December 14, 2003

Batman Casting Rumours

MSN News Reports:

Katie Holmes, no stranger to broody guys after her extended stay on "Dawson's Creek," could find herself involved with the broodiest brooder of them all. The Hollywood trades report the cutie-pie actress is nearing a deal to play Batman's love interest in the upcoming Christopher Nolan-directed Warner Bros. flick, which stars Christian Bale as the cowl-covered crime fighter. Holmes still has to do a screen test with Bale, but if her chemistry with the Dark Knight proves palpable, she'll join a cast that also includes Michael Caine as loyal butler Alfred.

Before people get their Batman underoos in a bunch, I am thinking this wont be the worst idea. Firstly, this is the youngest Batman actor to date at 29 (another hint that this script will be prequel material) so naturally they want to find a love interest in that same ballpark. Holmes is not that kid from the 'Creek anymore, and at 27 she isnt likely to be playing many more teen roles. (Mind you Ralph Macchio was 24 when he played a 16year old in Karate Kid)
I am not a huge Katie Holmes fan, but I don't dislike her either. We will have to wait for that screen test to see if she gets the gig.

Posted by John Campea at December 14, 2003 11:41 AM
