November 06, 2003

The Matrix Revolutions: What a waste of time

To understand how much I've been anticipating The Matrix: Revolutions, you must first know that I'm one of the few people who thought that Reloaded was even better than the first Matrix flick. I thought it was intelligent, visually appealing and most importantly served up BIG helpings of kick ass. So, off to Revolutions I went expecting to see a fantastic film. Man was I let down.

When I first came out of the theater I said "ok, I'm disappointed, but the movie is ok", but the more I thought about it in the car the more I realized the film was a total disaster. The Wachowski brothers did so much wrong with this film that they nearly ruined an un-ruinable franchise.

Christopher Null of nailed it right on the head when he said:

With their third (and hopefully, final) Matrix movie, the Wachowski brothers have delivered a dud so disappointing, they may as well have bussed in Ewoks to save Zion.

…the opening hour is consumed by endless scenes at Zion where we see the humans preparing for the imminent arrival of the sentinels, while Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith) and the other out-there-in-the-pipes folks tries to get their ships jump-started. And of course everyone is whining endlessly about life, death, and love. This is, after all, their last chance to make a big speech before the end of the series. The dialogue is so bad that the audience was laughing its collective ass off in my screening.

The acting, the action, the sets… none of this will strike you as new. It's more of the same Matrix world that we've come to expect, only this time out it's dragged down completely by the force of two enormous egos that have somehow convinced themselves that people want to see a preachy-talkie movie instead of an old-fashioned action flick.

I agree with him totally. Several things that really bothered me about the film are:
1) Poor action compared to the first 2
2) NEVER really explain or try to explain why Neo has powers outside the Matrix
3) Stupid attempt at explaining why the Oracle looks different
4) Not enough Seraph
5) Not enough Smith
6) Not enough Merovinchian (I know I'm spelling that right)
7) Doesn't even try to explain the Architect's speech from Reloaded (making it pointless)
8) Stupid little girl

There are more, but you get the picture. I'm going to go drink heavily and try to purge that waste of 2 hours out of my mind and hold on to the first 2 Matrix films. What a shame. Feel free to disagree in the comments section below.

Posted by John Campea at November 6, 2003 02:52 PM


I agree with John,

The movie just didn't answer enough questions. For example,
what happened to the original Oracle? Did she die or just have the foresight to
realize the third installment was going to be a flop.

So in the end was anyone left in the Matrix? Other than, Oracle, stupid girl, the
Architect. Were the machines going to just let anyone leave? Did Neo actually

I guess another thing that bothered me is that they assumed I watched "reloaded"
just prior to heading out to the theatre. Too much was brought up in detail from
the second movie and it was at times, hard to follow.

my .02 :)

Posted by: scott at November 6, 2003 03:20 PM

the movie sucked

Posted by: tim mann at November 6, 2003 06:03 PM

Hey John,

I finally got to see reloaded in order to prepare to see revolutions this weekend and I have to say that I also enjoyed it despite the negative comments I recieved from a lot of people. While I don't think it was as good as number 1 I thought that there were a number of interesting twists in the plot that set things up nicely for number 3. In particular the discussion with the architect and rouge agent Smith. So its very dissapointing that much of that is left without resolution. They seemed to have the tools to put together a great conclusion but it sounds as though they really dropped the ball. I will see it anyway for the sake of completeness but its really too bad.

dave j

Posted by: dave j at November 6, 2003 06:21 PM

Hey Scott,

The original Oracle did infact die before the movie was finalised!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Pete at November 6, 2003 08:12 PM

At the risk of being tarred and feathered, let me start with - I thought MATRIX was ok. Great special effects, but the story, though intriging, didn't do that much for me. Then comes Reloaded. I loved it. All the thought provoking questions kept me returning and watching again (five times in all). I could not wait for the answers. Revolutions did not deliver. Oh, the action was great, even better than its predecessors and Jada was fabulous! However, the story crashed. It was like they didn't know how to tie it all up, so they just threw together some of it and left the rest. (Maybe the cutting room floor knows?) It could have been one of the best. Instead it left the throne solely to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Now that's a story.

Posted by: dvw at November 6, 2003 09:37 PM

At the risk of betraying my overwhelming bias, I don't think the Matrix trilogy was a real contender for the throne anyway :) Go Hobbits!


Posted by: Davej at November 6, 2003 11:16 PM

Yup i agree revolutions explained absolutly nothing, might as well not made it at all, shame if they used all the intelect and action they used in the first two to tie it up with the answers, thats what was wanted. Basically more questions were left unanswered than questions answered.
1Who was the stupid girl?
2Was everyone killed in the matrix?
3Was noe killed?
4What year was the matrix reset or just upgraded?
5What the hell was the One made for because if he wasnt made then smith wouldnt have been killed by neo thus not enabling smith to become free.
6Being the same result as the previous "one" was eventually "inevitable" did noe actually do anything different to his predeccesors?
7Why the hell did noe have powers outside the matrix?

If anyone can answer my questions please do because im a little dissapointed with the film.

Posted by: Robbo at November 7, 2003 10:19 AM

I think that this movie was a brilliant action movie, i don't see why so many people are slagging it off. yes it was cliched, so was the last two, yes it had some shit acting but then the last two did. maybe the ending was a bit wierd and many questions unanswered but then that was the point. The bible never explains everything, or answers everything and your supposed to follow that. The matrix is supposed to make you think about the possible out-comes after you have seen the matrix, Joel Silver said that when Reloaded came out, he said that he likes the movies that leaqve you to think about it afterwards.

Posted by: Dave at November 7, 2003 10:59 AM

Hahahaaaa, the whole matrix concept fooled you. This was what it wanted, for you to come home and write about it and talk about it. yes it fooled me to but then i knew it was fooling me!!!

Posted by: jon at November 7, 2003 11:03 AM

I advise everyone who is old enough to see Kill Bill!!!!!!!!

Posted by: jon at November 7, 2003 11:11 AM

I saw the movie on opening day. I accepted some of the concessions the BROS did, but the ending killed me. I cannot believe they took the goody good, we are the world, play it safe route. I also agree that they spent too much time explaining why the oracle looked different. I will not pay to see a fourth movie if they have the nerve to make one.
Also, I'll bet they'll try and get us again by releasing an ALTERNATE ending when the movie goes to DVD.

Posted by: kronos at November 7, 2003 12:18 PM

I have answers for "robbo"

1Who was the stupid girl? (the stupid girl was a exile program that escaped the termination. All the programs that has no purpose are being terminated. The programs that played as her parents felt so bad that they made a deal w/ that French guy to have the little girl escape the termination)

2Was everyone killed in the matrix? (No. Not everyone in the Matrix is dead. First of all, before you say that you are assuming that Smith made a duplicate of himself w/ everyone in the world. It's probable but not necessarily true. Second of all, everyone who became Smith came back to their normal status at the end of the movie. I suspect that that is the same for everyone. Finally, If everyone died, there had to be somekind of reaction from machine for they no longer have source of their energy. But, there weren't)

3Was noe killed? (yes. at the Reload, architect tells him that the One has to be assimilated in order to make a new Matrix. At the end of the movie, new Matrix was created. Therefore, the One has been assimilated)

4What year was the matrix reset or just upgraded? (I don't think they ever mentioned that and it is not really important)

5What the hell was the One made for because if he wasnt made then smith wouldnt have been killed by neo thus not enabling smith to become free.
(If you go back to Reload, arichitect tells you. It's little difficult but I'll do my best. Neo was created as the remaining equation of Matrix. He exists to balance the Matrix. Like Yin and Yang, they are inseparable. That is same for Agent Smith and Neo. Smith is there to balance Neo. )

6Being the same result as the previous "one" was eventually "inevitable" did noe actually do anything different to his predeccesors?
(Yes. Like a program and all other things Neo goes to the main computer to fulfill his purpose: to be assimilated and make new Matrix. However, his predecessors did not stop the war. Neo makes a deal w/ the architect to stop the war. That is the difference.)

7Why the hell did noe have powers outside the matrix?
(The power of the One extends beyond the Matrix. I guess he would have been just a gifted person even without the Matrix.)


I hope I have given you satisfactory answers robbo. The Matrix 1 was a great movie. It had Plato's & Descartes' philosophy in it, yet it had parallel of biblical theme. It had such a great forshadowing and plots nicely planned. The second one wasn't good as the first, but it had lotz of action and made you think. I had to watch more than 20x to fully understand the reload. But, the third one did not have actions nor any intelligent plots. If you take out war scene, there is no story. The whole story goes as "Neo gets out of coma and goes to the main computer and makes a deal to save people." It was really a disappointment.

Posted by: aristotle at November 7, 2003 04:03 PM

oh.. I misuderstood question #8. I thought robbo's question was why did the director ruined the trilogy.. But, now I read the whole question, it's a same complaint as #5. The director did plant the answer in the movies. You just have to watch them carefully and tried to understand them.

Posted by: aristotle at November 7, 2003 04:21 PM

I thought the movie was great. I heard many say it was horrible. I went to see it with a open mind since my husband and I have loved the first two. The ending was a little different than we expected but as we thought about it on the way home we really liked it. It is my least favorite of the three but I still say it rocked!

Posted by: Jessica at November 7, 2003 04:38 PM

one more thing....I would have loved to see Smith clone an Ewok after Punt kicking it into a wall. THAT needs to be in the dvd specials.

kev out.

Posted by: Representin My Nutz at November 7, 2003 05:54 PM

* From The Moderators *

Again folks, if you plan on leaking secrets, or spoilers in your post -- MAKE MENTION OF IT. put "-SPOILER-" at the top before your banter. Ruining movies, even garbage ones is really annoying.

Spoiling posts with no mention with be deleted, and if continued, I.P. banned.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at November 7, 2003 06:49 PM

I believe what disappointed me the most was what I was expecting from the Merovingian, he played such a crucial role in the 2nd movie and I atleast wanted to see a fight between him and Neo just to show that because he survived the predecessors doesn't me he would survive Neo. Second it was sucky to see Neo keep getting his ass kicked by Agent Smith, Instead of that glorified ending of him blowing Smith up I would have been happier for some good old fashioned ass kicking. The punch was pretty cool though I must say.

I think personally the Brothers might have been influenced by the studios to dumb the film down because the primary complaint from the previous movie was it was too dense for the average audience and people left complaining more then anything that it was just too much. I think perhaps this is why this movie is so straight forward. No philosophy, no rhetoric, just straight forward Hero gives his life to save millions of people.

Also to answer the question where Neo gets his powers to control the machines in the real world, this question is answered in the movie by the Oracle when she says that he gets his power from the source his power ultimately works on everything else that also comes from there. Hense why he ended up in the subway station by himself without being jacked in. He basically transcends that gap , illuding to the interconnectedness that man and machine share, they really can't survive without each other. This is a point the brothers seem to pound into us in all the movies. We need machines to live, they need us to live etc.

Overall though I was disappointed because it left me unsatisfied in terms of my own expectations but one has to remember I think everyone who loved the movies probably has their own ideal screen play to go with it. Robert Zemeckis put it best when he said the first movie, is always easy to please everyone because nobody has any ideas about it. when it comes to sequels everyone has their own ideas, of what they want to see and how they think it should end. This becomes an almost impossible task for directors and story writers. Especialy since more then anything these movies are all about business and money and as more and more money is invested into them more and more people want to put their own ideas behind the movie sometimes good.. sometimes bad. In this case I get the feeling not so good.

The only guy I can say who has repeatedly made better sequels then their original flicks is James Cameron with Aliens 2 and T2. Both movies far excelled their predecessors so well I guess you can't have it all.

But regardless it was a good movie, I don't feel it to be a waste and the trilogy is still one of the best collection of movies out there. I would love to see some alternate renegade version come out perhaps on dvd which would show the story in a different manner, that would be AWESOME..

Posted by: alex at November 7, 2003 07:10 PM

i agree with some of the things that u say but if u go back watch the movies even put the subtitles on if u have 2 u will understand the producers dont think like we do they want 2 leave it open 4 interpretation.i'm tellin u if u watch them again and pay close attention u will understand the way if u are asking these questions u dont understsand the MATRIX

Posted by: julio at November 7, 2003 07:29 PM

i can answer any questions u guys have if u just ask

Posted by: julio at November 7, 2003 07:34 PM



Posted by: Day-vuhl at November 7, 2003 08:24 PM

Dear Lord, the Matrix (1 and 2) is far from dense. I can't see that there is too much to dumb down unless I am greatly overestimating the conceptual skills of the general population. The problem is not so much that the film raises diffucult philosophical issues but that it raises rather simple ones and tries to pass them off as deep and sophisticated in long winded portions of patronizing dialouge.

Posted by: Davej at November 8, 2003 01:47 AM

I was reading one of the posts above and he mentioned that they would release an alternative ending on DVD. You must not know the wachowski's vision very well, that was the end and they will not make an alternative. You obvioulsy haven't got a clue what the matrix is all about.

