December 31, 2003

Robert Di Nero as a Batman villain?

From the good folks over at CountingDown:

The cast are Christian Bale [Batman], Michael Caine [Alfred], Judson Caspian [Viggo Mortensen], Cillian Murphy [Harvey Dent], Katie Holmes [Rachel Caspian], Chris Cooper [Gordon], Elle Fanning [Barbara], Noah Emmerich, as of 11/29/03. They apparently are still finalising the two main villain roles, but everyone from Robert De Niro to Dennis Quaid has tried out, and they should have their man-times two, in a week or two.

Posted by John Campea at December 31, 2003 04:12 AM


I'm sure it will be different - but they had better learn their lesson from the other batman films, -- if you LOAD it with characters, it gets boring and stupid FAST. And after that whole list, they STILL need **TWO** more **MAIN** Bad Guys??

Even though the cast is solid, I don't see how they are going to give each of those characters sufficient character screen time to make their price worth while and also have time to build a plot, build a conflict, develope the characters and still have time left over to keep it fast-paced the whole time.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at December 31, 2003 04:19 AM

Right... the Batman movies have never had troubles getting big actors... yet they still sucked (except the 1st one)

Posted by: Brad Pineau at December 31, 2003 05:15 PM

The Reaper, a skull faced vigilante who violently slays criminals using his two scythes and a gun. In real life the Reaper is Judson Caspian, a wealthy man who avenges his wife’s death by killing everybody who acts against the law in his eyes.

This being told, does the new Batman movie need two villians? How about two hero/vigillanties?? I don't know how I feel about this... I have all the hopes in the world that this time around the Batman movies will be done right. Given the right writers and the right actors to pull it off any number of heroes or villians. All that remains to be seen if they actually do it.

Posted by: Rodney at December 31, 2003 07:04 PM

Remember, Christopher Nolan is Directing. The man responsible for "Following", "Memento" and "Insomnia". If anyone could juggle a large cast and still produce a dynamite Batman flick it is he.

Really looking foward to this one.

Posted by: Herby at January 2, 2004 06:52 AM

That's a very true point. And since he's following "Batman and Robin".. the movie is instantly going to be an improvement before the word "go".

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 2, 2004 02:46 PM

Is Burton doing this new Batman movie? Whatever, as long as they stop including nipples in the rubber suits. Confusing, does Alfred help Bruce's nipple into its place? And if so, is there a special nipple tool?

Posted by: Nipples aren't for boys at January 4, 2004 06:11 PM

brad is wrong the first 2 movies were sheer class the secound 2 sheer arse
which is this on egoing to be?

Posted by: bobby at January 5, 2004 07:21 AM

this is my secound comment in two minutes but i`d just like to say Robert De Nero would make a great villian


my nipples are sore

Posted by: bobby at January 5, 2004 07:25 AM

True, bobby, the 2nd was good too.

On a side note, does anyone else think that the 3rd movie should have been called "Batman & Robin", and the 4th "Batman Forever"?

This 5th movie is gonna be great - we got Christian Bale as batman. He's got the acting (American Psycho) and he's got the moves (Equilibrium)

Posted by: Brad Pineau at January 9, 2004 06:15 PM

no the 3 one should not be called batman and robin as robin spoilsit and calling the 4th one "forever" is to presumptious also these to are to childish. and why cant Tim burton direct the new one as the first two are so good

Posted by: bobby at January 12, 2004 05:49 AM

Robert De Nero as most know , is a method actor, he would portray the villain role with brilliance, im not so sure about christian bale, i mean sure he can act but he doesnt have the edge, then again neither have the last couple of Capecruisader's, i think this one should be a lot more violent and dark like the original, michael canes role sounds pointless, p.s anyone think of giving Jay and Silent Bob villain roles? (joke)

Posted by: Cast at January 24, 2004 07:22 AM

does anybody know who the villian is going to be yet. i mean actor not charachter

Posted by: bobby at January 26, 2004 05:49 AM

Christian Bale doesn't have any edge? This is a man best known for American Psycho ... how much edge do you want? I think he's got the perfect combination of fragility and potential for violence to do Batman justice ...

I don't think Burton wants to go back to Batman, at least I'd be mighty surprised if he ever did, especially with a different leading actor, and I think Nolan's a good choice. The best superhero films so far have come from directors who have a respect for the source books but also tend to shoot realistic film ... they find ways of making the superhero world believable without dropping into parody and Nolan qualifies on both counts ... I'm still bummed Aronofsky's Batman Year One isn't going to happen, but the man's got two other flicks in pre-production right now and according to Aint It Cool Ellen Burstyn said her next film will be Aronofsky's The Fountain which will make me ecstatically happy if true. This thing would already be done if not for Brad Pitt being a dumbass. Aronofsky's a genius but looking to be just about as snakebitten as Terry Gilliam when it comes to actually getting his films made ...

Posted by: Bubba at January 26, 2004 11:59 AM

i thurallly enjoyed the viewing of the website although i have an iq of 101 at the age of 16 and would be grateful if you didn't email me junk thanks alot atrra chuck signed

Posted by: paragwa at October 9, 2004 04:51 PM

you know what i don't know why they even bother inventing batman he sucks and frankly i don't know why he even got let on the scren i hate all his films and feel sorry for robin as he hs to follow and act like the assistent when he is the one that saves him all the time


Posted by: sara panchbaya at October 9, 2004 04:53 PM

you know what i don't know why they even bother inventing batman he sucks and frankly i don't know why he even got let on the scren i hate all his films and feel sorry for robin as he hs to follow and act like the assistent when he is the one that saves him all the time


Posted by: sara panchbaya at October 9, 2004 04:54 PM

im really looking forward to this batman. i think christian bale will prove to be excellent, i think he's perfect for the role. the film should stock with one villain, and yes, de nero would be brilliant. the film should be excellent just as long as they dont turn it into a circus like the last couple of movies.

Posted by: gaurav jassal at November 16, 2004 05:22 AM

Hi all! God i cannot wait for this movie to come out, ive been looking forward to it for so long. Bale is so gorgeous and would make a great batman i think, hes hot! As for De Niro, well he could make a pretty good villain - a slong as he drops that Brooklyn acccent of his ha ha ha!
Anyway, im gonna get the tissues ready, see you all later!

Posted by: Ahmed Rafique at November 17, 2004 07:19 AM

je cherche quelqune qui me comprendre

Posted by: mennad at January 25, 2005 09:47 AM