November 01, 2003

The Title is in! Batman: Intimidation Game

The official title for the new Batman flick that is already in pre-production has been released. Batman: Intimidation Game. Even without knowing anything about the script I think this is a great title. We'll have to wait and see if it sticks and if it fits with the story. Thank to the good folks at Countingdown who put us on to this.

Posted by John Campea at November 1, 2003 02:50 AM


I think Scarecrow should be the main villain. the Ras story line and the Lazarus pit is too unbleivable.

Posted by: rob at November 26, 2003 10:02 PM

I have to agree that Scarecrow should be the villain. He has the same type of darkness that Christopher Nolan can bring to the screen. The best person I think for the job of the Scarecrow is Christopher Lloyd cuz he can act demented like no other and has such a high pitched scream that can be creepy if used right.

Posted by: Brian at December 7, 2003 04:34 PM

You are overlooking the greatest of all plot motivators. Money.

Bottom line is the resurrection of the franchise will not focus around a B List villian like Scarecrow when there are still so many A list villians for Batman to face on the silver screen. Ras Al Ghul, Shiva or Killer Croc would outrank the heinous hay filled hatrack.

Considering the title, a less grunty Bane (a smart Bane, like in the books, not some mindless lackey like in the Schumacher films) or Ras would suit this plot. The title alone implies that there will be at least a measure of intelligence to this script and not a single neon streetganger or bad-pun bad-guy.

This truely is the Batman the fanboys have been waiting for.

Posted by: Rodney at December 8, 2003 01:54 AM

The Scarecrow? Why not. Somebody ideal could be Mick Jagger.

Posted by: Reg at December 12, 2003 12:47 PM

Sorry if i sound a bit of a dumbass, but is there two Batman movies coming out??? this one and the one with Michael Caine????

Posted by: A bit confused!! at December 12, 2003 01:25 PM

Michael Caine is reported to be signed for this ONE Batman movie. He will be taking over as Alfred Pennyworth. I think this is a bad idea. I love Caine and can't say I have seen him in something I didn't like but then I haven't seen everything he was in. He is uber-cool, but I just cant see him as Alfred. I guess either this is more prequelish, therefor needing a less ancient Michael Gough, or perhaps the old alfred has retired (he hasnt been in anything since 99) Or maybe the hopes are that this new Batman movie is going to make every effort to stand out from its four predecessors to be a new thing instead of Batman 5.

Posted by: Rodney at December 13, 2003 10:43 AM

I hope that The Scarecrow's role isn't too small, I would like to see his character throughout the film; not just for a few brief scenes. How much creepier can you get than him? I think if we are looking for tall, thin, creepy, and a high pitch scream either Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. If we are just looking at talent, Christopher Loyd, or if we want something a little different Billy Bob Thorton, he is a creepy guy.

Posted by: Mindi at February 16, 2004 10:59 AM

I hope that The Scarecrow's role isn't too small, I would like to see his character throughout the film; not just for a few brief scenes. How much creepier can you get than him? I think if we are looking for tall, thin, creepy, and a high pitch scream either Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. If we are just looking at talent, Christopher Loyd, or if we want something a little different Billy Bob Thorton, he is a creepy guy.

Posted by: Mindi at February 16, 2004 11:01 AM