Posted by: Striker at November 8, 2003 06:01 AM

striker you are correct, the matrix will only have one ending and that was it. The ending has created many questions that are unanswered but I feel that this is actually pretty realistic. You know, in daily life, there are many intepretations we give to things.The ambiguity at the end of matrix revolution is what makes it beautiful. And you know, the emotions that are involved in the battle between good and evil, have been genuinely portrayed. And i think the movie, in its own unique and dramatic way, gives humanity hope.

Posted by: striker u'r correct at November 8, 2003 07:48 AM

I thought that this movie was decent, but the only thing that dissapointed me was the fact that it seemed as if the Wachowski Brothers ran out of ideas. But the brilliant and original battle with Neo and Agent Smith is worth your money alone. It's not a bad movie, there are worse so why does everyone have somehting against it. maybe it didn't fullfill your drams and imagination of the possible out-comes of the matrix but then this was one excellent action movie, amybe it could be better, it needs to really but then as a whole this is a decent movie that WILL be remembered for its action, story and twists. But there is one thing that you should all know and that is, that even though they say that its over, there will be another....

Posted by: The burly flyer at November 8, 2003 12:08 PM

I understand that some people got lost at the end, so for some people who would like to know i will explain it fully!!!!!!!!!!:

But each version of the One ultimately failed. Neo is different, in Reloaded he choose the door that led to Trinity, not the door that RESETS the program. Note: The Architect even noticed that Neo's experience in the Matrix was different than all the rest, realizing he was the first of them to fall in love.
Neo's choice has changed everything. The system is still threatened by Smith's behavior, so the Oracle makes a new choice; one she has never done before because no version of the One has ever chosen the difficult path as opposed to easy one of just resetting the system. She allows herself to become merged with Smith in the HOPE that she'll be able to help Neo when the time is right.
Neo makes another unique choice. He goes to the machines and asks for PEACE as opposed to simply destroying the system by going through the opposite door as all other versions of the One did. It was a simple as that to save Zion. Machines don't need very long to process that this may be a better idea than just constantly resetting the system.
At the end, Smith says to Neo the movies tagline - "Everything that has a beginning has an end," as the Oracle is speaking to Neo through Smith. Neo realizes it all along, the only way to end this is to sacrifice himself. The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?
For those that like to dig deeper, than note the biblical references throughout the series. Heck, the French Man (Merovigchian) is the Devil, just read the elevator button Morpheous presses when he goes to see him for the second time. The Architect represents God - i.e. the creator of the world and its destroyer whenever things don't go as he wants. He even has you to chose a select group of people to restart Zion again sort of like Noah's Ark. Neo is Jesus, the one who realizes that peace and love is the answer, not war. And the Oracle represents the Holy Spirit - the conciousness that resides in all of us. It's a deep trilogy if you PAY ATTENTION.

Posted by: Striker at November 8, 2003 12:25 PM

Question for all, especially Aristotle...

Could someone explain the result of the fight between Neo and Smith? How does Neo defeat Smith?

The statement..."I choose too..." by Neo is significant. However, is it Neo's choosing to keep fighting the reason why Smith gets intimidated?

In other words, Neo is not "determined" by the Matrix, i.e., he chooses to believe in the reality of the unseen (truth, freedom, love etc.) On the other hand, Neo is determined to fulfill his purpose, just like the Architect planned. So is Neo free?

Posted by: Theoria at November 8, 2003 03:00 PM

hello there, i have a couple of questions --
if neo sacrificed himself,that means that he gave a new power source to the machines in order for these to keep living ?, and people were not needed anymore to be connected to the matrix?
i was the only one who was expecting to see an scene were all the people connected to the matrix wake up simultaneusly and unplugged the same way neo did leaving the machines without power source?
i was the only one expecting neo to destroy all the machine world and cleaning the sky some way?
i liked the grotesque and cool way the super giant machines woke up revealing the humans that provide their energy. really disturbing image.thats why i was expecting neo to destroy that inhuman monstruosities.
does everyone agree with me? or i´m just insane.because i just feel sorry for those poor people inside those horrible industrial bodies that neo didnt saved.

Posted by: david at November 8, 2003 06:58 PM


In case the note at the end of your post 'It's a deep trilogy if you PAY ATTENTION" was directed at my comments I would like to clarify my post. I don't deny

1)That the filmakers took some old ideas and put a wonderful spin on them in their application in the context of the story.
2)That there is a fair amount of symbolism

I do deny,

1) That these are complex ideas or revolutionary ideas that people should struggle with.
2) That symbolism is itself deep. The only way in which symbolism is deep if is if, for example, having neo as a christ figure or the architect as a god figure, allows us to attain new insights into the original figure of which they are an image. It may be fun to say "hey, so and so is like jesus". But who cares. Thats where it ends, there is really not much more to say after that besides "I was clever enough to spot the analogy". Again, who cares.

What is annoying about the films is that they take their philosophical messages waaaay to seriously, and the dialouge is painful and patronizing at times. The first film kept the preaching to a minimum and simply worked out the details of the idea. And it was good. The later films seem to burden themselves with trying to tell the audience something profound, which they fail to do.


Posted by: davej at November 8, 2003 07:10 PM

I heard from a friend that a fourth matrix movie will be coming out. If the movies kepp getting cheesier at this rate i predict that those leaving the theatre after seeing th movie will be immensly constipated. I have philisophical talks with my ass that are deeper than that choice thing. Why didn't any of the machines attacking zion have guns? Where were all the explosives the humans hould have been using? Couldn't they have gotten an actor that LOOKED like the oracle as a replacement. I usually enjoy movies that leave several loose ends and make you think hard about what happened, but it's like the wawhoosit brothers didn't even try!
I mean come on, this friday i was one person, carrying one backpack to school, with one lunch packed, and one pencil. Hmmm, looks like providence to me!

Posted by: erik at November 8, 2003 11:24 PM


I disagree, the speech isn't painful and i sat through it easily. yes they do take it serioulsy but then thats the point, so did the first matrix. It is like a bible, and nto all questions are answered.
It was totally based on the Bible! If you have ever attended a Sunday School lesson or read Scripture you would understand more here is my take:
Morpheous was "John The Baptist" (from the Bible). Neo was displaying acts of Jesus Christ and agent Smith was all of our sins that's why when he touched you, he consumed you. It has to do with choice. You can choose to let your sins (greed, jealously ill intent) consume you or you can choose otherwise-to walk the straight and narrow. trinity didn't die. She went to heaven. She knew her time on earth was coming to an end, that's why she saw the beautiful heavens and she commented accordingly. If you read your Bible, you will see that God wanted to destroy the world long ago because Man was allowing evil and bad ways to consume him so God wanted to make a clean fresh start...Jesus came to take all the evil upon himself and intercede between us and God. Neo didn't die, he represents God's Son (JEsus Christ) and he is at the right hand of the Father in heven. If you listen to the sentinals when they form a face you will hear it say "it is done" which is a direct scripture from the Bible.

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 04:22 AM

I came away from this movie feeling let down. Neo and Trinity dead?
And the Matrix is still operational? Return of the Jedi was more
fulfilling than this, and that came out twenty years ago.
I had expected some resolution to revolutions, but no.

Then, after thinking about it for a while, I realised that the
ending was actually quite clever; because if you released everyone in
the Matrix at the same time, what would they eat? Where would they live?
This is assuming that there wouldn't be enough food for several
billion people.

But I saw it a second time and I realised it really is bad. There needed
to be more scenes inside the Matrix, showing Smith taking over, or at
least the Source ATTEMPTING to fight back. It would be ridiculous to
think that in hundreds of years time they do not have anti-virus
software of any sort.

Also, I felt literally pounded by CGI. CGI here, CGI there. I kind of missed
the kung fu fights from the original and Reloaded. What I missed most of all
though was the interesting dialogue. It felt as though the movie had been
dumbed down for the average, or less than average, viewer. I
won't be buying this on DVD

Posted by: Matt at November 9, 2003 04:25 AM

You people are so incredibly ignorant.
I dont remember The Matrix being about Smith fighting Neo.
You just think "oh Neo is going to fight Smith and it will be a long battle bla bla bla"
Thats such a load of crap. This is what the MAtrix is about, not about some fight scene's.
Yes their nice but it wont make "The Matrix". It would just make another Jet Li Movie with some famous people in it.
as to:

"I agree with him totally. Several things that really bothered me about the film are:
1) Poor action compared to the first 2
2) NEVER really explain or try to explain why Neo has powers outside the Matrix
3) Stupid attempt at explaining why the Oracle looks different
4) Not enough Seraph
5) Not enough Smith
6) Not enough Merovinchian (I know I'm spelling that right)
7) Doesn't even try to explain the Architect's speech from Reloaded (making it pointless)
8) Stupid little girl"

Please go watch Dragonball Z little boy

I think this was the perfect ending of this trilogy and wouldn't have expected it otherwise.
You people are a shame to movielovers.

Posted by: Jrry at November 9, 2003 04:35 AM


Go watch Dragonball z???
What the hell are you talking about, i used to watch that but i soon found out that it was just for kids and has nothing to do with the matrix, o its an anime, o and they can fly??? Just shut up!

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 09:53 AM


Even though i do agree with what yuo said at the beginning of your post, i don't understand why you put 'Please go watch Dragonball Z little boy' if you could explain maybe i could understand but your talking shit.

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 10:01 AM

Can anyone help me with this, i was on the internet and i read somewhere that there was a low-helicoptor chase in Revolutions which would match the car-chase at the end of Reloaded, but when i watched it there was no helicoptor chase???? Why is this??? Has anyone else heard of this???

Posted by: I need help!! at November 9, 2003 10:28 AM

I'm not a christian but I can understand The Matrix. I agree that The Matrix (and its sequels) is not about Smith VS Neo. Otherwise, I won't put this movie as my favourite.

The Matrix is still understandable. There are lot of tough movie that I still can't understand their meaning until now(i.e Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddysey).

And eventhough I haven't see Revolution yet, from all of your post (and other posts in other forum), I think, it is still ends well. I don't remember you guys predict the end of Matrix would be like this. Thus, Wachowskis have made the story unpredictable, haven't they?


Posted by: kunderemp at November 9, 2003 10:57 AM

yes it is umpredictable which makes it fun

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 11:01 AM

Can anyone help me with this, i was on the internet and i read somewhere that there was a low-helicoptor chase in Revolutions which would match the car-chase at the end of Reloaded, but when i watched it there was no helicoptor chase???? Why is this??? Has anyone else heard of this???

Posted by: can anyone tell me... at November 9, 2003 11:26 AM

i kind of got a different interpretation of the entire movie, and for those of you who haven't seen it, you may not want to read this post. (see, i follow the rules) first off, i agree that a lot of the lovey dovey dialogue was lame and overly-sentimental. i realize it was a big issue in the movie, but i think i could have realized it just as easy even if they hadn't tried so hard to make it obvious. however, i was under the impression (and i could be a complete moron) that no one ever really left the matrix. i thought the ending made it clear that it was just a game between the source and the oracle--that the oracle was on the side of the humans and the source on the side of the machines. it seemed to me that that was the reason why neo had powers outside of the matrix--because he never really left the matrix after all, he was just led to believe that he did. it was a game that the oracle and the source had played again and again, and once it was over, it re-started. i just took the entire movie in this way without overthinking or analyzing, because i figured if i did that, i would have to conclude that i had wasted the $7 and the 2 hours i had spent to see it, and who wants to believe that? i do think, though, that it still DOES leave questions unanswered regardless, but, you know, it's not worth giving myself a headache over. i'm just taking it at face value, and not stressing. i liked it anyway.

Posted by: mic at November 9, 2003 11:42 AM


First, I would like to say that my problem is not a lack of religous education, I have the opposite problem in having had too much. Its not that I missed this stuff but that the stuff is not that interesting. If the matrix was just a modern paraphrase of the biblical story I'm even less impressed. I certainly can't make a universal claim that 'everyone found the dialouge painful and patronizing', but a lot of people I talked to have had this complaint. The dialouge seems to betray that writers think their audience needs/wants to hear them pontificate about the themes of the story and the do it in a heavy handed way. It feels like the writers think they are being very profound. But again, my point is what is so profound about a religous paraphrase with some minor philosophical underpinnings? This is why its patronizing. There is nothing wrong with the concepts as used to form an interesting story, but somehow creating an interesting story seems to become secondary to espousing a view favored by the writers.

