our lord Jesus Christ .

Posted by: amina at January 3, 2004 06:07 AM

>I have always wondered why in your countries where your enjoy the power of the freedom of speech ,freedom of practicing your religion, Freedom of producing any them without violent or detoured censorship . no one ever took a real step towards making a high budget production highlighting the life of our lord Jesus Christ who is the greatest of all times .

Posted by: Herby at January 3, 2004 10:47 PM

BTW I am a Jew who is concerned about this picture. Learning of the church Mel belongs to which condemns the Jews and their descendents collectively for the death of Christ (No Statue of Limitation with this crime), as well as Mel's Dad and Mel's refusal to repudiate statements that the Holocaust never happened.

I will hold off final judgement until I see the film. I will not condem a picture I have yet to see (unlike many christians when it came to "Last Temptation of Christ" and "Life of Brian").

Posted by: Herby at January 3, 2004 11:53 PM

Re: djames blog on Dec 7: "Jesus is kind of a superhero...I guess the only thing he lacks is a snazzy outfit, although for all we know maybe he had one."

Actually, a closer look at the book of Revelation (Rev 1:13-18) describes his appearance:

"...dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.";=english&version;=NIV&showfn;=on&showxref;=on

Posted by: AC at January 13, 2004 04:11 PM

Nifty, thanks.. He actually knew that already, but hey, way to show.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 13, 2004 07:16 PM

To better understand the anti-Semitism question and some of the other controversies surrounding The Passion of the Christ (such as Mel Gibson's Traditionalist Catholic beliefs that reject the legitimacy of the present Pope), please check out my web site at I have listed articles from several points of view as well as a few of my own comments.

Posted by: Chris at January 13, 2004 09:10 PM

Christ also had prophetic passion!

Below are two sites from a collection of prophetic music which I wrote. Please turn your sound on and listen to the world warnings of Jesus, The Christ: ( "4" ) - Gospel ( "Prophecy" ) - Gospel


Marvell (813) [removed] ...e-mail: [email protected]

Posted by: James Marvell at February 10, 2004 08:43 AM


Don't take it personal, but I removed your phone number from your post.

I removed it for your own privacy. I'm not going to go into this, but the amount of private information I can dig up about someone by using just their phone number is very disturbing. You're going to have to trust me on that one, but you don't want your phone number posted.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at February 10, 2004 12:22 PM

I for one am not entirely prepared to view this movie. Just seeing the previews brought tears to my eyes. And Herby, I think that amina meant that no actual movie, who's intent on recreating the last 12 hours of his life have been made. You listed Jesus Christ superstar. Well c'mon that was a musical, besides did they have hippie vans in the new testament times... along with guns? No, I believe that this movie is going to actually recreate what happen to Jesus. Most people, like myself, never really thought about how it must of been to see someone hanging on the cross. yet in the preview he's the only one on a cross, wasn't there two others?


Posted by: Tim at February 10, 2004 05:45 PM

The only clip in the trailer we see of Jesus on a cross is an elevated shot above the cross shot from the back.

At this angle, you wouldn't be able to see the two thieves on his left and his right.

I'm sure they are there, but in the shot you can't even see his hands let alone what's on his sides 15 feet away.

If you go to the website, the image on the main page has three crosses.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at February 10, 2004 06:38 PM