Posted by: Davej at November 9, 2003 02:10 PM


Each version of the One ultimately failed. Neo is different, in Reloaded he choose the door that led to Trinity, not the door that RESETS the program. Note: The Architect even noticed that Neo's experience in the Matrix was different than all the rest, realizing he was the first of them to fall in love.
Neo's choice has changed everything. The system is still threatened by Smith's behavior, so the Oracle makes a new choice; one she has never done before because no version of the One has ever chosen the difficult path as opposed to easy one of just resetting the system. She allows herself to become merged with Smith in the HOPE that she'll be able to help Neo when the time is right.
Neo makes another unique choice. He goes to the machines and asks for PEACE as opposed to simply destroying the system by going through the opposite door as all other versions of the One did. It was a simple as that to save Zion. Machines don't need very long to process that this may be a better idea than just constantly resetting the system.
At the end, Smith says to Neo the movies tagline - "Everything that has a beginning has an end," as the Oracle is speaking to Neo through Smith. Neo realizes it all along, the only way to end this is to sacrifice himself. The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 03:20 PM

Read above if your the person who is a bit confused at the whole Neo uing his powers int he real world!!!!!!!

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 03:22 PM

Sequel possibilites:

At the end of the movie, where Neo is beaten in the mud ditch. This is what happens: The oracle speaks through the agent "Every beginning has an end" and then Neo knows that it is the oracle and that he must give himself up and he does. Since neo is part of the source, he deletes the whole smith program and leaves the oracle in the ditch.

The machines take Neo away, but is he dead??

The people are going to be freed as Neo did what the machines wanted and they gave him their word. But you don't see it, why is that??

The architect says "How long will the peace last" (or something like that), meaning that not everything will be safe??

Maybe it was in fact a to be concluded, the ending was because of the smith program ending???
Everything that has a beginning has an end...the tagline can mean somehting else not the edning of the war????

I hope this helped a little, or alot to the fans out there, this was my view and the possible answers(ish)

Posted by: Dan at November 9, 2003 03:39 PM

It was a bit sad that some characters were not in it alot, but this is my view why....

Morpheus: He was a broken man because of the prophecy not being real (so say, but was it) so because he was broken he was weak???

Agent smith: So the ending could be more dramatic, better because you can't wait to see him???

Posted by: Dan at November 9, 2003 03:42 PM

OK, what just happened. Was I just hit by a train? Did I not just pay money to see the final and latest and greatest movie of all time? Guess not. I feel cheated, I am disapointed, nothing was ever happend. I know I had the same problem as Morpheious, "I Beleived"!!!!!

Posted by: Jason at November 9, 2003 10:58 PM

Even though you say that you have been cheated and shit like that, well it was still better then most movies. It was still an ok movie wasn't it?? I thought the fight at the end was worth admission alone, didn't you???

Posted by: striker at November 10, 2003 02:41 AM


Each version of the One ultimately failed. Neo is different, in Reloaded he choose the door that led to Trinity, not the door that RESETS the program. Note: The Architect even noticed that Neo's experience in the Matrix was different than all the rest, realizing he was the first of them to fall in love.
Neo's choice has changed everything. The system is still threatened by Smith's behavior, so the Oracle makes a new choice; one she has never done before because no version of the One has ever chosen the difficult path as opposed to easy one of just resetting the system. She allows herself to become merged with Smith in the HOPE that she'll be able to help Neo when the time is right.
Neo makes another unique choice. He goes to the machines and asks for PEACE as opposed to simply destroying the system by going through the opposite door as all other versions of the One did. It was a simple as that to save Zion. Machines don't need very long to process that this may be a better idea than just constantly resetting the system.
At the end, Smith says to Neo the movies tagline - "Everything that has a beginning has an end," as the Oracle is speaking to Neo through Smith. Neo realizes it all along, the only way to end this is to sacrifice himself. The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?

Posted by: Striker at November 10, 2003 02:46 AM

the third movie was a disaster.the second was better and the the first matrix was the best of all.
I hope the 4th matrix be better.

Posted by: tom at November 10, 2003 10:31 AM

To "I need help!!"

Yup! There is no helicopter-chasing scene. Maybe it's only hoax or rumours spread through the Internet. Never believe what you read in Net until you see it yourself

Posted by: kunderemp at November 10, 2003 11:08 AM

I want to watch a film for entertainment, not homework. I was willing to go along for the ride for the first two films but expected everything to be answered in the third one. Instead, I got more questions and a headache. The first film was excellent on its own and that's the way I will remember the Matrix. I was very disappointed with this "conclusion". Hopefully the trend of cliffhanger movies has ended.

Posted by: Charlie at November 10, 2003 11:28 AM

Hey Striker,
Can you please explain again how Neo can use his powers outside the matrix? Three times just isn't enough.

Posted by: Ty at November 10, 2003 11:40 AM

To Theoria:
Sorry for late response. I was little bz w/ my work. I believe Striker answers your first question pretty accurately:
"The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?"
For the whole choice thing, it would help to watch reload again. The French guy says:
"Choice is an illusion created by the ones in control to control you." (something like that) Yet, Neo is freed to whatever he wants, but he chooses a path that is best for everyone, which was a path that was made by the architect. Neo is enslaved when there is no choice left for him. But he had a choice. He had a choice to go back to zion w/ Morpheous and fight the machines and die. He had a choice to run away from zion and the whole machine thing. But, he chosed a path that is best for everyone, which happens to be the path that the architect wants.

Posted by: aristotle at November 10, 2003 12:13 PM

Answers to David:
on Nov 8 you wrote:

hello there, i have a couple of questions --
if neo sacrificed himself,that means that he gave a new power source to the machines in order for these to keep living ? (No. Neo's death has nothing to do w/ source of energy. It was something to do w/ resetting the Matrix.)

and people were not needed anymore to be connected to the matrix? (People are still needed to plugged into Matrix to be used as batteries. Those are not the people the Neo saved. Neo saved the real people in zion. He made machines invasion stopped)

i was the only one who was expecting to see an scene were all the people connected to the matrix wake up simultaneusly and unplugged the same way neo did leaving the machines without power source? (You weren't the only one. But, that would have never happen anyway. If you watch The Matrix one, at the end, Neo calls from pay phone and make a little speech. The speech goes something like this: "I'm going to show this people what you don't want them to see. A world w/ no boundary, a world where everything is possible, etc. So, I don't think Neo had any plan to destroyed the Matrix. That's why beginning of Reload, Neo was confused. He didn't know why he was there and what was needed to do.)

i was the only one expecting neo to destroy all the machine world and cleaning the sky some way? (You and some others, I assume)

i liked the grotesque and cool way the super giant machines woke up revealing the humans that provide their energy. really disturbing image.thats why i was expecting neo to destroy that inhuman monstruosities.
does everyone agree with me? or i´m just insane.because i just feel sorry for those poor people inside those horrible industrial bodies that neo didnt saved. (What makes you say that people who are hooked up to Matrix are poor? As a matter of a fact, I feel sorry for those who are living in Zion. They are all living in ghetto and constant fear of machine invasion. On the other hand, people in the Matrix are having a decent life. They have good meals, house, jobs, love life, etc. They are not enslaved at all. They could make whatever choices except for getting out of the Matrix. The machines will never bother them, as long as they don't disrupt the program.)

My answers to your questions are in parenthesis at the end of every question.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 10, 2003 12:29 PM

To striker:
I'm impressed w/ your interpretation of the Matrix. I have my own interpretation of the Matrix in biblical and philosophical way. But, I like your interpretation I must say. You can't have only one way of interpret things. Like Shakespear. You bring 10 English professors and have them interpret the Hamlet. You will have 10 different interpretations. However, your interpretation is one of the best I've read so far.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 10, 2003 12:36 PM

To Dan:

On Nov 8 you wrote:

Sequel possibilites:

At the end of the movie, where Neo is beaten in the mud ditch. This is what happens: The oracle speaks through the agent "Every beginning has an end" and then Neo knows that it is the oracle and that he must give himself up and he does. Since neo is part of the source, he deletes the whole smith program and leaves the oracle in the ditch.

The machines take Neo away, but is he dead??

The people are going to be freed as Neo did what the machines wanted and they gave him their word. But you don't see it, why is that??

The architect says "How long will the peace last" (or something like that), meaning that not everything will be safe??

Maybe it was in fact a to be concluded, the ending was because of the smith program ending???
Everything that has a beginning has an end...the tagline can mean somehting else not the edning of the war????

I hope this helped a little, or alot to the fans out there, this was my view and the possible answers(ish)

(I agree w/ you on your first paragraph. But, striker already answered that b/f you. You didn't need to clarify that again. For other questions, I think you are just lost. You should watch the movie again. I don't mean to be rude, but you can't ask questions when you don't have good idea of the facts.)

Posted by: Aristotle at November 10, 2003 12:40 PM

To Ty,
are you serious? you are just being sarcastic, right? I hope it's the latter one. b/c if it's the first one, you have a serious problem.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 10, 2003 12:45 PM

Ok ok i realised how shit that sounded, but i think you know what i was talking about at the start.

Posted by: dan at November 10, 2003 03:09 PM

To Aristotle;

Thanks for you reply and i'm glad that someone replyed to me. It's good to see someone else that likes the revolutions ending or at least tries to figure it out and see the possible answers. Thank you!

Posted by: striker at November 10, 2003 03:14 PM

to Aristolte;

can you give me some of your interpretations of the matrix as i am very interested...thanks, i'll be back on tomorrow!!


Posted by: striker at November 10, 2003 03:46 PM

*Spoiler warning*

Personally, I found this movie to be quite enjoyable. In fact, I'm probably going to pay to see it a second time. As with the previous two, this one came with nice looking effects, fight scenes designed to offer nothing but eye-candy, and enough mental material to keep your brain operating at a level that's *above* comatose (something few mainstream "blockbusters" deliver on these days).

As for unanswered questions, I find them to be the true mark of any movie that at least attempts to create the illusion of depth in its storyline. Real life is full of unanswered questions - I had a great time talking with my friends after we left this movie about the significance of the different aspects of the ending: Neo's death, the state of the Matrix, how a peaceful co-existence between the machines and humans might look, what happened to the Oracle and Smith, etc...

The makers of this movie were never trying to redefine "life, the universe, and everything", rather, they were seeking to create a bunch of movies that were entertaining, and that's what they were. To ask anything more from an action movie is like asking McDonalds to give you a taragon chicken sandwich with sprouts and dijon mustard on foccacia, when all they promise to deliver is a burger. A burger that is tasty and addictive to many, but still a burger.

Perhaps I'm a bit biased, since I find that I just can't get enough of big robots, and this movie delivers in that regard. In conclusion, to offset the many lists of crappy things in this movie, I offer my list of stuff I liked:

1. Big, cool-looking battle-armour suits that dish out a hefty helping of whoop-bum.
2. More sentinals than you can shake a shaven weasel at.
3. Wicked-looking defense-grid-type robots. Also big.
4. A beautiful moment of seeing people see the sun for the first time.
5. Weapons/robots shooting lightning-type-weapons (I love lightning effects!).
6. Explosive punches that shatter nearby sky-scrapers.
7. No raves or sex-crap (the two worst things in the second movie).
8. Keanu Reeves finally dies (something we've looked forward to in other movies of his!)

Posted by: Darth Slartibarfest at November 10, 2003 03:52 PM

The matrix are very succesful movies, almost pulling in 3 billion (WOW) So when you find that Revolutions didn't answer all the questions, you begin to wounder if they had given all the answers away in Revolutions that the matrix would be complete and nothing more to offer. But they didn't, and if another does come out and they promise that it will have the answers will you give in??? more then likely. Do you see my point??? More then likely....

Posted by: Sunny at November 10, 2003 03:59 PM

I think i understand the whole concept now...all these ppl saying that the movie was shit are not looking at it right...The matrix story was not about freeing everyone from the matrix, Neo, all the freed ppl, the oracle, archtiect etc were not about it. The story was about how Neo tried to save Zion, and he did...the end!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: momabighouse at November 10, 2003 04:10 PM

Striker, thanks for your help. I was really, really dissapointed in the movie until I read your explanations. Now I feel a little bit better about it. I am going to post them at the office.

Where does that leave us then? a couple of questions if you please.

1)How will those who are still plugged in see the light, or will they?
2)Will the Zionists be allowed to return to the surface?
3)Was the little girl the sun program?
4)obviously part 4 must be in the works. Does anyone have any details?

Thanks again

Posted by: beach at November 10, 2003 04:30 PM

No there is no more Matrix movies. But there will be a online matrix game coming out in 2004. If that sucks no one can save the Wachowski brothers when millions of kamikase fanboys kill them.

Posted by: matt at November 10, 2003 05:38 PM

To beach,

1)How will those who are still plugged in see the light, or will they? (No. There are two ways to save these people from machine (1) people at Zion makes a mass destruction weapon that blows up the entire machine city. However, if that happens, people who are plugged in are going to die. Furthermore, from the Reload we know that if Matrix system fails, everyone who are plugged in will die [that's the same reason why people can't get out of the Matrix just by pulling the needle out of their head. They have to answered the wired phone first]. The second option is going around the Matrix and freed people one by one. However, last time I checked the world population is more than 12 billion. Even if you free 10 people a day, it's going to take 1.2 billion days. Machines will be cloning humans daily, so there will always be people living inside the Matrix. Besides, why would they want to get out of the Matrix in the first place? so you could live in the underground ghetto?)

2)Will the Zionists be allowed to return to the surface? (why not. Machines are not going to attack them. But, what good does it do to return to the surface? There is no sun, weather sucks up there. Mind as just stay underground)

3)Was the little girl the sun program? (No. I don't think the architect wanted to get rid of sun. According to her father (the guy at the station) she was a program that played their daughter.)

4)obviously part 4 must be in the works. Does anyone have any details?
(No. There is no part 4. Trilogy means "3" not "4".)

Posted by: Aristotle at November 10, 2003 08:08 PM


Obviously you haven't read my very first post. I did understand the Matrix, but that doesn't mean I liked the ending. As a matter of a fact, revolution was a big disappointment for me. As someone had put it accurately, they dumb down the movie too much. Yet, it's still smarter than most movies. Definetely than Dragon Ball Z (ha ha.. what's up w/ that guy? did he give you an answer?) Anyway, My interpretation is very long and I have details to back them up. It would take more than 10 pages. As a matter of a fact I have written 12 page paper comparing the Matrix and Plato's allegory of caveman theory. So, as a full time working man, I do not have time during the week days. I will try to have one by next Monday.

I have some questions about your interpretation though. You said Morpheous played the role of John the Baptist. What details do you have to back that up? To me Morpheous was a born again Christians. He cannot be John the Baptis. Because JOhn dies b/f Jesus. The only thing John the Baptist and Morpheous have in common is that they both recognize the One b/f anyone else. That's the only connection that I could make w/ them.

Another question. I don't have play station 2. Someone b/f me wrote that you could find out what happens to the Oracle when you play PS2 game. What happened to her?

Posted by: Aristotle at November 10, 2003 08:28 PM

my what a popular blog this is!!! I had an interpretation that went along with the bible too! I also want to know what happened on "Enter The Matrix" the video Game. Any Answers?

Posted by: bkov at November 10, 2003 10:07 PM

I think you should read this, you can find some answers

Posted by: J at November 11, 2003 08:25 AM

Sorry, read this

Posted by: J at November 11, 2003 08:26 AM

Wow.. Everyone, you should visit the above mentioned site. They have some good stuffs. Something that I was not aware of b/f.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 11, 2003 01:25 PM

the mentioned site above is good, but i knew all of that already but it is still a VERY good help people.

Posted by: striker at November 11, 2003 03:36 PM


A new online game called 'the matrix online' for the PC will arrive in 2004. It will follow after the story of Revolutions. All gamers will continue the saga of the matrix trilogy.
Players of the matrix online will inhabit an enormous urban sprawl, which spreads for miles in all directions. There will be subways, resturants, nightclubs, skyscrapers and dark alleys.
It even has plot lines made from the Wachowski Brothers, if this is all what it seems i can't wait for this game and neither shall you. Go to NOW!!!

Posted by: striker at November 11, 2003 03:57 PM

i loved all 3 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: mookie at November 11, 2003 04:15 PM

I'm not too sure if I would lump the plot line of an online videogame as "furthuring the written plot" of the Matrix. I mean, there'll be nothing else as far as media goes to say what the plot is otherwise, but the plot of James Bond continued after I got killed in "goldeneye" for the N64 - so I have my issues.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at November 11, 2003 04:58 PM

dude read the link above ----nice stuff

Posted by: kike at November 11, 2003 09:12 PM

i wanted to commend stiker. that was very good. me and my buddies were just discussing the exact same thing. As for how morpheus was john the baptist-he "baptizes" neo when he gave him the pill. baptize=become a new person by being enlightened. As for how neo defeated smith, the oracle sez neo and smith are to balance each other in an equation, ie 1=1 and when neo dies or becomes 0, smith must also be terminated to balance the equation. It doesnt just end by neo becoming assimilated, i think the physical neo is actually killed to destroy smith bcuz as explained in the first movie, the avatar cannot survive without the physical brain, so when physical neo dies, the matrix neo dies as well and since he was assimilated by smith, smith also dies thus fullfiling the 0=0 equation. This is a very clever movie in that it has both references to bible and computer language ie the train station was an anti virus confinement program much similar to a function of Norton Anti Virus program. As to how neo has powers outside the matrix, like explained above he trancends the connection, his physical brain can hack into a computer brain(the sentinels) much like how smith's computer brain was able to hack into a physical brain. the two are connected. And i think most people were actually disconnected from the matrix, in the end the oracle asks "what about those who wants out" meaning they were given a choice to stay or disconnect (kinda like the message you get on your computer if you want to remain connected to the internet). they even show the park being empty. but i dont think everyone disconnected, and even if they did since the people are now allowed to go to the surface, they maybe able to clear up the skies to provide power to the machines( i got the feeling its possible after they showed what was behind the sky when their ship tried to escape the sentinels who cant get past the atmosphere because of emp in the atmosphere).

Posted by: Diego at November 12, 2003 02:43 AM

What I don't get is what "reloaded" at the end? Where the little girl woke up and the city became clean and bright again. Was that the Matrix? And if so how did it become so dank so quick. Just an hour before it looked pretty good when Neo went to see the Oracle. Did Smith do this? That part I can't get, yet.

Posted by: jefrat72 at November 12, 2003 07:30 AM

I just read the post I noticed that now you can comment there

Posted by: rat23 at November 12, 2003 08:55 AM

so i just saw revolutions and i have more questions than answers (which i believe the directors intended). this web site has been helpful so i figure one of you could help me understand:

1. if the previous neo's had restarted the matrix...wouldn't there be people in zion who knew this had happened before?
2. does the architech control the machines? so when that machine face/voice talks with neo at the that the architech?
3. someone mentioned above that the architech was controlling neo by giving him the choice of going back to fight smith, therefore controlling neo to the point of killing him...but if that's true, why would that machine face/voice ask "and if you fail" -wouldn't they know what was going to happen to him.
4. who is that little girl at the end and why does the oracle ask if she made the sun for neo? is she alluding to the fact that neo could see that?

i may have more questions but those are the current ones plaguing me

Posted by: nancy at November 12, 2003 12:28 PM

Nancy I believe that you can find some of your answers here

Posted by: carl at November 12, 2003 02:06 PM

I think there are people in Zion who knew, like the Counicillor in Reloaded. He seemed to guid Neo to his path, with the "We need them, they need us" speech. Maybe, the Machines infected them with a virus, so they would be controlled by machines, but still in normal physical state as they are in the real world?

Well, what do i know...:)

Posted by: Nickolarse at November 12, 2003 03:05 PM

Im curious if anyone here played the game Enter the Matrix and if so did the game add anything pertinant to the overall story, I know personally watching the animatrix really gave me a insight into the overall scope of the movies but Im not much of a gamer and didn't care to buy the game to find out but if anyone has a good summary of it if you could post it that would be awesome.

Posted by: Alex at November 12, 2003 06:16 PM

After watching the movie I was neither disappointed nor did I feel it was the best movie ever, but i did understand it and in that capacity I enjoyed it. The movie is, and I only truly understood it when I saw the blatantly biblical meanings and visuals in the last 1/4 of the movie. If you go into the movie expecting everything to be resolved you missed the meaning of the movie and all three movies. It is in a sense a stylized Hollywood adaptation of the Bible. Are all the answers given clear as day in the! Someone meantioned here that they dumbed the movie down, I feel quite the contrary...those people who disliked the movie, WANTED a dumbed down action movie where they didn't have to really think about what was trying to be said but all the answers just given to them in a "see John run" manner. The movie is not about machines, or the humans in the pods, or the humans in zion. They are just representions of the world of the flesh (the world made to fool us and blind us from the truth (enlightenment) i.e. The Matrix; those people who do not see and are tied to only the sensations and pleasures of the flesh, i.e. the humans in the pods: and those who see the truth and live enlightened in Zion which is an actual biblical term for heaven or with God. Neo is Jesus at least in the sense of the movie. He is blinded yet he sees like Jesus, he is the bridge between Zion and the matrix (heaven and earth). The more I think about the movie there are so many biblical undertones and represantations that only someone well versed in the bible could see. Now before any of you say oh I'm some Christian crazy, I am far from that. I have been to church maybe 4 times in my life and have only read a few passages from the bible. But I see it clear as day. It really hit me when in the movie when the there is a scene from above and the light expands from a point (can't remember what from) but it expands and it forms an obvious "cross" it was at that point that I truely understood the story of the Matrix.

Posted by: Jason at November 12, 2003 10:14 PM

What I don’t get is the train. They say in the movie that the train man takes things from the real world to the matrix world and vice versa, right. Well when smith takes everyone over in the matrix why didn’t he just hop on his new little train and go to the real world and kill everyone???? O and why can neo kill anyone in the last 2 movies. I mean he basically get his ass kicked in both of them. At the end of the first movie neo finds out he’s the one and he can now do what ever he wants and no one can stop him, WRONG. For some strange reason neo can’t defeat smith in the second or third movie. WHY NOT!!!!!!!!!! Can he only be strong for a little bit or something, and why doesn’t neo at the end of the movie he just kill all the machines in the real world, ending the matrix and the war at the same time. He is the one and has power over everything, well he supposed to!

Posted by: Paul at November 13, 2003 10:06 AM

to Paul,

sorry Paul but the answer to the train question is pretty easy if you actualy LISTENED to that whole scene. And the rest fo your questions make no fucking sence at all, sure you haven't got yourself lost when you were thinking about the matrix at home because it sure sounds like it........

Posted by: striker at November 13, 2003 12:29 PM

This post most definitely contains spoilers so don’t read if you haven’t seen the movie! This was my favorite of the 3. I have to say that I am not a big fan of the "Iron Monkey" wire fighting so the fact that they kept that to a minimum in this one was good. I was laughing my head off during the big Neo/Smith fight at the end. That was just a little too big for my taste, especially when it started getting nuclear. The fight scenes in Zion were about the coolest I have ever seen though. It was reminiscent of the good old Aliens fight scenes. I admit that I left the theater confused. I have no idea what the oracle and the architect guy were talking about at the end. This is the plot according to me so don’t harsh on me but I think that a part of neo actually joined with the oracle. Basically, all of the code came together. Smith assimilated the oracle and then neo and the combination destroyed smith slash created the new program that is the new oracle. I am not convinced of that, but the oracle is talking a lot like neo at the end. It was also pretty clear that the matrix was re-created during all of this and that most of the people in it died hence the oracle saying “what will be done with those who remain?” There were definitely a lot of holes in the plot. Why didn’t they just put EMP generators around Zion (far enough away not to kill their own stuff)? Also, why didn’t they have any other kind of weapon in the first movie? (“It is the only weapon we have against them.”) I hate to sound sarcastic, but I think they left this open just in case they see enough $$$ in a 4th movie (even though it was originally written as a trilogy.) All of that aside, this movie was really cool. In-spite of the plot holes etc, it was completely entertaining.

Posted by: matt at November 13, 2003 03:46 PM

I have to say i am a huge matrix fan and i thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Especially when Neo and Trinity die ( i hate the typical ending where the knight in shinning armor rides off into the sunset with his princess)..But one has to concede, the work of the Wachowskis is not for every one....The movie is way too complex and requires some deep thought and full understanding of simple concepts within the movie.... For one to say "They never full explain why neo has powers outside the matrix" is borderline retarded...I could have sworn more than 10 minutes in the movie were dedicated to this explanation alone...How the hell this passed you by befuddles me!!!!

2)Complaining about how they didnt explain the oracles change in appearance???? Helloooooooooo!!!! The real actress died before they could finish the movie, they did a terrific job working in the new one who was dead on perfect as the new oracle

3)For some one to complain that the Architect's speech was not explained??? Are you kidding me??? Any average kid with a highschool education would have understood that explanation...And the problem is that out of all of Reloaded, if you didnt understand that speech, you probably should not have gone to see revolutions....

I am myself have a whole lot of questions left unanswered.....But these go a little beyond the matrix trilogy...

1)If all the people in the matrix are released, where will the machines get their power from??? With the sky still scorched and humans living in some subtarrenean (sp) state, is every one in the matrix (the humans that is) happy with the decision to bring them back to this cold dreary desert of a planet called earth...War would literally break out between those who want to stay plugged into the matrix and those who dont!!!! (Remember the reason why Cipher betrayed them in the first matrix series?)

2)Seraph and the Oracle have had some past experiences with Merovingian (sp) and Agent Smith.I would like to see this aspect expounded on.

By the way, no one can explain this movie per se to some one else...You have to get your own meaning out of it for the various philosophical meanings behind everything....... Asking why they didnt have EMPs in Zion (which is a dumb question) just shows you how some folks walked into the movie and by passed far more important questions but chose to focus on insignificant details of no relevance (that had by the way be previously covered)

The Matrix Trilogy is by far one of the greatest movies i have seen....It is not a movie for every one... For those who hate to use their grey cells,
Quentin Tarantino will sufficiently feel your theartrical thirst with crap like Kill bill....

Posted by: REdpimp at November 13, 2003 04:28 PM

I have to say that the third movie was much better than the second one, I agree with some people who say the speeches were lame, because they were. But it was a good way to end it, and to save the movie, seeing as how the second one was awful and a waste of my money, and my time, somoene ought to give me those two hours of my life back. the third one however was a very good film, there was good action in it, and at the right times, only problem was how predictable the movie was. but I'd have to say overall a good film.

Posted by: Marco at November 13, 2003 04:35 PM

Hey REdpimp let me repeat what you just said:

Asking why they didnt have EMPs in Zion (which is a dumb question) just shows you how some folks walked into the movie and by passed far more important questions but chose to focus on insignificant details of no relevance (that had by the way be previously covered). I didn't say in zion. i said far enough away so as not to kill their own stuff (you missed that sentence). When fighting a war, it is customary to plan ahead.

The Matrix Trilogy is by far one of the greatest movies i have seen....It is not a movie for every one... For those who hate to use their grey cells, (why did you see it?)

Posted by: matt at November 13, 2003 04:43 PM

To run over a point already made...the plot wasn't was so painfully flat the directors attempt at injecting the love/philosophy/purpose of being monologues into revolutions turned it sour to the point they should re-name it Matrix Regurgitations. I'm feeling quesy just typing about it....urr...hh.hhhh....buurrrpp.....I'd type more 'but I can't......not without you!' ...BAAAAARRRRRFFFFF!!


Posted by: kev at November 13, 2003 04:55 PM

Matt...I will indulge you and sink to your level of thinking.First of all let me explain to you how lame your emp theory is....
First and foremost, the battleships are equipped with emps. Its these battle ships that have a duty to protect the pathways to zion (the Commander explained this very clearly in Reloaded) It makes no sense to lay out emps along the pathways to zion (what a wonderful way to leave clues for the sentinels that would lead them right to the location of Zion)...
Zion normally has the Battle ships emps as the standard method of defense against Sentinels in or outside of Zion...No one had foreseen that Bane would betray them when they attempted a preimptive attack on the burrowing

And i will have to be retarded to focus on this one issue outside all of the multitudes of vastly more important issues covered in the Matrix trilogy...The emp issue is of little consequence or relevance to the larger story of the Matrix..hence my summation that perharps you should have gone to see kill bill....That movie doesnt require you to exercise your
grey cells and you can focus on all the little mundane nuances found within it

Posted by: Redpimp at November 13, 2003 04:56 PM

Matt i went over your last post and you obviously did not understand a thing in the whole Matrix trilogy....You are babbling on about Smith Assimilating the oracle and Neo and creating some code (this is all bullshit) Agent Smith simply killed Neo dumbass...Neo=Smith...If Neo is dead
there is NO SMITH Instein!!!!! Its that simple (Neo is the Messiah) His death is the salvation of the Matrix dumbass (That should have been so friggin obvious i am wondering where the hell you came up with that "code crap" you were rambling on about.....

But then again you were focussed on the Emps... Never occured to you to figure out the parallel between judea-christian belief in the life and death of Christ and the Matrix.....(Then again your head would have exploded if you tried to meander into that line of reasoning)

Posted by: Redpimp at November 13, 2003 05:05 PM

For those who still dont understand Who Smith is here is a simple explanation.... He is the darkside of Neo...He was created by the Architect to counteract Neo's power...The architect solves problems mathematically hence the creation of SMith whose only purpose is the eradication of Neo...With no Neo there is no Smith..With no Smith there is no Neo..If one of them dies both are dead....

Smith does not assimilate the Oracle...He is acting as a virus at this point.. Viruses just corrupt programs (Oracle is a program) He simply corrupted the Oracle program and had it act in his interests thats all.
When Smith kill Neo, Smith achieves his "purpose" (that word is very crucial in this movie) Smith is now useless...his goal has been achieved and by default he is dead. When all those Smiths explode, its just the corrupt programs shading the virus that was formally Agent Smith..(Thats why you see the little girl waking up off that rainy street, as a whole new person)

I dont claim to know all about the Matrix but if you have sensible questions outside the retarded bracket of those who want to discuss Emps
many would be glad or oblige you

Posted by: Redpimp at November 13, 2003 05:11 PM

to redpimp;
you CLEARLY have issues with premature ejaculation. you must be very sexually frustrated or something, why blow up so bad over something like that man? get a life! if your so intelligent and above the rest, as many people on this forum obviously suppose they are, you'd have at least been able to back up your reasoning with some context outside the movie, as those slightly up the page had bothered to do. but clearly your not the patient type. the architect did not create smith. what you, dumbass, have to understand, is as the oracle said, the equation is trying to balance itself out. this is why smith becomes who he is. now go read a book, and go bowling or something.

Posted by: smiles at November 14, 2003 09:43 AM

well.....this id for robo....

they did explain the girl ,they said tat she was to be the next renegade program other than the oracle and neo is there because of the oracle....the architect created a perfect matrix where no one accepted it cause it was perfect the oracle gave her input (neo)to give a bad thing to the balance the equation....thats why he called her the mother of the matrix.....thats all i can answer of ur questions


Posted by: oRiGiN at November 14, 2003 12:54 PM

(SPOILERS on second paragraph)
I have just left the cinema after seeing Revolutions and i was reading some of the above posts and i was totaly stunned by some of the people's posts and i woundered if they had seen what i had seen. I was impressed by some like Aristotle and others. It seemed as if they knew what they were talking about. I was massivly impressed by Striker who seemed to have alot of Matrix knowledge, well that was how his posts came across to me i don't know what you thought, i don't really want to know if you are one of them who hated Revolutions, your posts were almost un-readable. If you hated this movie did you really have to write so much and explain every tiny thing that you hated about it, no offence but that seemed like the most minar little things. I'm also sorry that this post is going on a bit but here's what i thought;

Matrix Revolutions was a surprisingly short film, it seemed to fly by maybe it was because i enjoyed it so much but it made Reloaded seem very slow. I thought that the matrix was an excellent movie of the millenium, the best of the nineties and the sequel Reloaded was pretty impressive and prove that even though the matrix had been copied to bordom they still could make you say "WOW" It sure did and that was what shadowed the badder points of the movie which i will not contain here. So back on Revolutions and i was impressed. The ending was a bit different but then it seemed very logical to do it that way, that way you could try to work out what could happen and what happened out side the cinema. I think that gives the ordiance a bit more confidence, it lets you work it out. The acting was ok, what can you expect from Keanu Reeves for goddamn sake. The other characters were cool, streamline in my words that glided throught the picture except poor Morpheus that didn't do much but then as one of the posts said above "He is a broken man" trinity dying was pretty sad, i loved her very much. Did she have to die that way??? She could have had a better send off i think. The special effects were amazing and was what i was expecting but then the end battle blew my fucking mind. How cool was that battle?? But then some of it did seem a bit repeated and seen better in the last two but then i don't want to pick. I just found out that it has made $250 million or around that worldwide so far. Thats in 5 days, pretty amazing. Well i'm off, so long!

Posted by: rEaL at November 14, 2003 01:23 PM

I don't understand why people can't simply refute another persons argument rather then first insulting that persons intelligence, I mean overall this movie is like any work of art, has various interpretations, This is one of the reasons why this movie is so great its because it gives you the chance to fill in those blanks yourself and create your own little matrix as you see fit.

Ok on to the movie:

I personally believe when the Oracle asked the Architect what will happen to the others she was referring to all the people still plugged into the matrix who then if they wanted to could be released, I think the matrix will then for the time being become a volunteer thing, if someone wanted to remain in side and not live in the crappy real world they could.

I also think the ending of the war could mark a new beginning where Man and Machine could begin to work together, to clear the sky and bring back the world where it used to be, I mean the machines always wanted to work with people as explained in the Animatrix, it was humans who were unwilling to accept them. By the way did anyone notice how Trinity and Neo break through the clouds into the upper atmosphere where they see the clear sky and the sun, I mean wouldn't it have been just as easy for the machines to simply go above the clouds and put some large solar cells there for energy. Just a thought.

The couple of questions I still have is why Serif was a different color in the matrix he was glowing gold or yellow, while even Neo who's so special is still just regular green, we see this in the end of Reloaded when he is saving Trinity.

This cryptic statement by Seraph what does it really mean ? "I protect that which is most important" When Sarif decides to protect the girl instead of the Oracle what exactly is happening, did the Oracle transfer her abilities to the little girl and then lead Smith into a trap. Not sure about it.

Anyway if anyone has any different ideas I am always open to hearing them.

Posted by: Alex at November 14, 2003 01:46 PM

Posted by: smiles at November 14, 2003 09:43 AM

to redpimp;
you CLEARLY have issues with premature ejaculation. you must be very sexually frustrated or something, why blow up so bad over something like that man? get a life! if your so intelligent and above the rest, as many people on this forum obviously suppose they are, you'd have at least been able to back up your reasoning with some context outside the movie, as those slightly up the page had bothered to do. but clearly your not the patient type. the architect did not create smith. what you, dumbass, have to understand, is as the oracle said, the equation is trying to balance itself out. this is why smith becomes who he is. now go read a book, and go bowling or something.

It is so amazing when a person logs onto a message board such as this in the public domain and willingly goes on to exhibit their endless ignorance
and abject stupidity...

This clown is trying to potray himself as some half way decent know it all yet he doesnt understand a lick of anything that occured in the movie....

And i will qoute this baffoon again
what you, dumbass, have to understand, is as the oracle said, the equation is trying to balance itself out. this is why smith becomes who he is. now go read a book, and go bowling or something."

Reading statements like this makes me wonder if this guy was hopped up on a sugar high from the Coke he was drinking at the movies....

The oracle very very clearly said. That the architect solves equations, he balances equations while she (the oracle) unbalances them.... Neo was the sum of an irregular equation that caused a systemic collapse of the matrix
as was so eloquently explained by the Architect himself. The architect created Smith to balance the equation dumbass..... And please try quit starting arguments you so obviously dont even begin to understand

Posted by: Redpimp at November 14, 2003 04:39 PM

Alex i understand what you mean about the insults or put downs that punctuate most of our/my posts but you like some one so eloquently said, the
Matrix trilogy is a piece of art. Like all expressive art work, it is up to the person viewing the art to decide for themselves the beauty within the picture.....

But for some one to start out rambling about irrelevant and insignificant things like EMPs is kinda like some blonde floozy talking about the wooden
frame that holds the art work... There is little or no recourse to this kind
of ignorance and should rightly be dismissed as so.....

I am also of the opinion that the Matrix was entirely too short, way too short. In my opinion 3 movies can still be made from each of the 3 installments of the Matrix trilogies in order to make it palatable to the average viewer.... There are so many parallels and aspects of this movie that are entirely left upto the audience to contemplate and come up with their own conclusions.

Regarding the girl, i stil am pondering what she was. For now i am playing around with the idea that she was a program used to control the weather (refer to the end of the movie when she points out a bright sunrise, and the oracle asks her if she did that for NEO) Also refer to back to the Matrix Reloaded when the Oracle starts out to explain to NEo how the programs in the Matrix work on a park bench right before the burly brawl....

In my opinion the girl and her parents are in the movie to serve a purpose... They are trying to explain to Neo/audience that machines are indeed capable of some human emotion and hence qualify for the same compassion and fair treatment humans accord each other (Those who took time out to view the Animatrix will understand this easier)

Most people also forget or just dont know that its the humans who actually started the war (you have to see the animatrix to understand the plight of the machines and how the humans mistreated them and were killing them left and right hence the comment by the architect "WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM, HUMAN????"

Thats why the architect asks the oracle "How long do you think this will last" The architect knows that war/evil is part of human nature (as he explained in his final speech in Reloaded (thats why i said before if you didnt get that speech, you probably shouldnt have been seeing Revolutions)

Posted by: Redpimp at November 14, 2003 04:57 PM


Incase my explanation passed right over your retarded head, i will spell it out for you in lay mans english.. The Architect is the creator of the matrix, he is the one in charge of doing the complex equations that make up the matrix. Therefore he chose to solve the NEO equation by creating its
Equal in Agent Smith (ergo the equation is now balanced DUMBASS)
The architect created AGENT SMITH!!!!!

Posted by: REdpimp at November 14, 2003 05:05 PM

I enjoyed reading everyones comments. Here are my two cents:

I love the fact that my $7 movie is still a topic of conversation weeks later. I love the fact that the answers to the questions weren't TOTALLY solved. This point was actually hammered into our heads throughout the entire trilogy - not all questions have direct answers. Sometimes we have to just come to our own conclusions. But after watching 'REloaded' continuously on DVD (hint, it helps to have subtitles on during the Architect scene. It helps a LOT) I really understood everything better. All of my questions were satisfyingly answered, albeit, I would have liked to see the 'devil' (not even gonna try to spell his name), the Frenchman and his wife, in action. What exactly was he capable of?
The Trinity death scene was rather cheesy. In fact, cheesiness abounded in 'Revolutions'. For one instance, the human/sentinel war should have been an outright SLAUGHTER! Come on, 250,000 sentinels versus a few DOZEN humans?? No contest! I was actually expecting more carnage.

Before I go, let me say that I STRONGLY recommend that anyone who hasnt seen it yet - WATCH ANIMATRIX. I'll say it again - WATCH ANIMATRIX.
It tells ALL of the background story and makes the entire trilogy much more enjoyable. It even ties in some other info about 2 and 3. Based on what I saw in Animatrix, there WILL be a Matrix part 4. 'Matriculation'.


Posted by: williest1 at November 14, 2003 05:26 PM


My exact sentiments. this can not be the end of the matrix story..They are way too many avenues for off shoots and so many stories within the matrix
I highly doubt warner bros will just let that opportunity sit there....

The only problem is that i dont see the Wachowski brothers lending their name to another Matrix project.

(But they did entrust a number of artists to made the Animatrix and the matrix Comics)

Ps... I really liked the battle scene in Zion and there were 250,000 people in Zion... The sentinels could not reach those who were still buried in the lower levels beneath the dock.(thats what those menacing drills were burrowing for) Also the defenses on the dock to me were sufficiently holding back the sentinels until the "Hammer" arrived.

Posted by: Redpimp at November 14, 2003 05:35 PM

wow. I haven't been here for few days and look at all these ad hominem. Some of your posts are very interesting. Some of you are just lost. I would love to get into middle of the argument and debate w/ you guys. But, I promised striker that I would write my interpretation for him. So, I'm working on that for now. I have promised myself not to waste more time on this butI just have to make a one comment on redpimp.
You are so convince that architect created Smith. I disagree. here are two of my arguments to back up my answer.

First: at the end of Matrix Reload where Neo meets the architect. The Architect explains Neo that Neo is a some of unbalance equation that he cannot get rid off (of course he said it in fancier way. but that was the main idea)There. The Architect admits that he cannot eliminate Neo. Therefore Smith cannot be creation of architect b/c Smith does have power to eliminate Neo. (I could go into detail explaining this. But, I'll stop here b/c my next argument is stronger)

Second: At the end of Revolution, Neo makes a deal w/ Architect. The deal was Architect stops the invasion and Neo get rid off Smith. Architect accepts Neo's proposal because the existence of Smith threatened the Matrix. Now think about it. Although Neo was the One, his existence in Matrix was insignificant. So what if he goes around freeing people? the most he could save is probably 10 a day. that would not have hurt the Matrix. However, Smith going around making a copy of himself w/ the whole population does threaten the Matrix. Why would architect create such a dangerous program to stop an insignificant Neo? As Old Chinese prover puts it: "It's like destroying a house(the Matrix) to catch a mouse (Neo)." I don't think the architect was that dumb. Just as Neo's existence in the Matrix was inevitable so was the existence of Smith. (Of course I could go into depth. But you sound like a smart guy. I hope you understand what I'm saying. Of course, if you want to I could write more explain in detail after I finish my interpretation for striker.)

Posted by: Aristotle at November 15, 2003 12:55 AM

by the way, I'm flatter. Thank you rEaL. *^^*

Posted by: Aristotle at November 15, 2003 01:33 AM

No one has explained why the hell the machines don't just go back and take all the humans to use as energy cells, or just kill them.
No one has explained why everyone in Zion is a bad actor. That was some of the cheesiest dialogue ever... the cliche of the lone cadet saving everyone and the commander dying saying "I never finished training either."
All this hoo-ha of explaining neo vs. smith should have been made a lot simpler. Even though Star Wars 1 and 2 kind of sucked... it at least made sense of the force and was understandable... this matrix did not explain anything and all this back story should have been a lot clearer for a sci-fi movie. You can watch Kubrick's 2001 w/out understanding everything and still get some stuff... here -- it was painful.

Posted by: MT at November 15, 2003 01:51 AM

I agree. This movie was a complete waste of time. I feel robbed.

Posted by: homer jay at November 15, 2003 03:47 AM

Can some ppl please help me? I need some of these answered...

1) Who is that little girl?

2) Someone mentioned the sun program??? what is that???

3) Did Neo die??????

4) Will the peace last????

5) Why is there a train station? What is that all about???

6) Can someone please explain why the Architect lets the system reboot and why he lets Zion exist in every one??? (The Reloaded sppech when he says soemthing like he will allow for a certain amount of people to re-build Zion)

If you copuld answer these i would be very thankful....

Posted by: Kill Bail at November 15, 2003 03:48 AM

um, i just spent ageeeess reading through this thing, loadsa great ideas, suma u people make me wonder why i cant find anyone else willing to discuss matters on such an abstract conceptual level. but REDPIMP man, you dont need to be so angry man. its a movie. and as people have here discussed, it is a very open movie. the directors themselves proclaimed on of their achievements in the movie was to be able to make it appeal on soooo many levels. on one of these levels, a viewer found a plot fault, the emp idea. the viewer may or may not have appreciated the deeper levels of the movie, but i havent heard an explanation for why his criticism isnt a valid flaw in the movie. maybe it isnt, maybe it is, thats not my point. we all have areas or times where we understand something on a level someone else doesnt, you cant take this one piece of writing from that emp guy and blow him to bits over it. time and space are constantly changing, and man can only be described accurately in a format that accounts for both time and space. i think that was max weber, but i dnt kno, i have real bad memory with names and authors. and anyway, REDPIMP, i think aristotle just gave a pretty simple explanation as to why the architect didnt create the renegade smith. i think that smith became an exile at the end of the 1st movie, he says he didnt go where he was supposed to go. if memory serves(hopefully) the oracle gives a pretty similar explanation to neo on the park bench of how programs become rogue. the architect, when talking to neo in the source, talks of how neo is the sum of an unbalanced equation, that is the matrix. neo inherently rejects all the matrix's rules, and so can change them, so htat most of humanity will accept it. the architect, as the oracle says, is the equation balancing unneccessaryily large patronising word spinner, but his solution wasnt to create smith. smith was created, i think, by the matrix itself, kind of like a reaction to neo. something with their codes may have merged at the end of 1. but this may be incorrect. the architects solution to the equation however was for neo to become one with the matrix. this too, involves balancing the equation. he removes neo, and so it is balanced. the temporary dissemination of the code, or something. but this didnt happen, and so smith, formed (maybe) by the matrix inherently, seeing as the equation is the matrix, and the oracle says its the result of the matrix trying to balance itself out, evens things up. now if your argument was that architect created the matrix, and matrix created smith, thus architect created smith, well, this seems a little cheap. no offense

Posted by: fat guy at November 15, 2003 08:13 AM

As I promised I wrote my interpretation. I posted it here:;=2
There was limit on character so I split them into different parts. enjoy it and let me know what you think.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 15, 2003 04:06 PM

To Kill bail. I'll try to asnwer your questions as best as I can.

Can some ppl please help me? I need some of these answered...

1) Who is that little girl? (just scroll your mouse, you'll see a person asking that exact same question. I gave her my answer. it's still the same)

2) Someone mentioned the sun program??? what is that??? (program in the matrix that plays sd sun. some people suspect that little girl was a sun program because she makes sun shine at the end. Well I disagree. I'm just too lazy to go into deeper, so I'll explain later)

3) Did Neo die?????? (Yes. Again, you have to scroll your mouse up. Same question was asked b/f)

4) Will the peace last???? (Yes. Until people start attacking machines again, Machines are not going to invade Zion)

5) Why is there a train station? What is that all about??? (again, scroll your mouse up)

6) Can someone please explain why the Architect lets the system reboot (If the Matrix doesn't get reboot or reset, there will be a system crash killing everyone: Smith making a duplicate of himself. When Neo goes to the source he inserts his code which allows matrix to reset.) and why he lets Zion exist in every one??? (that's ltl tough question. I'll explain that later. as I said, I'm just ltl too lazy today) The Reloaded sppech when he says soemthing like he will allow for a certain amount of people to re-build Zion (I'll explain that later along with the answer for the previous question.)

If you copuld answer these i would be very thankful....

Posted by: Aristotle at November 15, 2003 04:29 PM


First of all understand this (this is not debatable and can no way even begin to become an argument) SMITH WAS CREATED BY THE ARCHITECT. Smith is a
program. Outside of the oracle, there is no program in the matrix that was not created by the ARCHITECT... Please go and read the matrix comics at
the main of the comics has a story about certain types of programs that evolve and troubleshoot independently on their system and start doing things that were not foreseen by the writer of the program...There is a technical term for this kind of program but i forgot the term...Find the comics at that website then you will understand smith better...

Secondly, understand this. When Smith kills Neo in the first Matrix, Neo does not die but comes back to life and kills Smith (Smith is not really dead (programs dont die like people)but is supposed to go to some placefor deletion... Problem for Smith is that NEO IS NOT DEAD...HIS PURPOSE HAS NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED.... HE CANT GO TO BE DELETED.... Smith now has to evolve to eradicate Neo... The Architect did not expect Smith to evolve into a virus and copy himself into all the code in the matrix in an attempt to eradicate NEO. (please make sure to read those comics)

Forgive me if i sound brash but to me this argument is ridiculous especially being that the Oracle said it in her own words...SMITH IS NEO'S EQUAL...(in lay mans english smith balances out NEO) She said it very clearly and her words can not be confused with anything else. THE ARTCHITECTS ROLE IS TO BALANCE EQUATIONS....ERGO HE BALANCED THE UNSOLVED NEO EQUATION BY CREATING A FREE RANGING PROGRAM CaLLED AGENT SMITH!!!!

Ps... Some one said something like NEO would not be a problem in the Matrix as opposed to Agent SMith (FATGUY) You couldnt be more wrong..Any activity NEO engaged in or things NEo changed in the matrix have an adverse effect on every one plugged into the matrix...The Architect described the NEO problem as SYSTEMIC (sp) This means that small as neo might be to the size of the matrix, his problem would spread across the entire matrix and ultimately cause it to crash killing every one...Please go see Reloaded again so you may understand that final speech in its entirety...Please folks, i hate to sound rude and arrogant but at the same time i hate to involve myself in ridiculous arguments yet we all have the answers staring right at you in the face...Arguing that Smith was not created by the Architect is borderline insanity...Smith is/was created by the architect and i have posted a multitude of in-film examples of this
(while you folks are posting some far strung hypotheticals to justify your opinions) If you are going to argue opinion please back it up with facts and remember that we all have access to the same facts.

Posted by: Redpimp at November 15, 2003 06:31 PM

Once again i must remind those of you who are interested indepth in THEMATRIX...Go to and read all the comics on the website. Also make it a must to view the Animatrix or buy them from blockbuster... I myself have seen Reloaded 8 times and i fully understood the final speech which is very key in understanding why NEO must die (i dont think he is technically dead) for the matrix to survive..)
The architect is the epidermy of mathematical precision with his only flaw
being NEO and the lack of understanding of what he considers to be a far inferior human mind (Thats the aspect that the oracle added to the matrix.
She is in a way the machine version of a psychiatrist) It is because of her that all the previous matrix versions have survived...Remember the first matrix crashed and the Architect in very clearly credits her for the sucess of the consequent matrix versions (all 5 of them upto this point)

It is very important that if you want to undertand the matrix beyond minor issues like EMPS, you have to atleast make sure you understand that final speech and certain clues left to you in the Animatrix and the matrix comics

Posted by: Redpimp at November 15, 2003 06:45 PM

Well, for starters, the Architect created the matrix and I believe wrote all the programs that are used in it. That includes Agents. As we all well know Smith was originally an agent of the system. Now either he was written with the potential to be as powerful as neo, or when neo realised his powers and destroyed smith, this created the connection that allowed smith to turn rogue and try to take over both worlds. However, how it happened is irrelevant really, but we do know that agent smith began the same as any other program in the matrix. While we're (well i'm) on the topic of programs, I cant remember the exact words of the oracle at the end of Revolutions but she talks to the Architect about the releasing the humans plugged into the matrix. However, neos body was used by the machines, his code assimilated (as stated in Reloaded) in order to create a new matrix. I personally believe this is for the programs to continue their existance in, for, as they are programs, they cannot exist in the real world as they have no physical form, they are programs, written for the matrix. But if anyone has any other interpretations as to what happens to the humans plugged into the matrix, and the programs, please enlighten me. And back them up, or at least use a bit of logic and deduction in your statement, guessing is pointless and confusing.
Anyway, thats my view on the matrix, in a very small nutshell. One thing I would like to see is another animatrix or something that will show the future as to what happens to zion and stuff. An animatrix would be best, as it could show how machines and humans (hopefully) live harmoniously together and (hopefully) they get the sky back and it all ends up happy. That'd accomplish what i'd have liked from the ending of revolutions. But hey, i can settle for another animatrix, which would certaintly set my mind, and i'm sure those of others, at relative ease.
Well, thats my fill.

Posted by: Reaper at November 15, 2003 07:22 PM


This forum started off so great with the owner trying to create a interesting message board about the Revolutions....which lead to deeper explanations and people's opinions of the trilogy.

I came to this forum, and probably the same reason others who came here, to get some of the questions that ran through my head after watching the Revolutions answered and get a better explanation of the whole Aristotle and Striker have greatly done so. Good stuff guys.....good stuff.

All you have offered to this to this forum is negativity....and your PMS attitude.

So what if someone asked a question about EMPs....It came across my mind why Zion didn't have any other advanced defense weapons. Why hate me or others for thinking thinking thi way? That's why there are forums like this to answer people's questions...whether they are simple or complex questions.

As a psychiatrist myself like the Oracle, you need to LET GO of EMPs. Just let it go, man. (in lay man terms) GET A LIFE!

I think it's hilarious how this bothers you so much, but I think it's useless for you to do so.

Again, let it go, Redwimp.....let it.....go. this forum please.

Posted by: psychiatrist at November 15, 2003 07:57 PM

like the 'doc sed man, get a life. its mean, and it goes down to ur level, but its true. uve either misinterpreted what i said, or youve deliberately attached a false meaning to it in order to create a false platform for you to dish out your tough talking garbage from. the statement i believe u misinterpreted was
'neo inherently rejects all the matrix's rules, and so can change them, so htat most of humanity will accept it'. this refers in no way to neo's stability inside the matrix. it inherently suggests that he would be a problem.

there, im done. why call yourself redpimp anyway? a little insecure maybe? maybe smiles picked up on that, albeit his criticism was a little crude. but get a life. as smiles(or buffoon in your eyes) said, 'go bowling'. i thought that was funny.

i have a question, not to do with the movie so much, but what happened to the original oracle actor? how did she die? she was kinda cool.

Posted by: fat guy at November 15, 2003 08:39 PM

FATGUY.....Dont try to hide the fact that you lack the ability or the information to make a strong argument that supports your opinion. Nothing i posted that was addressed to you can half way be described as deragatory or posted in some fit of rage because some pinkaninny chose to discus EMPs
out of the entire tapestry of the Matrix trilogy.... He has every right to
want to discuss that.... I however choose to tackle more important issues like the messages that were being passed forth in the movie....
If you have an argument to make..please make it and stop hiding behind some mythical anger you made up...

You point was that the architect did not create agent smith and that is the only issue out of your post i addressed and i focussed totally on that point and made my arguments eloquently enought citing my sources and directing you to the number one website that is a major authority on this issue... For you to post nonsense about my attitude or the supposed meaning of my handle (REDPIMP) is indicative of your mental short comings...Non of my posts directed at you can in any way be described as
vindictive..You are trying to hide behind my earlier posts directed at some one else because your argument holds no water and i believe you failed to formulate a better theory and rather than admit your mistake you choose to dredge up some earlier posts of mine that have nothing to do with the topic at hand....

Ps..the name redpimp is derived from my longer handle Scarlett-PIMPernell
If you are as intelligent as you claim to be figuring out that handle can be shortened to REDPIMP should be really easy....

And once again, admitting that you are wrong is not the worst thing in the world

Posted by: Redpimp at November 15, 2003 10:19 PM


It amazes me that an individual such as yourself who claims to have a "LIFE" still finds time to engage in arguments he finds stupid....Dude by
default you are the lifless loser who has nothing better to do other than referee discussions that no one really invited you to join in...

If you want to discuss something sensible please feel free to ask you questions you will find many besides me to oblige you. However dont feel heart broken if i choose to label useless discussions about EMPs as irrelevant and discard them aside....

Funny thing is i seem to be the only one who responded (albeit dismissively) to the whole EMP discussion...It seems to me a large element
of the posters might be in agreeance that out of all the issues in the
matrix Trilogy EMPs will be the least discussed issue....Hmmmm may be they also think its a dumb discussion....But you have every right to engage in it....My calling it dumb is subjective...Dont let me hold you back from any mental stimulation you may derive from it...

Ps,.... Can you hook me up with some prozac, i find it really cool to watch Wachowski work while hopped up on one drug or other!!!1

Posted by: Redpimp at November 15, 2003 11:01 PM

Oh and by the way i was nice enough to go dive into the MAtrix official
website and dug up the comics i was talking about that will help you understand what Agent Smith is and the fact that he is just another programme created by the architect...ONLY THING IS THAT HE IS AND "EPOS"
here is the link.

Find the comic done by Paul Chadwick titled "LET IT ALL FALL DOWN"

Posted by: Redpimp at November 16, 2003 12:01 AM

Smith was created by the architect. The architect said he created the matrix, so if he created the matrix he obviously created the programs and stuff in it. And if he didn't create Smith then who did?

Posted by: Joe at November 16, 2003 01:51 AM

Dear redpimp,

I must apologize if I didn't make myself clear. I agree with you that the architect did created Smith. Agent Smith was created as an agent to monitor the Matrix. No doubt about that. It was too obvious that I did not mention that. However that was not what you meant b/f. This is what you wrote to Smiles: (it's an exact quotation. I copied and pasted)

"The Architect is the creator of the matrix, he is the one in charge of doing the complex equations that make up the matrix. Therefore he chose to solve the NEO equation by creating its
Equal in Agent Smith (ergo the equation is now balanced DUMBASS)
The architect created AGENT SMITH!!!!!
Posted by: REdpimp at November 14, 2003 05:05 PM

Here you state that he (the architect) chose to solve the NEO equation by creating its Equal in Agent Smith. What this sentence sounds like to me is that the architect deliberately made Agent Smith into somekind of virus alike to destroy Neo to balance out the equation.

My argument was that the architect did not create Smith to balance out Neo deliberately. It just happened (perhaps inevitably). Agent Smith was not the solution for Neo that architect had in mind. That's what I meant. The architect created agent Smith as an agent that monitors the Matrix, not a solution for Neo.

If you don't agree. There's nothing I could do. The Matrix is just a movie. There's no truth to it. What we are doing here right now is that the director of the movie Matrix left clues here and there throughout the movie. We are here to discuss about the clues that each found and trying to figure out what the director had in mind. Fortunately they left us enough clues to make a logical ending to it.

You mentioned logics on your posts. Did you take any logic class in college? well I minor in philosophy and I had a chance to study formal and informal logic. Your argument is what we call ad hominem. If you did take logic class you would know what I mean. In order to have logical argument you have to have a major premise and a minor premise. Out of those you have to make a conclusion. You can't just attack on people's intelligent. Let me give you an advice b/f I go. Your choice of word reveals your intellect. When you meet really intelligent people, they choose their words very wisely. they don't just call you dumb *** . You sound like a smart guy. What you need is discipline.

oh... one more thing. b/c the Matrix is just a movie made by ordinary human being, not gods, there are flaws to it. Flaws such as EMP question that you are bringing up. It's a valid question to ask. Why didn't Zion prepare something better for their defense? It's a flaw that was overlooked by the director. There's nothing wrong w/ asking a question about that. At least that guy was sharp enough to pick that up while you and I were too busy picking up clues. People are talented in many different ways. Some are good at picking out flaws, some are good at picking out clues. You can't call someone a dumb *** b/c that person sees something differently.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 16, 2003 01:55 AM

To psychiatrist,
Thanks. Again, I'm flattered. *^^*

To striker,
as I promised, I posted my interpretation of the Matrix at Although it's not complete, I think I brought enough interesting points. I spent lotz of time writing that thing. The least you could do is comment on it. Let me know if you agree w/ some of my ideas.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 16, 2003 02:32 AM

What you wrote the Matrix: The truth??? I didn't know. Is it ok if u use it on my site and inclue your name and everything so people have more of a chance of reading it??

Posted by: striker at November 16, 2003 05:03 AM

O sorry i didn't get that post with the link but now i have it, i see it now and it's brilliant!! So did you write the Matrix: The truth on this link or was it somebody else??

Posted by: striker in a fiddle at November 16, 2003 05:07 AM

boy u make people mad man. no, i dont have sufficient context to back up a major argument in this forum. this forum's purpose is not solely to argue. it is to inform. i wish to be informed. however if you step into myworld and leave all your weapons and tools behind im pretty sure i could batter you to death in an argument. not that prior to your above posts, i would have chose to. my reply was to this 'Some one said something like NEO would not be a problem in the Matrix as opposed to Agent SMith (FATGUY)'. this is the exact form of argument you criticise me of in your reply. now we could get into a huge cut and paste brawl here, but that would only dig the hole deeper. your trying to take my argument on me and turn it around, inflaming me into calling you a hypocrite so that you can take the moral high ground i was once on, because you felt its righteousness. but i cant be bothered to get into it. let it go. u want to be proclaimed as the great knowitall in this forum or something? your views are kept at more then just a subjective level man, you werent just offering your thougts and opinions when dealing with empguy. do us a favour and kut the attitude. keep the syntax tidy.

Posted by: fat boy at November 16, 2003 05:40 AM

as all of you are argueing...please keep in mind the movie sucked. thank you.

Posted by: kevbo at November 16, 2003 08:47 AM

To Kevbo,

I understand that you didn't like this but some people did, like me for an instance. Why are you wasting your time writing silly little remarks like the one above when you could be wrtitng about a movie that you did like, Rugrats go wild or whatever?

Now it's time for my view on the movie....

. The action was fantastic
. Acting was better, more emotional depth then in Reloaded
. Neo vs Agent Smith battle was better then i could have dreamed of
. There was more blood, i know that sounds stupid but it felt more real
. Open for another chapter
. Special effects were brilliant, the battle at the end looked so REAL. Never seen anything like it.
. Seen it three times, it gets better the more you see it
. some of the best acting from Agent Smith, amazing!

. Poor poor Trinity, my fave character
. so where was morpheus?? where was he??
. I heard there was a helcoptor battle but i didn't see it
. Running time went so fast
. i never ate my popcorn where i was so excited

Posted by: the webmaster at November 16, 2003 09:04 AM


You might not believe this but i am that kind of guy who will accept explanations alternative to mine as long as they are viable...I have said again and again that the Architect created agent SMith but that does not mean he fore saw what Smith could become...That is the nature of EPOS (i hope you read the comic regarding EPOS) If any one reads that comic this whole argument will become moot being that you yourself will see how the best argument to be made here is that Agent Smith is a creation of the Architect gone bad.....


Secondly (forgive me if you didnt say this) You or striker gave some rather bad explanations for why you think the little girl is the "NEW ORACLE TO BE" so to speak... Both of you failed to provide any satisfactory evidence to point to this apart from a line that one could make anything of from a video game.... You both chose to dismiss glaring clues or evidence of the fact that the girl just might be simply a program that controls the weather...(Matter of fact the Oracle very clearly asks the girl if the bright sunset (or sunrise) she was pointing at was her doing in Memory of Neo....(THIS IS AN UNDENIABLE FACT THAT SHE HAS THE ABILITY TO AFFECT WEATHER) I also directed you to the scene in reloaded when the Oracle explains to NEO who the different programs in the Matrix work to cement my theory on who the girl is....
Also you both make no sense whatsoever when you make a claim that the Oracle who happens to be a program, that has existed in the past 5 matrices prior to this one, for some reason or other needs the shell of a young girl.... (Being that the Oracle is a program and programs do not grow old or need replacement per se unless they have become absolete....)

I dont buy the theory of the girl being the oracles replacement for these reasons...

-1) The girl is undeniably responsible for controlling weather (at least the sun) and that is her role as a program
-2) In Revolutions, the Oracle in no uncertain terms states that she has paid a price for helping Neo and thats the reason she gives for having a new shell
-3) You dont give us any sensible reasons or verifiable reasons as to why
the girl will become the new oracle apart for a line from a video game from which any one can make anything of....

I will stick to my theory for now until i come upon a better explanation that does not ignore the facts as give straight to us in the movie

Again Aristotle if you did not state that you were in agreeance with the theory that the girl to be the new oracle then you have my apologies...



Posted by: REdpimp at November 16, 2003 04:55 PM


Forgive me but i just couldnt help myself. I just have to ask you how in the world you came up with that Kill bill review...In my not so humble opinion i dont see how some one who grades kill bill with such high critique can also be a fan of the Matrix trilogies....I could comprehend some one liking kill bill and the Matrix but your fascination with both movies is really weird...Kill bill is the exact opposite of the Matrix with very terrible dialogue, absolutely no depth, little or no originality
capped off by terrible fight choreography (These are not just my opinions on it but Quentin Tarantino admits as much in an interview he did with Time magazine and he goes on to explain that he will make up for these short comings in Part two. If you need me to i can look up the article and post a link to it)

Question is what gives???? You give kill bill 9/10???? That movie was awful. When i first read your posts i thought you were a genuine guy with a mind of his own now i am beginning to think you are just another hollywood eager beaver willing to accept anything spit forth from the bowels of Quentin Tarantinos uncreative mind...You remind me of Ebert&Roeper....Sorry; man but after i read your kill bill review i could help but to ask what the hell you were talking about????

Posted by: REDPIMP at November 16, 2003 05:21 PM

The oracle is at the centre of the Matrix series: she is the true hero. The last film repositions her as the creator of the Smith virus ("mum') and she even sacrifices herself to this virus in order to be able to give Neo the final prompts in the finale. The WB's did brilliantly to make a sloppy-dressed granny into the central playmaker. Her rivalry with the Architect goes past anything we see directly in the film, but she clearly exploits the flaw in his (and her) design, the systemic anomaly that is personified in Neo, to take a huge risk: to save humans, much like certain people today risk much to save endangered animals!

Posted by: inland taipan at November 17, 2003 02:46 AM

Your very different then me in one BIG way. You think that QT has an un-creative mind, when i think he has a very creative mind. Yes i do like The matrix trilogy, probably even more then KIll Bill but that movie was excellent to me because i love sumari movies and i used to watch them when i was younger. It was just so fresh to see an american sumari movie, but i totally disagree that it had bad choreography. No, i do not eccept anything that comes out of Hollywood. Iwas just impressed on how much QT knew about sumari movies, i have only seen it once but i must see again because there are soooo many referances to sumari movies that i couldn't seee them all. I admitt that my review was a bit over-the-top but i was high on adrenline that day. But there is something else you should know is that i love all kinds of different things, but KIll Bill and the matrix is not so different. Some things are simular like the anime facination. I LOVE ANIME!!

Posted by: striker at November 17, 2003 02:49 AM

It's RIDICULOUS when you think about it. The movie sucks (I guess, I refuse to see it), everybody seems to agree (both critics and audience), yet it's STILL getting SO many visitors. Unbelievable.

Posted by: Skipz at November 17, 2003 09:24 AM

I ahte the matrix but i know why so many ppl are going to see it, it is because it is so imaginative and how such good action. But i hate it, why? Well i hate it because i came up with a matrix story like it, they stole it. My story was about boy called ASh who finds out the whole world is a fake and he meets this bloke who designed it and thye go itno the real world which is dominated by cyborgs. Well its simular???

Posted by: usol at November 17, 2003 12:22 PM

to usol,

Yes, it does sound similar. However you weren't the first one to come up w/ a story like that. It was Plato 4th Century B.C. in Republic.

To. Redpimp,
Just letting you know I never said the little girl was next oracle.

Posted by: Aristotle at November 17, 2003 01:47 PM

This is the infamous Bradley Norris. I am here to apolegize for your misinterpretation of my text. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, go to, open up the Matrix Revolutions page, go to reader reviews, and find SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!. I admit, Warner Bros. were out for more money, but they kinda had to make a sequel for The Matrix. It ends without ever exploring Zion or ending the war. Give them credit, and least they finished it. You would be complaining even more had they not made these movies. And, who can honestly say that they did not enjoy these movies. Even from the most pessimistic view you can not say that these movies did not dazzle you at least once or twice, maybe even 10 times. I, on the other hand, loved the death out of these movies. I already know how LOTR ends, (I read the books, which you should do), and I know that Peter Jackson will not dissapoint you. But, just lay off. This movie is a classic. Now, if you have never seen The Count of Monte Cristo, GO SEE IT! It has a perfect and entertaining plot, quality action, and good acting.

Posted by: Bradley Norris at November 18, 2003 04:25 PM

Sorry but you guys who have bashed this movie so hard need to get an imagination. Did you go watch little mermaid and say it sucked just cause they didn't explain where mermaids come from. I don't think that the matrix trilogy is the best as far as "film quality" goes, but for story and entertainment's great. The script is phenomonal and the character development is descent. The architect's speech didn't need to be explained at all in the third film because it was explained when it was given,,,maybe you missed something but it was a completely understandable speech. Watch it again and you will find that the do in fact say why neo has powers outside of the matrix. "NO ACTION"!!! are you blind...the end fight was the best out of all the movies, the fight between the bionicle looking dudes and the squids was unreal. I must repeat...the movies are not that great, but learn to use your imaginations a bit and maybe you will enjoy the movies you see a bit more. And P.S...don't get me started on the lord of the rings...whoever it was that said "go hobbits"...booooo! Best trilogy hands down was the godfather trilogy and it will stay that way I fear for a long time...(alien trilogy too...cause the last one sucked so it's still a trilogy in my book.

Posted by: Pitt Gilman at November 19, 2003 01:02 AM

The movie is made worse off by not explaining: How can Neo have powers outside the Matrix? Did I miss anything in the movie?

Posted by: Jake at November 19, 2003 03:58 AM

To Jake,

i have posted this more then three times but here is the answer to your question:


Each version of the One ultimately failed. Neo is different, in Reloaded he choose the door that led to Trinity, not the door that RESETS the program. Note: The Architect even noticed that Neo's experience in the Matrix was different than all the rest, realizing he was the first of them to fall in love.
Neo's choice has changed everything. The system is still threatened by Smith's behavior, so the Oracle makes a new choice; one she has never done before because no version of the One has ever chosen the difficult path as opposed to easy one of just resetting the system. She allows herself to become merged with Smith in the HOPE that she'll be able to help Neo when the time is right.
Neo makes another unique choice. He goes to the machines and asks for PEACE as opposed to simply destroying the system by going through the opposite door as all other versions of the One did. It was a simple as that to save Zion. Machines don't need very long to process that this may be a better idea than just constantly resetting the system.
At the end, Smith says to Neo the movies tagline - "Everything that has a beginning has an end," as the Oracle is speaking to Neo through Smith. Neo realizes it all along, the only way to end this is to sacrifice himself. The Oracle noted that Neo and the Source (the computer mainframe, the Architect they're all one and the same so don't get confused) are connected which is why he can control machines outside the Matrix. He uses this connection to his advantage. He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?

Posted by: striker at November 19, 2003 11:29 AM

Let's end it, everyone has different interpetations, everyone has different points and views, everyone overall are different. You either like Revolutions or you don't. Stop arguing over people who think differntly then you, of course they will. Such an ending for the series is not a betrayal of one’s affection for its previous installments, but a disappointing conclusion that observes its inevitability with obligation rather than celebration. The Matrix Revolutions is, truly, the unfettered vision of the Wachowkis’ most self-indulgent (and clearly self-contained) efforts. It’s just too bad that the last memory they leave fans with will be one that they are only too eager to let fade away....

Posted by: END OF ARGUEMENTS! at November 19, 2003 03:21 PM

After I saw Reloaded, a thought hit me that I wondered if anyone knew the answer to: if the people who are in the matrix who do not know it have a kid, how do you explain that? Their two real bodies are hooked up seperately in different tubes, maybe miles apart. Yet, a baby appears in the matrix, and it has a body. But on the other hand, if the machines make a new body, how do they fit it into the scheme of it being born by parents. Confusing, I know, but I just want to know how they explain population growth in the matrix. If anyone knows the answer to this, you deserve to be called a genius.

Posted by: Bradley Norris at November 19, 2003 04:20 PM

Someone explain to me how the characters were able breathe outside of their ships while in the tunnels? How could there be oxygen in the air?

Posted by: RTL at November 19, 2003 06:30 PM

RTL: Good observation, problems like that do arise in movies that are suck-ish. Fortunately, the director/producers planned in making the movie so boring and flat...plot flaws such as breathing in tunnels bereft of oxygen doesn't matter. Caring and concern are feelings that have been given way to apathy and indifference, in most of the viewers.....hence, no problem.....just give me my 10 bucks back.


Posted by: kevin the complaining guy at November 19, 2003 08:53 PM

Why ask questions that are obvioulsy ppl we will not know. Well this is my go, if the matrix is an illusion then when the mother has the baby is an illusion like food, drink etc

In Zion there are many facilities and one is to provide oxyegen...

Posted by: striker at November 20, 2003 11:54 AM

Striker says: He becomes a Mr. Smith and since all the Smith's are connected, the Source now has a lock on Smith and simply deletes him. Pretty simple huh?

---Maybe not delete him, cause deleting SMITH will imply deleting Neo, since one can not exist without the other, I believe that now he has the program Smith under control.

Posted by: Ukata at November 20, 2003 01:49 PM

In Zion there are many facilities and one is to provide oxyegen...

Actually RTL: in the 2nd movie the counselor shows Neo the machine that provides oxygen to the Zion people, when they are at the engineering level :)

Posted by: ukata at November 20, 2003 01:51 PM

Posted by: aristotle at November 7, 2003 04:03 PM

3Was noe killed? (yes. at the Reload, architect tells him that the One has to be assimilated in order to make a new Matrix. At the end of the movie, new Matrix was created. Therefore, the One has been assimilated)

----At the end of the 3rd movie there was no new matrix created, it was only change, as in the 1st movie Neo's dejavu with the black cat and Trin explian that dejavu occurs when something in the matrix is changed, same in the 3rd movie, they are just fixing the matrix not reloading, not creating a new one. Same thing happend in the animatrix with the "haunted house". The architect told Neo that the One need to carry his code (kind of the "constructor" as in programming of the matrix) to the source (meaning that he need to reload the matrix), but Neo didn't do that. What he did at then end was go to source looking for peace...the deal: I will put Smith under your control again.

Now that the peace is here, what is going to happen. Well they can't free all the humans. Why because then the machines will "die", they need to clean the Earth, so now the machines can get the nergy from the sun again, they need to slowly free the people still plug, and they need to give that people the option to be in the matrix or outside the matrix...everything is about choice.

Posted by: JC at November 20, 2003 02:09 PM

Posted by: aristotle At the end of Revolution, Neo makes a deal w/ Architect. The deal was Architect
stops the invasion and Neo get rid off Smith.

JC --- After the 2nd movie Noe never saw the architect again.
(In reloaded:
Neo: : If I were you I will hope you never see me again"
Architect: "We won't"
And they didn't, at the end Neo goes to the machine city and talk to the source.

Posted by: JC at November 20, 2003 02:31 PM

Posted by: Bradley Norris

After I saw Reloaded, a thought hit me that I wondered if anyone knew the answer to: if the people who are in the matrix who do not know it have a kid, how do you explain that? Their two real bodies are hooked up seperately in different tubes, maybe miles apart. Yet, a baby appears in the matrix, and it has a body. But on the other hand, if the machines make a new body, how do they fit it into the scheme of it being born by parents. Confusing, I know, but I just want to know how they explain population growth in the matrix. If anyone knows the answer to this, you deserve to be called a genius.

Posted by: Bradley Norris

I am by no means a genius i prefer to think of you as a tom fool therefore any individual who chooses to exercise their very rare common sense would appear vastly intelligent when compared to one such as yourself...

The machines breed humans in testubes (like testube babies) this was very very clearly explained in the first matrix story....Therefore when two human beings in 2 pods that are miles apart meet in the matrix (remember the matrix is not real) and make whoopie, its up to the matrix to calculate
the possibility of fertilization that would result in a new baby added to
the matrix... This baby does not have to be biologically related to these two individuals. They just get one of the thousands of babies they were previously breeding and put him in his pod. The parents are fed images of
them bringing up a child (we all know the matrix is not real) while the child is fed images of these two individuals bring it up....

Now to me that is not rocket science and worse yet it was explained in the first Matrix....Therefore I am no genius, it just you who is a fool

Posted by: Redpimp at November 20, 2003 03:31 PM

Red Pimp,
You call me a fool. Perhaps you should go suck on your boyfriend's cock until you realize that you didn't even answer my question. I happen to have an I.Q. of 131, (I am not lying), but that question that I asked was too hard for me to explain in words that idiots like you can understand, if they can even be put into words. But, listen, the babies being harvested that are just filled in the matrix so that the couple has a kid, has been there for a while. But the "body cannot exist without a mind," so that kid has to be plugged into the matrix at some time. It cannot simply wait until, wait, there is a couple having sex, it's time for me to all of a sudden get inserted. No, you jack@$$, you are wrong. Now, you better reply back because you are a definite idiot, but a want to see your pitiful excuse at such a pitiful attempt to answer such an arduous question. Besides, what kind of a name is "Redpimp?" You are probably some 30 year old fat @$$ who just sits around on the computer all day, playing games and looking at porn, wishing you could get a girl (period). I wonder how many hours of your worthless life you have spent on watching the matrix, you seem to have seen it a few times. I have wasted 6 minutes of my precious life on you, so I am going to end this now. Everyone else, I am sorry that you have had to listen to this idiot throughout this webpage.

Posted by: Bradley Norris at November 20, 2003 04:21 PM

Bradley Norris at November 20, 2003 04:21 PM

Red Pimp,

but that question that I asked was too hard for me to explain in words that idiots like you can understand, if they can even be put into words.

Posted by: Redpimp at November 20, 2003 05:11 PM

OK, just stumbled across this on a search so there probably isn't anyone who's going to see this, but:

I was initially dissapointed with the third film, but having read these essays about the two last films, and all the religous symbolism/allegory in it, I was quite amazed seeing it for a second time. I strongly advise anyone to read these, especially the Revolutions one:

Posted by: Mike at March 4, 2004 10:31 AM